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IPN and LCN URL Settings


Set the IPN and LCN settings in your Merchant Control Panel and assign a single specific webhook to a single URL by using the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter. If you add a second, third, or fourth endpoint in the IPN or LCN tab, 2Checkout can send Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) and License Change Notifications (LCN) to alternative URLs, not just the defaults.


Available for all 2Checkout accounts using the Default Flows cart. Not available to 2Checkout accounts using only the ConvertPlus shopping cart. 

How it works

The 2Checkout system sends out notifications (IPNs and LCNs) to the URLs that you can configure in the URL areas under:

  1. IPN settings (
  2. LCN settings (
  3. Both IPN and LCN (

You can prioritize sending to a specific endpoint URL using the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter, as described below under the 'How do I get 2Checkout to send IPNs and LCNs to URLs other than the default links set?' section. However, if you set a default URL in the Notification URLs section, then the notification is sent to that particular URL, as well as any other URL set in the IPN/LCN dedicated tab unless specified otherwise when using the parameter.


Enter valid URLs for both IPN and LCN when editing URL configurations.

Default IPN and LCN URLs 


  1. Navigate to IPN settings (
  2. Enter the default URL where the 2Checkout system will send out Instant Payment Notifications (IPNs). 
  3. Changes to the IPN URL in the IPN settings area reflect under the default URL notification configuration for your account, if only one value is entered and edited. For multiple values, only the first one is taken into account.


  1. Navigate to LCN settings (
  2. Enter the default URL where the 2Checkout system will send out License Change Notifications (LCNs).
  3. Changes to the LCN URL in the LCN settings area reflect under the default URL notification configuration for your account, if only one value is entered and edited. For multiple values, only the first one is taken into account.

Default URL configuration 

  1. Navigate to the Integrations → Webhooks and API section (
  2. Edit the Default URL configuration.
  3. Enter URLs for both IPN (mandatory) and LCN notifications (mandatory) and Save.
  4. The settings automatically reflect under the IPN URL in the IPN settings area and the LCN URL in the LCN settings area. Note that this will not edit the current value, but add one new entry. Removing this value from a total of 4 in the dedicated IPN/LCN section will not replace the default one in the general section, it will only leave a blank.
  5. Changes to the default URL notification configuration for your account reflect under the IPN URL in the IPN settings area and the LCN URL in the LCN settings area.
  6. Click Reset to revert a URL configuration to the last saved state.

Custom IPN and LCN URLs 

  1. Navigate to the Integrations → Webhooks and API section ( in your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Scroll down to the Notification URLs section and click on the Add additional URL button to gain access to the parameter value field.
  3. Enter a parameter value. You will use this parameter in buy-links for new purchases, manual subscription renewals, and upgrades, controlling the URLs used by the 2Checkout system to send IPN and LCN notifications. Read below for instructions.
  4. Enter URLs for both IPN (mandatory) and LCN notifications (mandatory) and click Save.
  5. The settings reflect under the IPN URL in the IPN settings area and the LCN URL in the LCN settings area.
  6. Changes to the default URL notification configuration for your account reflect under the IPN URL in the IPN settings area and the LCN URL in the LCN settings area.
  7. Click Reset to revert a URL configuration to the last saved state.

How do I get 2Checkout to send IPNs and LCNs to URLs other than the default links set?

You can use the multiple URL functionality and send IPN and LCN notifications to several URLs. Once you set multiple URLs for receiving IPN or LCN notifications, you will receive the same keys/parameters on all endpoints without having the possibility to customize them based on the defined endpoints. However, if the URL from the general section is not declared under the IPN/LCN tabs as well, the notification will still be sent if the parameter is used. You can set up eight (8) URLs for both your IPN and LCN notifications.

To set multiple URLs, you need to use the:

  • Parameter value specified for each new URL configuration. The parameter value can be found in the Parameter Value field by navigating to Integrations → Webhooks and API section, scrolling down to the Notification URLs section, selecting the Configuration parameter, and clicking on the Edit button.


