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UK Gateway


Last updated: 29-Oct-2021

An API-key is configured for a user account with the MerchantSupervisor and MerchantCashier roles, because it is necessary to be able to create and manipulate transactions. Users without this role will not have an API Key. The key can be retrieved by looking at your own user's account page. The easiest way to access this is to click on your own name at the top right of the interface. Monitor the email account used to obtain API keys because notifications will be sent there. It is recommended to use an administrator email address and not a personal email address.

A user can create a new API-key next to the one already attached to their account. A user can have upto 2 API-keys.

The expiration date of the API-key is also listed next to its description. If an API-key is close to expiring, an email will be sent to the email address attached to the user account.

Getting your API-key

Your API-key can initially only be obtained through the UI.

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