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July 2020


Release description



July 09, 2020 Added documentation for the Proposal microservice via API in RESTv6 which now includes all the methods for the proposal management. Feature Click me
July 16, 2020 Enhanced the Merchant Control Panel to also display unsuccessful auto-renewal orders in the Subscription Detail window. In the eCommerce subscription area, we added a new checkbox named "Payment authorizations". When checked, it will display available information on failed authorization attempts dividing the reasons into two separate categories: Soft decline/Hard decline, thus helping merchants to have more granular insight into failed transactions. Feature Click me
July 20, 2020 Implemented Lead management for ConvertPlus to give merchants the possibility to convert leads into buyers by sending them customized follow-up emails for shopping cart abandons initiated via the ConvertPlus shopping cart. Feature Click me
July 20, 2020 Added documentation for the InLine checkout auto-advance feature. Patch Click me
July 21, 2020 IPN trigger is now exposed in the IPN contents so that merchants don’t have to take and extra step and add another parameter to receive this information. Feature Click me
July 21, 2020 Merchants using the ConvertPlus shopping cart can now offer their shoppers special price promotions for a customized checkout experience. Patch Click me
July 27, 2020 Merchants will be able to access shopping cart analytics data using their tracking ID, so that they can monitor shopper behavior and orders placed through ConvertPlus and InLine checkout. Using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager will minimize the amount of effort required by the merchants to integrate the most used web analytics solutions and will also allow them to manage their tags and configure 3rd party analytics tools in one place. Feature

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April 2020


Release description



April 2, 2020 Added a new trigger that will send an LCN notification when the customer updates their payment details via myAccount or if the payment details were updated as a result of an API call via copyPaymentInfo. Patch Click me
April 9, 2020 Integrated Alipay payment method in APIv6 to help merchants boost conversion and accelerate global expansion in China. Feature Click me
April 9, 2020 We introduced “Coronavirus” as a new reason in the churn campaign dropdown which allows merchants to better identify subscriptions canceled due to the pandemic. Since it was released, ~6% of subscription cancellations had “Coronavirus” as a reason. Patch -
April 9, 2020 Merchants can now use the Custom Price functionalities for partner renewal orders so that they or their partners will be able to place a renewal order and use the price value saved at the subscription level (custom price). This functionality was until now available only for eStore orders. Patch In progress
April 9, 2020 In order to combat the Coronavirus impact on voluntary churn, a set of features were automatically enabled for a targeted list of merchants to help them recover revenue and retain customers for a limited 90 days. Patch -
April 15, 2020 Extended usage billing capabilities via API by adding a new method (addUsage) to allow merchants to upload usage easier, one usage line at a time, without having to create a file to do so. Part of a project meant to give merchants more control of usage over API. Feature -
April 23, 2020 Added Giropay in APIv6 to give merchants the possibility to receive online banking-based payments tailored to users in Germany. Feature Click me
April 23, 2020 Merchant Control Panel was upgraded in terms of security for changes performed in the payout details section. All  Merchant Control Panel users are now required to use their 2Factor authentication method of choice (Google Authenticator or Email) in order to perform financial details changes on their merchant account. Feature Click me
April 23,  2020 API REST documentation was updated with new use case examples and demos (for payment methods and dynamic products). Patch Click me
April 24, 2020

Our public documentation was updated with:

  • a new use case example and demo for Merchants looking to use the expiration key to define the validity of Inline cart purchases.

  • a new use case example and demo for Merchants looking to use the Product object to set the custom price and add it to the InLine Cart by calling the click event handler.


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March 2019






March 12, 2019 Merchants can now lock cart items in ConvertPlus so that shoppers cannot change the order (e.g. remove products, select other pricing options, quantity), hence allowing merchant’s control over predefined packages.  Feature Click me
March 14, 2019 Tax calculation and collection for PSP business model where merchants will be able to receive the collected taxes from 2Checkout and further declare and pay them themselves to local fiscal authorities.  Feature Click me
March 15, 2019 Extended 2Checkout 3DS to also cover API orders. By using 3-D Secure, merchants get additional protection from liability for fraudulent card payments, with customers having to go through an extra layer of authentication. Feature Click me
March 15, 2019 In Control Panel, merchants can set additional commissioning schemes for affiliates for: new purchases, trial conversions and renewals and setting the number of renewals for which affiliates are commissioned. Feature Click me
March 19, 2019 The Instant Payment Notification (IPN) and License Change Notification (LCN) webhooks now include ‘Additional information’ parameters on subscriptions through API methods for tracking purposes. So merchants can now segment customers that transitioned from other platforms to 2Checkout.  Feature Click me
March 22, 2019 ConvertPlus now supports buy-links with custom price set for catalog products so that merchants can offer personalized offers to their shoppers. Feature Click me
March 26, 2019 Merchants that use ConvertPlus can offer their shoppers the possibility to change the product price and quantity options during manual renewal, and increase their revenue by tailoring campaigns for retaining subscribers. Feature Click me
March 29, 2019 Resend notifications functionality via Instant Notification Service (INS) in the Merchant Control Panel for cases when the initially sent notifications do not reach the designated endpoints. This functionality will give merchants the possibility to retrieve any lost data. Feature Click me
March 29, 2019 Added out-of-the-box additional order fields in the Inline Cart and ConvertPlus default template for better customization (e.g. visible such as Mr., Mrs., checkbox with shopper agreement for newsletter, or hidden like merchant specific labels).  Feature Click me
March 29, 2019 License Change Notification (LCN) webhook will contain the incremented values of the billing cycle parameter, even for products without a contract-set cycle, so that merchants can better monitor the renewal cycle of the subscriptions (customer lifetime) in their systems.  Feature Click me



