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UK Gateway

Google Pay™

Last updated: 29-Oct-2021

By integrating Google Pay, you agree to Google Pay API terms of service.

Follow the Google Pay Brand guidelines, Tutorial, and Integration checklist.

To start with your Google Pay implementation, please refer to the guides for Google Pay API for Android or Web.

Integration with Android SDK

Use Google Pay for integrating your Android app distributed through the Google Play Store. After following this tutorial for setting up Google Pay in your app you will be presented with a token representing the tokenized credit or debit card information which will be required to initiate the transaction with Verifone.

In the tutorial you'll need to provide the following information for the following requests:

For the isReadyToPayRequest:

  • apiVersion : 2
  • apiVersionMinor : 0
  • allowedPaymentMethods.type: "CARD"
  • allowedPaymentMethods.parameters.allowedAuthMethods: ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"]
  • allowedPaymentMethods.parameters.allowedCardNetworks: ["MASTERCARD", "VISA"]

For the paymentMethodTokenizationSpecification:

  • tokenizationSpecification.type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY'
  • tokenizationSpecification.parameters.gateway: 'verifone'
  • tokenizationSpecification.parameters.gatewayMerchantId: 'account._id'

The Google Pay token is received in the paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token response. This token should be used to initialize a card payment as described in this guide.

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