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INS read receipt response

INS read receipt response

Last updated: 27-Aug-2024
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Notifications are sent by an HTTP POST request to the message URL that you specified on the INS Notifications tab.

The message parameters are passed as key => value pairs. Your message URLs should route to the script where you will be handling the message. You can listen for messages by simply setting up logic in your application to take action based on the message_type parameter that is passed in each message.

Message types

Currently, there are three types of messages sent using the Instant Notification System (INS).

1. Message Invoice is sent on triggers like order creation or invoice status change.

    "sale_date_placed":"1990-01-01 12:00:00",
    "payment_type":"credit card",
    "customer_name":"Jane Doe",
    "ship_name":"Doe John",
    "message_description":"Invoice status changed",
    "timestamp":"2021-01-01 12:00:00 EEST",
    "item_name_1":"Electronically Delivered Software",
    "item_recurrence_1":"1 Month",

2.   Message Product is sent when a new product is created or an existing product is updated.

    "message_description":"New catalogue product created",
    "timestamp":"2021-01-01 12:00:00 EEST",
    "key_count": 1,
        "name":"TEST's Price Configuration",
            "label":"United States Dollar",

3. Message Proposal is sent when a proposal is created or updated. 

    "message_description":"Proposal created",
    "timestamp":"2021-01-01 12:00:00 EET",
    "created_date":"2021-01-01 12:00:00",
    "updated_date":"2021-01-01 12:00:00",
    "content":"TEST CONTENT",
    "bill_to":"TEST BILL",
    "name":"TEST NAME",
    "tac":"TEST TAC",
    "type":"TEST TYPE",
    "sent_by":"TEST NAME 2",
    "links":"TEST LINK",
    "expiration_date":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
    "sell_to":"TEST NAME",

Validate response

Each notification message will include a hash that is computed using the secret word and secret key that you set up in your Merchant Control Panel. The hash is returned on each message through the hash key.

According to the message, different parameters are required for the hash. The required parameters are concatenated for each type of message and the hash function is applied. The result is converted to uppercase.

1. For message Invoice, the required parameters are the sale ID, the 2Checkout merchant ID, the invoice ID, and the secret word

PHP Example for Message Invoice


$invoiceDetails = $_POST;

$secretKey = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY';
$secretWord = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD';
$TCOVendorId = 123example_vendor_id;  // your 2checkout vendor id should be a number

$saleId = $invoiceDetails['sale_id'];
$invoiceId = $invoiceDetails['invoice_id'];
$hash = explode(':',$invoiceDetails['hash']); // index 0 is algorithm, index 1 is the hash

$parameters = [

$calculatedHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac($hash[0] ,implode($parameters),$secretKey));
if ($calculatedHash === $hash[1]) {
    echo true;
} else {
    echo "calculated hash: $calculatedHash \n";
    echo "received hash: $hash[1]";


Node.JS (ES6) Example for Message Invoice

const crypto = require('crypto');
const merchantCode = '123example_vendor_id'; 
const secretWord = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD';
const secretKey = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY';

let saleId = request.params['sale_id'];
let invoiceId = request.params['invoice_id'];
let insHashArray = request.params['hash'].split(':');
let insAlgo = insHashArray[0];
let insHash = insHashArray[1];

let parameters = [

const hash = crypto.createHmac(insAlgo, secretKey)

console.log(hash.toUpperCase() === insHash);

Python Example for Message Invoice

import hmac

merchant_code = 'EXAMPLE_MERCHANT_CODE'
secret_word = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD'
secret_key = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY'
sale_id = param['sale_id']
invoice_id = param['invoice_id']
ins_hash_array = param['hash'].split(':')
ins_algo = ins_hash_array[0].replace('-', '_').lower();
ins_hash = ins_hash_array[1];

parameters = [

hash_string ='utf-8'), ''.join(parameters).encode('utf-8'), ins_algo).hexdigest().upper()

print(ins_hash == hash_string)