Use the login method for the authentication process in the 2Checkout system.


Parameters Type/Description
merchantCode Required (String)
  Your merchant identification code.
date Required (String)
  GMT ISO Date format (e.g. 2010-01-01 12:13:14)
hash Required (Object)
  Calculated HMAC_SHA256 signature based on merchantCode and date, using your secret key.







Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect. 
The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.



 * @throws JsonException
function callRPC($Request, $host) {
    $curl = curl_init($host);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 0);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json'));
    $RequestString = json_encode($Request, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $RequestString);

    $ResponseString = curl_exec($curl);

    if (!empty($ResponseString)) {
        $Response = json_decode($ResponseString, false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
        if (isset($Response->result)) {
            return $Response->result;
        if (!is_null($Response->error)) {
            echo("Method: {$Request->method}" . PHP_EOL);
            echo("Error: {$Request->error}" . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        return null;
    return null;

$host = '';

$merchantCode = "YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE"; // your account's merchant code available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:
$key = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"; // your account's secret key available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:

$string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$algo = "sha256";
$hash = hash_hmac($algo, $string, $key);

$i = 1;

$jsonRpcRequest = new stdClass();
$jsonRpcRequest->jsonrpc = '2.0';
$jsonRpcRequest->method = 'login';
$jsonRpcRequest->params = array($merchantCode, gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $hash, $algo);
$jsonRpcRequest->id = $i++;

try {
    $sessionID = callRPC($jsonRpcRequest, $host);
    echo("Auth token: {$sessionID}" . PHP_EOL);
} catch (JsonException $e) {
    echo("Error: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL);

June 2019






June 12, 2019

Merchants with imported subscriptions can now see next renewal price and currency in the subscription export, so that they can track the amount that their customers are going to be charged. 


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June 13, 2019

Updated the GST validation rule for New Zeeland as part of our continuous process to be compliant with all the financial rules and regulations at a global level. 


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June 14, 2019

Improved QR code payments to better facilitate wire transfers in our shopping cart by modifying the due date parameter to avoid delays in the payment flow.


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June 20, 2019

Partners can now search renewal orders by external subscription reference in the Partners Control Panel, thus using a unique identifier instead of a generated CSV file. 



June 24, 2019

Added supported use cases documentation for the InLine Checkout integration. The documentation includes details on the available methods and attributes and also a sample code, as well as a real-time demo section. 


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June 2020


Release description



June 2, 2020 Enhanced the Subscriptions export from the Merchant Control Panel so that merchants can easily identify imported subscriptions, and can thus be better equipped to manage activities related to a subscription after migration. Patch -
June 4, 2020 Extended the CPQ (Configure price quote) via API to also support tracking of proposal type, status, expiration period, terms and conditions, and more. Feature Click me
June 4, 2020 Updated INS trigger settings so that merchants are now able to pass on information about some of their actions on the products and proposals via webhook payloads. Patch -
June 16, 2020 Without writing any code, by simply enabling a checkbox in churn prevention campaigns, merchants can now allow their subscribers to pause their subscriptions by themselves from their shopper MyAccount. This gives subscribers an alternative to canceling their subscription and helps merchants reduce voluntary churn by up to 10%. Feature Click me
June 18, 2020 Merchants now have the possibility to reduce the number of steps in the checkout process and auto-advance their shoppers to the payment details step, if all the mandatory information in the previous steps is pre-filled. This feature can be enabled by any merchant using Inline Cart using the new autoAdvance parameter. Feature Click me
June 25, 2020 Added a range of new API methods for programmatically managing usage, thus allowing merchants with large volumes of usage data to have more control over usage, reduce revenue impact due to unbilled usage, and improve insight into usage consumption. Feature Click me
June 25, 2020 The product quantity parameter can now be sent through LCN so that merchants can monitor the product quantity tied to their licenses. Patch Click me

July 2019






July 5, 2019

Added a new payout currency – CHF (Swiss Franc) so that merchants with 2Monetize accounts (on MoR business model) can receive payouts in this currency after activation request.


