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UK Gateway


Last updated: 29-Oct-2021

To tokenize cardholder data through Checkout follow these steps:

  1. Create a customer using the createCustomer API
  2. Create a checkout using the createCheckout API and set configurations.card.process_transaction to false and configurations.card.threed_secure.enabled to false for only tokenization. If configurations.card.threed_secure.enabled is set to true a 3DS authentication will be done. Set the amount to any amount higher than 0 (zero). The response would look like:
      "_id": "string",
      "url": "string"

    The _id field is the ID of the checkout object. The url field is the URL that the consumer should be sent to to complete the checkout process.

  3. Redirect the Cardholder to the url of the checkout page, received when creating the checkout.
  4. After the consumer has provided his card details and submitted the form, there are two ways to retrieve the card._id:
    1. Consumer will be redirected to the return_url with the card._id appended to the url like so:
    2. The card._id will also be stored in the checkout object. Use getCheckout API using the id that you received in the Checkout response /v1/checkout/{{id}}. Retrieve the card._id from the configurations.card.card field. The response will look like this:
          "configurations": {
              "card": {
                 "card": "5cade83a35f9660226f21726"


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