  • And the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter in buy-links (for new purchases, manual subscription renewals, and upgrades).

For example, let's assume that you created a URL configuration with the following settings:

Parameter value:




And that you're using this buy-link:

You need to insert NOTIFICATION_URL=MYTESTNOTIFICATIONS into the buy-link:


Default URLs for IPN and LCN

IPN HASH = HMAC_SHA signature calculated from IPN_PID[0], IPN_PNAME[0], IPN_DATE and DATE and the Secret key for your account for notifications sent to the default URL parameters configured for your account.

LCN HASH = HMAC_SHA signature calculated using the secret key for your account and the values received for LICENSE_CODE, EXPIRATION_DATE, DATE and the Secret key for your account for notifications sent to the default URL parameters configured for your account.

Custom IPN and LCN configurations

IPN HASH = HMAC_SHA signature calculated from IPN_PID[0], IPN_PNAME[0], IPN_DATE and DATE and the system-generated secret keys when custom URL configurations are used.

LCN HASH = HMAC_SHA signature calculated using the values received for LICENSE_CODE, EXPIRATION_DATE, DATE and the system-generated secret keys when custom URL configurations are used.


1. Where can I find the secret key?

For custom IPN and LCN URL:

1. Navigate to the Integrations → Webhooks and API section (

2. Click on the Add IPN URL or on the Add LCN URL buttons, or the Edit button of one of the existing URL configurations.

3. The system-generated secret key valid for each URL configuration respectively is available in the IPN/LCN secret key field.

2. What notifications are sent to the URLs set through the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter and for what triggers?

The IPN and LCN notifications for the initial purchase, as well as for the subsequent renewals of the subscriptions generated for this order and for any future upgrades will be sent to the IPN and URL parameters





Non-default URLs set using NOTIFICATION_URL

New purchase/order of a subscription




Manual renewal of the subscription




Automatic subscription renewal




Subscription upgrade




3. What is the default value of NOTIFICATION_URL?

Include NOTIFICATION_URL=DEFAULT (case sensitive) to send IPN and LCN notifications to the default URLs you configure.

4. Is the value of the parameter saved on each order and subscription?

The IPN value is mentioned in the order history, but at the subscription level, neither the IPN nor the LCN is visible, unless you use the subscription reference number in the reporting section to identify the LCN.

5. What happens with future notifications if I used the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter?

All future LCN and IPN notifications for future renewals and upgrades of current subscriptions for which a NOTIFICATION_URL value was used will be sent to the URLs configured for that value.

6. What happens if I change the value for a parameter used?

All future LCN and IPN notifications for renewals and upgrades of current subscriptions for which a NOTIFICATION_URL value was used will be sent to the default URLs configured for your account. What happens if I change the custom URLs for a configuration?

All future LCN and IPN notifications for renewals and upgrades of current subscriptions for which a NOTIFICATION_URL value was used will be sent to the new URLs configured.

7. Can I use multiple endpoints for the NOTIFICATION_URL parameter and send IPNs and LCNs to more than one URL each?

You can use multiple endpoints in the specific LCN/IPN section, but you cannot add multiple endpoints in the general section. The NOTIFICATION_URL parameter offers the option to use specific endpoints for specific buy-links, but does not “add” to the default ones. You can set up eight (8) URLs for both your IPN and LCN notifications.

8. Is this parameter available for network cross-selling orders through the 2Checkout system?

No, the parameter will only work for your account.

9. Does this parameter work for partner and API orders?

This functionality is not supported for the time being.

Integrate WP e-Commerce


WP-eCommerce integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts). 