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July 15, 2019

Merchants now have the possibility to pre-define the values of the additional fields in the Inline checkout (for example subscribing to newsletter defined as checked), so that shoppers perform only a limited number of actions in the shopping cart, thus helping increase conversion. 


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July 19, 2019

Added product setup options to Channel Manager: when renewing or upgrading a partner subscription, partners/merchants will have the possibility to change the quantity and all options of the product. Volume discounts will be considered when calculating the final price of the selected subscription. This will mimic the behavior of placing a new partner order and it is also similar to renewing and upgrading eCommerce subscriptions.



July 22, 2019

The Product External Reference number is now shown in the order export report from the Merchant Control Panel so that it's easier for merchants to reconcile their orders.


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July 23, 2019

Added the possibility to generate a single subscription per product line when placing partner orders with quantity >1. This allows merchants to generate subscriptions for partner orders as well.


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June 2021


Release description



June 3, 2021 Merchants now have the External Customer ID displayed in the order search export, so that they can analyze and improve revenue churn. Feature Click here
June 10, 2021 Added PRODUCT_GROUP variables to both manual and automatic renewal reminder notifications to make it easier for merchants to define templates with the same content across multiple products in the same product group. Feature

Click here


Click here

June 10, 2021 Added the GroupName parameter to the addProduct API 6.0 calls so that a product can be assigned to a specific product group and not to a default group as it is currently implemented. Patch Click here
June 15, 2021 Added the getRecommendedUpsellCampaign API method so that merchants can better sync their systems. Feature

Click here


Click here

June 15, 2021 Added support for the order additional fields on the review page in ConvertPlus. Feature -
June 15, 2021 The 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel has been rebranded with Verifone elements to have a similar look with Verifone's platform, so merchants can benefit from an aligned look and feel when using the two portals. Feature Click here
June 29, 2021 The expiration date is now prefilled when the shopper uses the cart details stored in the web browser to allow for a seamless checkout experience. Feature -



The object includes information related to the upsell campaigns, including product information and discount settings.

UpSell Object

The object below is returned as a successful response for the following SOAP API 6.0 methods:

Parameters Type Description



Name of campaign, max 500 characters.



Unique system-generated campaign code.



The date when the up-sell campaign starts, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL.



The date when the up-sell campaign ends, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL.



Flag to control if the campaign will be displayed for manual subscription renewal orders. Can be set as true/false.



Discount definition object, details below.



Type of discount. Can be FIXED or PERCENT.



Percentage discount value (PERCENT discount only).


Array of objects

List of currency discounts (FIXED discount only), details below:



Code of currency for the related amount.



Discount amount value for the related currency.



Code of default currency (FIXED discount only).



Main (primary) product object, details below:



The code of the product that the recommendation is made for.



The quantity for the primary product. Can be 0 (standing for any quantity).


Array of objects

Price options list for the primary product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Recommended product object, details below:



The code of the recommended product.



The quantity for the recommended product. Can be 0 (standing for “match quantity” setting).


Array of objects

Price options list for the recommended product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Sets the campaign enabled or disabled. Can be set as true/false.


Array of objects

List of campaign language descriptions, details below:



Code of the language.



The text of the description in the associated language.

June 2018




Feature/Patch/Bug fix



June 25, 2018 We've redesigned the Contact us area of your Control Panel, so that you can now search articles from our Knowledge Center directly from your Control Panel. In addition, you benefit from an optimized Contact us form that allows you to explain your inquiries in greater details. Feature -
June 19, 2018 Your Brazilian customers can now enter alphanumeric characters into the First/Last Name fields in the Boleto Bancario billing Information. Read more about Boleto Bancario. Feature -
June 19, 2018 We're now including the GST (Goods and Services Tax) information on shopper invoices issued to your Indian customers. Patch -
June 19, 2018 You can now filter the results of the User Activity report by email addresses. Patch -
June 19, 2018 Squashed a bug blocking IPNs from being sent for completed PO orders. Fix -
June 19, 2018 Squashed a bug causing the malfunctioning of the Adobe Analytics reports. Fix -
June 11, 2018 Squashed a bug causing VAT to be computed for an order for which a valid VAT ID code was provided. Fix -
June 6, 2018 Squashed a bug that blocked users from uploading images via REST API 4.0. Fix -
June 1, 2018 Squashed a bug causing the Secret Key to be improperly displayed in the Control Panel. Fix -

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