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Next renewal price


Retrieve the costs of the next subscription renewal.


Parameters Type/Description




Price without taxes




Currency for the price without taxes. The currency ISO code used for the payment - ISO 4217.




Price with taxes




Currency used for prices with taxes. The currency ISO code used for the payment - ISO 4217.


Finance documents


The Accounting menu provides an easy way of keeping tabs on your 2Checkout account's financial activity.


All 2Checkout accounts. 

How to run net sales reports

  1. Access the Finance documents area by opening the corresponding menu in the Accounting section.
  2. Use the Period net sales section to generate reports based on the net sales generated on your account within a specified time period. The report displays by default the net sales due in the last 30 days.
  3. Use the Period net sales search section to choose the period net sales status, due date and paid date to include in the report.
  4. Once you have finished configuring your filters, click Search. The report is displayed below and it contains 10 results/page. You can extend the displayed results number to 200 results/page.
  5. Export the entire generated report in CSV format by clicking the Export as CSV button.
  6. Click the More info button to see more information about a specific transaction.

  7. You can also download the transaction's invoice in either HTML or XML format, by selecting the desired format from the Actions column.

The Paid on column also shows you the invoice status:

  • Not paid
  • Partially paid
  • Paid
  • Canceled

2Checkout allows you to download multiple types of net sales reports for each sale:

  • Product overview report
  • Orders overview report
  • Products Report

Click the corresponding download link for each of these reports to download them.

How to run disputes balance reports

Use the Disputes balance section to generate reports based on the chargebacks opened on your account within a specified time period. The report displays by default the invoices due in the last 30 days.

  1. Choose the dispute balance status, due date and paid date to include in the report in the Disputes balance search section.
  2. Once you have finished configuring your filters, click Search. The report is displayed below and it contains 10 results/page. You can extend the displayed results number to 200 results/page.
  3. Export the entire generated report in CSV format by clicking the Export as CSV button.
  4. Click the More info button to see more information about a specific transaction.
  5. Download the transaction's invoice in HTML format, by selecting the desired format from the Action column.
  6. Download individual reports in CSV format for each transaction by clicking the corresponding download links.

The amounts shown in the CSV reports can have one of two possible statuses:

  • HOLD = opened chargebacks
  • RELEASE = closed chargebacks

The Disputes balance section also provides you information about your chargeback fund. The chargeback fund is retained by 2Checkout as soon as you sign the contract. 2Checkout uses this fund to settle chargebacks and refunds opened as late as six months after the termination of your 2Checkout contract. Six months after your 2Checkout contract ends, you receive the remaining chargeback fund back into your account.

How to view accounting services invoices

Generate reports based on the type of accounting services that you use in the Services section.

  1. Use the Accounting services section to filter the invoices based on their type, status, payment date and due date.
  2. Once you have finished configuring your filters, click Search. The report is displayed below and it contains 10 results/page. You can extend the displayed results number to 200 results/page.
  3. Download each invoice in PDF format, by selecting the format from the Actions column, or download the entire report in CSV format by clicking Export as CSV.

View order tracking IDs


To facilitate your access to shipping data for physical delivery products, 2Checkout offers you an easy way to access tracking IDs directly from your account.


All 2Checkout accounts.

Where can I find the tracking IDs?

  1. In the Order details page for each order that contains products with physical delivery. Click the Tracking details link below the Backup CD entry. The Tracking Details pop-up shows you two tracking IDs:
    • Tracking order ID = the identifier used by our back-up CD provider in their internal system. All Back-up CDs offered by 2Checkout have a tracking order ID.
    • Tracking ID = the identifier used by the shipping company. You can use this ID to track the shipment of an order. Important: Depending on the type of Back-up CD, the order might or might not have a tracking ID.
  2. You can also find the tracking details in the Order Search Export reports. Important: Before exporting the reports, make sure that the template that you are using includes the Tracking Order ID and Tracking ID column headers from the Product category. 
  3. 2Checkout also includes the tracking details in Instant Search Export reports. Important: To see the tracking details in this type of reports, make sure the template that you are using includes the Tracking Order ID and Tracking ID column headers.