WP e-Commerce Settings:

  1. Download or clone the 2Checkout payment module at
  2. Upload the ‘wpec-twocheckout-hosted’ directory to “/wp-content/plugins/” on your web server and activate the ‘2Checkout Payment Gateway for WP e-Commerce ’ plugin.
  3. In your WordPress admin select Settings -> Store to open your WP e-Commerce settings.
  4. Under Payment click Settings under 2Checkout.
  5. Enter Display Name. Example: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, PIN Debit) and PayPal
  6. Enter your 2Checkout Merchant Code.
  7. Enter your 2Checkout Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Control Panel.) To obtain the Secret Word, log in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Dashboard→ Integrations → Webhooks & API → Secret Word → INS Secret word.  Your INS secret word should be the same as the buy-link secret word (can be found under Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API, scroll down to the Secret Word area, under the INS Secret Word). Edit your INS secret word and buy-link secret word to match each other, then copy and paste them into your WP-eCommerce admin. INS secret word.png
  8. Select the language you want the 2Checkout purchase routine to be in.
  9. Select ‘Production’ for live mode or ‘Sandbox’ for sandbox mode.
  10. Select the appropriate billing fields for the Forms Sent to Gateway section.
  11. Click Update.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:
    • In the Redirect URL section check “Enable return after sale”
    • For Return method, select Header redirect
    • Set the Approved URL to the URL provided in your WP e-Commerce settings  (Replace with the actual URL to your domain)
    • Click Update to save your settings

About WP e-Commerce

WP e-Commerce is a free WordPress shopping cart plugin that lets customers buy products, services and digital downloads online.

For more information visit:

July 2021


Release description



July 6, 2021 Merchants using the 2Checkout API can now retrieve the available tax categories so that they can manage the tax categories for their catalog products. Feature

Click here

Click here

July 6, 2021 Merchants now have more transparency via upSell in API 6.0 and can see the prices per order so they can sell their products. Feature

Click here

Click here

July 8, 2021 Added support for IPv6, so merchants can now receive orders from clients that have IPv6 so that they can address more customers. Feature -
July 8, 2021 Added the correct parameter name for add/edit product: ProductTaxCategoryUUID. Patch -
July 13, 2021 Added support in ConvertPlus for localized country names so that the shoppers will have an improved user experience. Feature


July 2018




Feature/Patch/Bug fix



July 30, 2018 You can now retrieve additional information about your pricing options, by filtering for options that have custom impact on product price. The update is available in the latest 2Checkout API version. Feature -
July 30, 2018 You can now control the unit limitation for your products via API. Use the create, update and retrieve API functions for controlling the multiple units purchases for specific products. The release is available in versions 4 and 5 of 2Checkout's API. Feature -
July 24, 2018 You can now easily determine the performance of your cart templates. We've extended the information available in your order reports by including the template ID used for each sale. To add extra transparency to the ordering process, the FX markup is now also included in the report. Feature Click me
July 24, 2018 You can now use the order search export to retrieve the language used during the ordering process. Feature Click me
July 24, 2018 You can now send payment reminders to customers with expired subscriptions. Use the new option available in the Subscription page to trigger the email based on your business needs. Feature Click me
July 14, 2018 You can now get access programmatically to account balance and payout information. You can integrate with 2Checkout API 5.0 and retrieve payout data automatically, making it available in your financial reporting systems. Feature




July 12, 2018 We've added API support for the HiperCard and Elo card payment methods, that can now be retrieved with the getSubsciptionPaymentInformation API method. Feature -
July 1, 2018 Refunds management is now available via API. You can now easily embed the ability to issue refund request into your application, website/web store, or in a user portal. Feature




July 1, 2018 We’ve added support for physical products setup. 2Checkout continues to be your reliable payment partner for receiving payments from customers worldwide. Depending on your business model, you can opt-in for selling electronic or physical products. Contact 2Checkout for additional information. Feature Click me
July 1, 2018 You can now create orders with dynamic product information via ConvertPlus. Use a new set of URL parameters to receive payments from customers worldwide without handling a product catalog. Feature -
July 3, 2018 We are extending the information available in the reports sent to your affiliates, by including refund numbers in the monthly reports sent. Patch -

July 24, 2018

Squashed a bug causing a promotion to no longer be displayed in the Control Panel after it became inactive.



July 24, 2018

Squashed a bug preventing users from filtering order reports by sale source.



July 24, 2018

Squashed a bug causing the myOrder.externalCustomerId parameter to be unavailable in the finish.php page.



