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UK Gateway

Test Cases 2.1.0

Last updated: 29-Oct-2021

Note: for all test cases please use expiry year longer than 3 years from current year.

Test Case 1: Successful Frictionless Authentication

Scenario Successful frictionless authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001000
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001005
American Express PAN 340000000001007
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = Y, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <value>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should append the Cavv and EciFlag values to the authorization message.
ECI Value 05 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 02 Mastercard


Test Case 2: Failed Frictionless Authentication

Scenario Failed frictionless authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001018
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001013
American Express PAN 340000000001015
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = N, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should NOT continue authorization. Merchant should prompt for another form of payment and is not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 3: Attempts Frictionless Authentication

Scenario Attempts frictionless authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001026
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001021
American Express PAN 340000000001023
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = A, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <value>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should append Cavv and EciFlag to the authorization message.
ECI Value 06 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 01 Mastercard


Test Case 4: Unavailable Frictionless Authentication from the Issuer

Scenario Unavailable frictionless authentication from the issuer.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001034
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001039
American Express PAN 340000000001031
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y pares_status = U, signature_verification = Y cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank> payload = <blank>, error_no = 0 error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 5: Rejected Frictionless Authentication by the Issuer

Scenario Rejected frictionless authentication by the issuer.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001042
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001047
American Express PAN 340000000001049
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = R, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should NOT continue with authorization. Merchant should prompt for another form of payment and is not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 6: Authentication Not Available on Lookup

Scenario Authentication not available on lookup.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001059
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001054
American Express PAN 340000000001056
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = U, pares_status = <blank>, signature_verification = <blank>, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 7: Error on Lookup

Scenario Error on lookup.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001067
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001062
American Express PAN 340000000001064
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = U, pares_status = <blank>, signature_verification = <blank>, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = <value>, error_desc = <value\
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 8: Timeout on lookup Transaction

Scenario Timeout on lookup transaction.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001075
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001070
American Express PAN 340000000001072
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = U, pares_status = <blank>, signature_verification = <blank>, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = <value>, error_desc = <value>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) N/A
Merchant Action Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 9: Successful Step Up Authentication

Scenario Successful step up authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001091
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001096
American Express PAN 340000000001098
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = C, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value> acs_url = <value>, payload = <value>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) PAResStatus = Y, SignatureVerification = Y, Cavv = <value> EciFlag = <ECI value>, ErrorNo = 0, ErrorDesc = <blank>
Merchant Action Merchant should append Cavv and EciFlag to the authorization message.
ECI Value 05 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 02 Mastercard


Test Case 10: Failed Step Up Authentication

Scenario Failed step up authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001109
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001104
American Express PAN 340000000001106
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = C, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>,acs_url = <value>, payload = <value>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) PAResStatus = N, SignatureVerification = Y, Cavv = <blank>, EciFlag = <ECI value>, ErrorNo = 0, ErrorDesc = <blank>
Merchant Action Merchant should NOT continue with authorization. Merchant should prompt for another form of payment and is not permitted to submit this transaction for authorization.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 11: Step Up Authentication is Unavailable

Scenario Step up authentication is unavailable.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001117
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001112
American Express PAN 340000000001114
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = C, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <value>, payload = <value>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) PAResStatus = U, SignatureVerification = Y, Cavv = <blank>, EciFlag = <ECI value>, ErrorNo = 0, ErrorDesc = <blank>
Merchant Action Merchant can retry authentication or process authorization as merchant liability.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 12: Error on Authentication

Scenario Error on authentication.
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001125
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001120
American Express PAN 340000000001122
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = C, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <blank>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <value>, payload = <value>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Expected Results - JWT (payments.validated event) PAResStatus = <blank>, SignatureVerification = <blank>, Cavv = <blank>, EciFlag = <blank>, ErrorNo = <value> ErrorDesc = value
Merchant Action Merchants have the option of retaining the liability and submitting the transaction as non-authenticated. An alternative action would be to prompt for another form of payment.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard


Test Case 13: Require MethodURL

Scenario Require MethodURL
Test Values Exp Date: 01/****
Visa PAN 4000000000001141
Mastercard PAN 5200000000001146
American Express PAN 340000000001148
Expected Results - Lookup enrolled = Y, pares_status = Y, signature_verification = Y, cavv = <value>, eci_flag = <ECI value>, acs_url = <blank>, payload = <blank>, error_no = 0, error_desc = <blank>
Merchant Action Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.
ECI Value 07 Visa, American Express
ECI Value 00 Mastercard

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