2. For message Product, the required parameters are the product code, the 2Checkout merchant ID, and the secret word

PHP Example for Message Product


$invoiceDetails = $_POST;

$secretKey = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY';
$secretWord = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD';
$TCOVendorId = 123example_vendor_id;  // your 2checkout vendor id should be a number

$productCode = $invoiceDetails['product_code'];
$hash = explode(':',$invoiceDetails['hash']); // index 0 is algorithm, index 1 is the hash

$parameters = [

$calculatedHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac($hash[0] ,implode($parameters),$secretKey));
if ($calculatedHash === $hash[1]) {
    echo true;
} else {
    echo "calculated hash: $calculatedHash \n";
    echo "received hash: $hash[1]";


Node.JS (ES6) Example for Message Product

const crypto = require('crypto');
const merchantCode = '123example_vendor_id'; 
const secretWord = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD';
const secretKey = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY';

let productCode = request.params[‘product_’code];
let insHashArray = request.params['hash'].split(':');
let insAlgo = insHashArray[0];
let insHash = insHashArray[1];

let parameters = [

const hash = crypto.createHmac(insAlgo, secretKey)

console.log(hash.toUpperCase() === insHash);

Python Example for Message Product

import hmac

merchant_code = 'EXAMPLE_MERCHANT_CODE'
secret_word = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_WORD'
secret_key = 'EXAMPLE_SECRET_KEY'
product_code = param[‘product_code’]
ins_hash_array = param['hash'].split(':')
ins_algo = ins_hash_array[0].replace('-', '_').lower();
ins_hash = ins_hash_array[1];

parameters = [

hash_string ='utf-8'), ''.join(parameters).encode('utf-8'), ins_algo).hexdigest().upper()

print(ins_hash == hash_string)

3. For message Proposal, the required parameters are the proposal ID, the 2Checkout merchant ID, and the secret word.

PHP Example for Message Proposal


$invoiceDetails = $_POST;

$secretKey = '=B6gcTl(4t8@D3yUM!TP';
$secretWord = 'Mv#-Z*nb7U%qYJwc-tsb&f?JEyUP5p5WK4*txCfT@336CuwZrZkdqc&K$zEZqnBP';
$TCOVendorId = 250111206876;

$proposalId = $invoiceDetails['proposal_id'];
$hash = explode(':',$invoiceDetails['hash']); // index 0 is algo, index 1 is hash

$parameters = [

$calculatedHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac($hash[0] ,implode($parameters),$secretKey));
if ($calculatedHash === $hash[1]) {
    echo true;
} else {
    echo "calculated hash: $calculatedHash \n";
    echo "received hash: $hash[1]";


Node.JS (ES6) Example for Message Proposal

const crypto = require('crypto');
const secretWord = 'AABBCCDDEEFF';
const 2COVendorId = 1;

let proposalId = request.params['proposal_id'];

let parameters = [

let hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(parameters.join('')).digest();

console.log(hash.toUpperCase() === request.params['md5_hash']);

Python Example for Message Proposal

from urllib import request
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, Request
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urldefrag
from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableOrderedMultiDict
import hashlib

class MyRequest(Request):
    parameter_storage_class = ImmutableOrderedMultiDict

class MyFlask(Flask):
    request_class = MyRequest

app = MyFlask(__name__)
def calculate_hash_string(payload_tuple_list):
    secretWord = 'AABBCCDDEEFF'
    2COVendorId = 1

    proposalId = payload_tuple_list['proposalId']

    parameters = [

    hash_string = hashlib.md5(''.join(parameters).encode('utf-8')).digest().upper()

    return hash_string

@app.route('/ins', methods=['POST'])
def ins():
    ins_payload_received = request.form
    return ins_payload_received['md5_hash'] === calculate_hash_string(ins_payload_received)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Read receipt response

Currently, there are no required response values, so a basic response with HTTP 200 status will suffice.

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