July 25, 2018

Squashed a bug causing orders to be processed to COMPLETE status with a minor delay.



July 25, 2018

Squashed a bug blocking users from creating a new Special Price promotion.



July 30, 2018

Squashed a bug causing a high loading time of the information displayed in the Control Panel Dashboard.



July 9, 2018 Squashed a bug causing the order notification email to not include information regarding the sale referrer. Fix -
July 9, 2018 Squashed a bug affecting the API method that enables users to set custom grace periods for subscriptions. Fix -
July 4, 2018 Squashed a bug causing the manual renewal notifications to be improperly displayed. Fix -
July 3, 2018 Squashed a bug causing the electronic delivery email to be sent with a wrong order date. Fix -

Integrate 1ShoppingCart


1ShoppingCart integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts).

1ShoppingCart Settings:

Perform the below set of instructions in your 1ShoppingCart account to integrate it with 2Checkout.

  1. Sign in to your 1ShoppingCart account.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Gateway Setup
  3. Click the Payment Gateway radio button, then click Edit
  4. Under the Select Gateway drop-down menu, select
  5. Enter your 2Checkout Account Number (SID) in the Gateway ID/Merchant Login field.
  6. Under Which Cards Do You Accept? ensure the following boxes are checked: Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, JCB
  7. Under Other Payment Setting set the “Sale Type” to Authorize and Capture
  8. Click the Done button.

2Checkout Settings:

Follow the below instructions in your 2Checkout Control Panel to finalize the 1ShoppingCart integration process.

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:

4. Click Update to save your settings. 

About 1ShoppingCart

1ShoppingCart is the most affordable way to build your list, automate marketing and make sales online. We make it easy to get your business online, capture leads and convert them into customers automatically. Start your free trial today and experience the power of all-in-one sales and marketing software designed by marketers, for marketers.

For more information visit: 1ShoppingCart


Adobe Analytics reports


You can receive real-time statistics on your shopping cart performance to help you make informed decisions on increasing conversion rate and revenue.

You can request the Adobe Analytics Key Metrics report by sending an email to We'll investigate if this data is available, and will send you a report link in read-only format. You don’t need to have an Adobe Analytics account to view this read-only report. You will be able to change the desired time range for which you want to see the data.

Report details

The report contains the following sections:

  1. Report Key metrics evolution for the past 12 full months (updated monthly): Unique Visitors, Orders, Conversion Rate (based on Unique Visitors), Revenue per Visitor (based on Unique Visitors), Revenue (revenue generated by web orders, automatic renewals, refunds and chargebacks and test orders are not taken into account).Adobe Analytics Segments
  2. Key metrics by country for the top revenue generating countries. This set of data will also pertain to the last 12 full months and will be updated monthly.                                                                   Adobe Analytics Segments 2

The date range of the reports is automatically set to “last 12 full months” with data being updated monthly. If you wish to change the date range, you can do so by clicking on the displayed date option in the top right corner and choose a new desired date range.

Key Metrics Reports



Upselling is the practice that allows you to invite your customers to purchase a higher-end product, an upgrade, or an additional item in order to make a more profitable sale. The 2Checkout Public API supports upsell campaigns through which you can recommend catalog products to your shoppers.

UpSell Object

Use the UpSell object in order to recommend products to customers via SOAP API 6.0.


Parameter name Type Description



Name of the upsell campaign.



The date when the up-sell campaign starts, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (starts immediately after enabling).



The date when the up-sell campaign ends, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (ends immediately after disabling).



Flag to control if the campaign will be displayed for manual subscription renewal orders. Can be set as true/false/0/1.



Discount definition object, details below:



Type of discount. Can be FIXED or PERCENT.



Percentage discount value (PERCENT discount only).


Array of objects

List of currency discounts (FIXED discount only), details below.



Code of the currency for the related amount.



Discount amount value for the related currency.



Code of default currency (FIXED discount only).



Main (primary) product object, details below:



The code of the product that the recommendation is made for



The quantity for the primary product. Can be 0 (standing for any quantity)


Array of objects

Price options list for the primary product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Recommended product object, details below:



The code of the recommended product.