Instant Notification Service (INS)


You can use the Instant Notification Service (INS) to automate order management processes by accepting order information via web posts. The INS is a service that will post sets of parameters to any URL you specify. Each post represents a message containing all the information you need about a specific event (such as when a recurring order re-bills successfully).

How can I use INS?

Use INS to automate back-end functions, including but not limited to:

  • Creating end-user accounts
  • Providing access to acquired services
  • Fulfilling purchases
  • Tracking orders and customers
  • Engaging customers

How does INS work?

  1. Create one or multiple INS listener pages on your website. 
  2. Configure the INS settings of your 2Checkout account to point to the URLs of your default/preferred listener pages.
  3. Set up multiple URLs if you require more listener pages, such as in testing scenarios in which you don’t want to use your default INS listener. 
  4. 2Checkout sends webhook notifications to the endpoints you defined when shoppers acquire products/services from your online store. 2Checkout packages the content information and sends it using secure (HTTPS) POST, according to your INS settings.
  5. 2Checkout sends the INS parameters according to your setup from INS Settings. To customize the information available in the notifications, check the parameters from the INS settings page. Learn more about INS parameters here.
  6. 2Checkout uses a SHA2/SHA3 signature to validate the HTTPS POST. Calculate the signature using data sent and your 2Checkout account’s secret key, following the instructions included in this article.
  7. Your custom INS listener scripts consume the notifications and process the info received.
  8. Configure your INS listeners to output a read receipt confirmation on the listener page after receiving a valid INS message. This article includes guidance on how to generate the confirmation.
  9. In the absence of a confirmation from one of your INS listeners, 2Checkout will make 5 attempts to send notifications to that endpoint, according to the failure retry process.
  10. In the eventuality that 2Checkout fails to send INS or doesn’t receive a confirmation from your INS listener, it displays an error in your Control Panel, on the Dashboard.

Set up INS endpoints

  1. Login into your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to INS settings under System settings.
  3. Click on Add endpoint to add a new URL configuration that will receive the notifications.
  4. Save your settings.

You can set up multiple endpoints for your INS notifications, for scenarios in which you have multiple Internal System that require to receive this information. You can add an unlimited number of endpoints that will receive notifications.

Debug INS

To view or debug INS notifications during the integration phase, place TEST orders.

Alternatively, search for specific orders in the Reports center menu and click on the API & Webhooks section. When you access the Instant Notification Service webhooks activity, you have the option to resend notifications. This action will help you retrieve the INS data already sent in case technical issues occurred and the set of parameters did not successfully reach the defined endpoints. 

You can resend notifications one by one (individual resend) or you can select multiple notifications that you want to resend via one single Resend action (bulk resend). Notifications selected for resend action will be included in the resend process, meaning that the resend action will not be performed instantly. In the resend process the initial set of parameters will be included, meaning the values will not be recalculated by the system. In the webhooks reports, resent notifications will be marked differently than the original/initial ones. The Resend action will consider only the original set of parameters, meaning that if you choose to resend both original and already resent notifications, the system will only consider the original set of parameters and only once a unique notification will be resent.

Secure your INS script

For security reasons, 2Checkout recommends that you restrict access to the INS script.


REST 5.0 Reference


Use the attached blueprints to integrate with the 2Checkout API via REST 5.0. 

Before you start using the 2Checkout API, make sure you are PCI DSS compliant. Find out more details about what PCI DSS compliance means and what you should do to be PCI compliant here.


To authenticate to the 2Checkout REST API include a header with the following structure into your requests:

X-Avangate-Authentication: code="{VENDOR_CODE}" date="{REQUEST_DATE_TIME}" hash="{HASH}"

Alternatively, use:

X-Avangate-Authentication: code='{VENDOR_CODE}' date='{REQUEST_DATE_TIME}' hash='{HASH}'

  • VENDOR_CODE: Your unique 2Checkout supplied merchant code.
  • REQUEST_DATE_TIME: The UTC date-time of the request. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. You must provide the time of the request in the GMT timezone.
  • HASH: The hash mac digest with an md5 hashing algorithm of the following: LEN(VENDOR_CODE) + VENDOR_CODE + LEN(REQUEST_DATE_TIME) + REQUEST_DATE_TIME. Use the secret key associated with your account for the hashing.

You must authenticate for all requests.

