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UK Gateway


Last updated: 29-Oct-2021

The dummy processor is a test processor available on the sandbox environment that has been designed to assist with integration testing and troubleshooting. If the dummy processor is not available to you please contact your administrator. The dummy processor can be configured without any credentials.


A dummy processor can be configure through the API:

  "configuration": {
    "_type": "card_dummy"
  "name": "Test Processor",
  "organisation": "string"

Or created through the UI.

Generate Error Responses

Initiating card transactions can return a number of error codes. Those error responses can be easily tested, by creating requests in a special way, triggering a given error code. Firstly, the amount parameter of POST /v1/transaction is used for this and it will take into account the last 3 digits of amount (including decimal fractions) - an error will be triggered based on error number below if found. If amount does not end with error listed below then the merchant_reference parameter of POST /v1/transaction is used for this purpose. Both mechanisms ONLY apply when using the dummy processor. The error codes can be invoked as described in the table below.

amount merchant_reference Transaction status Response code
*121 please 121 DECLINED 121
*122 please 122 UNKNOWN 122
*123 please 123 FAILED 123
*131 please 131 UNAVAILABLE 131
*132 please 132 NOT_SUPPORTED 132


Generate CVV Result

Initiating card transactions can return a number of cvv_result values. Those values can be easily tested, by creating requests in a special way, triggering a given cvv_result. The cvv field of the card used in POST /v1/transaction is used for this purpose and it ONLY applies when using processor_dummy. The cvv_result values can be invoked as described in the table below. See description of the values in the Key Concepts Cards

card.cvv cvv_result
"111" "1"
"222" "2"
"333" "3"
any other value "0"


Generate AVS Result

Initiating card transactions can return a number of avs_result values. Those values can be easily tested, by creating requests in a special way, triggering a given avs_result. The billing.address_1 field of the customer used in POST /v1/transaction is used for this purpose and it ONLY applies when using processor_dummy. The avs_result values can be invoked as described in the table below. See description of the values in the Key Concepts Customers

customer.billing.address_1 avs_result
"101" '1'
"102" '2'
"103" '3'
"106" '6'
"107" '7'
"112" '12'
"113" '13'
"115" '15'
"117" '17'
"118" '18'

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