The quantity for the recommended product. Can be 0 (standing for “match quantity” setting).


Array of objects

Price options list for the recommended product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Sets the campaign enabled or disabled. Can be set as true/false/0/1.


Array of objects

List of campaign language descriptions, details below:



The language code.



The text of the description in the associated language.

UpsellingDisplayType String Set upsell settings display type. Can be overlay, interstitial.



May 2021


Release description



May 4, 2021 The tax details are now clearly displayed in the cart for dynamic products as well so that shoppers can have transparent access to information regarding the taxes included in the on-the-fly orders. Feature -
May 4, 2021 Added support for displaying shipping methods prices for Convert Plus and InLine Cart. Patch -
May 6, 2021 Updated the documentation for the getDeal API method. Patch Click here
May 11, 2021 Added public code for available tax categories as merchants need to be able to perform calls not just for one product at a time, but also for a list of products. Patch -
May 13, 2021 Added a new API 6.0 method so that merchants can trigger an update of the payment details for a subscription via API and 2Pay.js as well. Feature

Click here

Click here

May 13, 2021 Sofort and Trustly have new logos so we updated all impacted interfaces. Patch -
May 13, 2021 Merchants can now redirect shoppers that use Giropay and Webmoney as payment methods to a custom URL when their payment is successful. Thus, merchants can create a more personalized checkout experience for their customers with a 'Thank you' page. Feature -
May 18, 2021 Shoppers can now associate multiple subscriptions to a PayPal account in one step instead of having to link them one by one. Feature Click here
May 25, 2021 Added a new API 6.0 method that allows merchants to get the available currencies for a specific country. Feature

Click here

Click here

May 26, 2021 Added the possibility to update existing Up Sell Campaigns via a dedicated updateUpSellCampaign API method so that merchants can better sync their marketing campaigns with their internal systems via API calls. Feature

Click here

Click here

May 27, 2021 Added two more LCN parameters that will send information about PRODUCT_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE and PRODUCT_VERSION_MODEL. Feature Click here
May 31, 2021 We implemented a new simplified Merchant Control Panel account activation flow to guide new merchants to fill out the application form as the first step of their onboarding process, so that they will be able to process payments as soon as possible. Feature Click here


Before you start using the 2Checkout API, check your PCI DSS compliance status. Find out more details about what PCI compliance means and what you should do to be PCI compliant here


May 2020


Release description



May 07, 2020 Enhanced Merchant experience by updating the page layout and structure for the Renewal discounts section under Setup > Renewal in the Merchant Control Panel. The page components were compacted into a single section card, making the search form layout inline. Patch -
May 11, 2020 Shoppers will no longer need to manually remove the pause associated with a subscription after they upgraded that subscription. This will be done automatically, as part of the upgrade process, depending on the upgrade setup. Patch Click me
May 12, 2020 As part of the Lead management support, a new flag was added to the getLead method in order to allow merchants to filter out the already used leads. Patch -
May 12, 2020 The validation logic for VAT IDs in The Netherlands was updated to reflect the new format introduced for businesses in this country. The validation will be done automatically in the shopping cart. Patch -
May 14, 2020 Launched an enhanced default template for the ConvertPlus cart to help merchants increase conversion rates and maximize their revenues. Feature Click me
May 15, 2020

The proposal service is the backbone of the new CPQ capabilities that 2Checkout is marketing. It is intended to store cart information at a particular point in time and allow merchants to make ad hoc changes to the cart configuration for the purposes of offering custom deals to their shoppers.

The proposal service offers support via API for this database object with simple CRUD methods via REST API allowing professional services to implement Save Cart capabilities and updates per business flow requirements.

Feature Click me
May 28, 2020 Implemented affiliate traffic tracking through Adobe to evaluate conversion metrics for traffic generated by our affiliates. Feature -
May 28, 2020 We increased the session timeout in the Control Panel for all users (merchants, partners, affiliates) to improve their overall experience with the platform. Patch -

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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