JSON encoded requests

The 2Checkout REST API supports only JSON encoded requests and responses. You need to include the following headers in your requests:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

Reponses follow HTTP specification regarding response headers. Successful responses are composed of:

  • An HTTP Success header.
  • A JSON encoded string.

REST API 5.0 Blueprints for Download


REST 5.0 Blueprints (.zip)



NetBanking is a payment method that you can use to make manual payments using a bank transfer. Card payments and net banking have a combined 37% marking share.​

Shoppers in India can use NetBanking to make a manual payment if:

  • they have a billing address and bank account in India.
  • their purchase currency is Indian Rupee (INR).


Supported countries: India.

Supported currencies: INR (Indian Rupee).


NetBanking provides a convenient digital channel for various types of payments without visiting a branch.

Activate NetBanking

Contact your account representative and request the activation of NetBanking.

Shopper flow

  1. The shopper initiates an online purchase.
  2. Once the products for purchase are selected, the 2Checkout checkout page will be displayed.
  3. The shopper selects NetBanking as a payment method and continues the checkout process.
  4. Once the shopper selects the Place order button, they will be redirected to the NetBanking payment flow. After the shopper it redirected, they select the preferred bank and proceed accordingly.
  5. For most instances in India, additional authentication will be required.
    NetBanking 3DS
  6. Once all steps are completed, the Finish page is displayed, as the order is confirmed.
    Finish page



When detecting the shopper country through geolocation, 2Checkout sets the country's currency as billing currency. Refer to the table below to see the display currency and billing currency values when your payment methods do not support the country's currency.


Payment method supports country currency

Payment method does not support country currency


Display currency = country currency

Display currency = country currency

Billing currency = country currency

Billing currency = default payment method currency

Retrieve a lead


Use the getLead method to retrieve leads created in the 2Checkout systems by fetching the lead code.

Request Parameters

Parameters Required Type/Description



String/Array of strings. Retrieves all leads based on their unique identification code (system-generated).





String. A valid email address used by the customer


Optional String. Must be one of the existing types of leads:
  • New
  • Used
  • UsedSuccess
  • Stopped
  • NotStopped


Optional String. The start date of the interval; format must be yyyy-mm-dd.


Optional String. The end date of the interval; format must be yyyy-mm-dd.



String/Array of strings. Searches for all leads containing the product code.


Optional String. The language of the shopper cart; ISO 639-1 two-letter code.


Optional String. The customers billing country; ISO 3166 two-letter code.


Optional String. API, shopping cart, ConvertPlus. Display the leads based on the source where they were created – via API or via the 2Checkout ordering engines.

Request Example


require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

try {
    $leadData = $client->getLead($sessionID, '60E6C4B574');
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "getLead: " . $e->getMessage();

var_dump("getLead", $leadData);

Response Example

class stdClass#18 (14) {
  public $LeadCode =>
  string(10) "60E6C4B574"
  public $GeneratedFrom =>
  string(3) "API"
  public $CartId =>
  string(11) "CartIdValue"
  public $Currency =>
  string(3) "EUR"
  public $Language =>
  string(2) "BG"
  public $ExternalReference =>
  string(18) "REST_API_3CHECKOUT"
  public $MachineId =>
  string(6) "123asd"
  public $LocalTime =>
  string(19) "2019-11-05 16:48:28"
  public $Items =>
  class stdClass#19 (1) {
    public $0 =>
    class stdClass#20 (15) {
      public $Code =>
      string(10) "04C26C50F8"
      public $Quantity =>
      string(1) "2"
      public $SKU =>
      public $Name =>
      string(5) "softy"
      public $Description =>
      public $IsDynamic =>
      public $Tangible =>
      public $PurchaseType =>
      string(7) "PRODUCT"
      public $PriceOptions =>
      public $RecurringOptions =>
      class stdClass#21 (5) {
        public $CycleLength =>
        public $CycleUnit =>
        public $CycleAmount =>
        public $ContractLength =>
        public $ContractUnit =>
      public $RenewalInformation =>
      class stdClass#22 (1) {
        public $SubscriptionReference =>
      public $MarketingCampaigns =>
      class stdClass#23 (3) {
        public $Type =>
        string(2) "23"
        public $ParentCode =>
        string(1) "m"
        public $CampaignCode =>
        string(2) "23"
      public $Price =>
      class stdClass#24 (2) {
        public $Amount =>
        string(2) "20"
        public $Type =>
        string(6) "CUSTOM"
      public $AdditionalFields =>
      public $SubscriptionStartDate =>
      string(19) "2019-11-05 16:48:28"
  public $BillingDetails =>
  class stdClass#25 (12) {
    public $FirstName =>
    string(8) "Customer"
    public $LastName =>
    string(9) "2Checkout"
    public $Phone =>
    public $Company =>
    public $FiscalCode =>
    string(8) "32423423"
    public $Email =>
    string(22) ""
    public $Address1 =>
    string(12) "Test Address"
    public $Address2 =>
    public $City =>
    string(2) "LA"
    public $Zip =>
    string(5) "12345"
    public $CountryCode =>
    string(2) "RO"
    public $State =>
    string(2) "CA"
  public $DeliveryDetails =>
  class stdClass#26 (12) {
    public $FirstName =>
    string(8) "Customer"
    public $LastName =>
    string(9) "2Checkout"
    public $Phone =>
    public $Company =>
    public $FiscalCode =>
    string(8) "32423423"
    public $Email =>
    string(22) ""
    public $Address1 =>
    string(12) "Test Address"
    public $Address2 =>
    public $City =>
    string(2) "LA"
    public $Zip =>
    string(5) "12345"
    public $CountryCode =>
    string(2) "RO"
    public $State =>
    string(2) "CA"
  public $DeliveryInformation =>
  class stdClass#27 (1) {
    public $ShippingMethod =>
    class stdClass#28 (1) {
      public $Code =>
      string(5) "sdfsd"
  public $PaymentDetails =>
  class stdClass#29 (4) {
    public $Type =>
    string(2) "CC"
    public $Currency =>
    string(3) "EUR"
    public $PaymentMethod =>
    class stdClass#30 (2) {
      public $RecurringEnabled =>
      public $CardPayment =>
      class stdClass#31 (1) {
        public $InstallmentsNumber =>
        string(2) "23"
    public $CustomerIP =>
    string(7) ""
  public $Promotions =>
  array(1) {
    [0] =>
    string(0) ""

Payment receipt


2Checkout automatically sends out the payment receipt email to provide shoppers with confirmation and details of their payment.

As of July 13th, 2016, you can use a redesigned template complete with fresh content. The new template has replaced the previous payment receipt email, but any customization you have in place, either in terms of styling or content, continues to be available.


All 2Checkout accounts.

What is the purpose of this email?

2Checkout sends the payment receipt email for all successfully authorized transactions.

Email content

The email provides confirmation and detailed information on the content of the order placed by your shoppers and on the payment they performed:

  1. Payment receipt with information on the payment method, ordered products, quantities, unit prices, taxes, and total amount.
  2. Billing/Delivery Information.
  3. Cross-sell products (provided you have an active cross-sell campaign set to also be displayed in the payment receipt email).
  4. Technical and payment support contact details.


Payment Receipt Sample

Is this the only email my shoppers receive after placing an order?

2Checkout can send the payment receipt email either standalone or combined with the electronic delivery notification (in one single email).

Depending on your account's setup, for each order containing at least one product configured with 2Checkout delivery your shoppers can receive:

  • Default: One email containing both the payment receipt and the electronic delivery messages
  • Two email notifications: The payment receipt and the electronic delivery messages, separately
  • Three email notifications: An order confirmation email, plus the payment receipt and the electronic delivery messages, separately

Contact 2Checkout to change your default configuration if you find another setup better suited for your customers.

Preview and test email

Navigate to the Email template manager section to:

  • Preview and test current templates for emails sent to your shoppers
  • Customize the header and the footer sections by creating custom templates you can assign to your emails

Access the payment receipt email under the Order section.

Why don't I see the new template for this email?

The redesigned template for the payment receipt email has automatically replaced default templates.

If your preview of payment receipt email does not show the new template, you are most probably using a customized version that includes content and/or styling your company requested at a certain point in time.

You can compare the above sample to your current template and send us an email if you decide the new one suits your business needs better. We will work with you on the switch.

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

Not yet a Verifone customer?

We’ll help you choose the right payment solution for your business, wherever you want to sell, in-person or online. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.

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