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How to lower chargeback rates


Chargeback alert networks work with their enrolled issuing banks to alert merchants whenever cardholders file disputes for their transactions. This way, merchants can take action and offer refunds before the dispute takes place.

Being enrolled in a chargeback alert network, 2Checkout is notified when cardholders issue transaction disputes. Consequently, we eliminate the chargeback risk by offering your shoppers a refund for the disputed orders. This process takes the pain of dealing with chargebacks off your shoulders and streamlines the resolution of this type of issue.

Chargeback reasons

Analyzing shopper behavior in our system, the most frequent chargeback reasons fall in one of the following categories:

  • Customers dissatisfied with the product/service
  • Customers haven't received the product/service access
  • Customers don't recognize the transaction on their account statement

Keep in mind that when chargebacks occur, the transaction value is not the only sum that you lose. You also need to pay extra fees, such as:

  • Operational costs for the resources needed to fight the dispute together with our team
  • The 2Checkout commission, non-refundable even if the customer loses the dispute
  • The 2Checkout chargeback fee (if applicable).

Additionally, continued chargeback requests exceeding certain thresholds defined by VISA, MasterCard, or American Express subject you to chargeback monitoring programs.

Statistics show that bad customer experience news reaches over 100% more potential customers than good customer experience praise. This leads to a high number of negatively influenced potential customers who won't buy your products, even if they haven't had any experience with you as a merchant. Word of mouth is a powerful tool to skew buying decisions.

How to lower chargeback rates

Avoid chargebacks and improve the overall experience offered to your customers by following a few guidelines:

  1. Understand the chargeback reasons. 
  2. Offer a high-quality product or service. Low-quality products and services are at the top of the list when it comes to chargeback reasons. If your customers feel that they did not receive the product or service that they expected, they are likely to attempt to get a refund. Further down the road, if they can't get in touch with you, or if you refuse to provide a refund, they might request a chargeback.
  3. Offer clear product details. Use clear and concise product descriptions together with screenshots or demos that your customers can watch to learn what to expect after purchasing the product/service.
  4. Be transparent about your billing policy. Customize your statement information and inform your customers about the data they should see on their credit card statements upon purchase and/or billing. Keep in mind that they could receive their credit card statements weeks after the initial purchase, depending on your billing cycles, so make sure to tell them where their money goes!
  5. Provide flawless customer service. Make sure your customer service contact information is easily accessible on your website. Additionally, provide contact information in your order confirmation emails. Keep track of customer inquiries and communicate with them before purchase if they need extra information. You can greatly reduce the chance of chargebacks if your customers can easily get in touch with you and get the issue resolved.
  6. Cancel inactive auto-renewing accounts. Keep an eye on the usage history of your customers' purchases. There's no point in renewing a subscription that hasn't been used in the past 6 months (or more). Avoid chargebacks in these situations by notifying your customers about their inactivity before you charge them for another billing cycle.
  7. Offer easy-to-use self-service features. Your shoppers can keep an eye on their order status and disable auto-renewing subscriptions through 2Checkout myAccount.
  8. Offer refunds and be transparent about it. The whole point of chargebacks is to protect your customers against fraud. Naturally, chargeback policies are developed in favor of the customer. Chances are that if someone isn't satisfied with your product or service, they will get their money back, whether you like it or not. So why not spare yourself the hassle and refund the orders that don't rise to the customer's expectations? Make sure to inform the customers when the refund should be processed and how long it should take before they get their money back.
  9. Confirm customer identity. Use advanced tools, such as 3-D Secure and Address Verification System. Enrollment in 3-D Secure prevents your customers from asking for chargebacks.

Implemented accordingly, these recommendations should help you lower your chargeback rates and improve the overall customer satisfaction with your products or services.

Retrieve an order


Use the getOrder method to retrieve details on a specific order placed with dynamic product information, or catalog products, using the unique, system-generated reference.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (string)


Order reference number of an older order, which is already approved/paid.

skipPartnerOrders Optional (boolean)

Default value = TRUE. 

Decides if the partner orders should be retrieved or not. By default, they are skipped and instead of returning the partner order according to the orderReference, it will return the master order.


Parameters Type/Description

Order information

Object (orders with catalog products)

Order information Object (orders with dynamic product information)
WSOrder String


   Only orders with STATUS = COMPLETE are returned when placing a  getOrder  API call.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$orderReference = 'YOUR_ORDER_REFERENCE';
$skipPartnerOrders = 'FALSE';

try {
    $fullOrderDetails = $client->getOrder ($sessionID, $orderReference, $skipPartnerOrders);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "fullOrderDetails: " . $e->getMessage();
var_dump("fullOrderDetails", $fullOrderDetails);


Integrate OpenCart


OpenCart is a free open-source eCommerce platform for seasoned web developers looking for a user-friendly interface and for shop owners just launching their online business.


OpenCart integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts).

   OpenCart 4 is not supported.

Integrate OpenCart with 2Checkout

Whether you are an existing merchant using OpenCart and you need to upgrade your integration, or you are a new merchant looking to integrate with 2Checkout, you need to follow the instructions below.

OpenCart Settings

  1. Download the 2Checkout payment module from Github.
  2. Upload the files to your server under your store’s directory.
  3. Sign in to your OpenCart admin.
  4. Navigate to Extensions → Installer.
  5. On the Extension Installer page, click on Upload to upload your extension files.
  6. Go to Extensions → Choose the extension type and select the Payments extension type from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Install on the payment option you want to use (2Checkout API, 2Checkout Convert Plus, 2Checkout Inline).
  8. Click on the Edit button of the selected integration to enable it.
  9. Configure your 2Checkout integration by editing the details of the 2Checkout API, 2Checkout ConvertPlus, or 2Checkout InLine, as shown in the next image.

    • Input your Merchant Code, Secret Key, and Buy-link Secret Word from the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel into the OpenCart admin. 
    • To obtain the Merchant Code, log in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel.
    • Navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & API → Merchant Code and copy and paste the code into the OpenCart admin area.
    • Then copy and paste the Secret Key from the 2Checkout Control Panel into the OpenCart admin.
    • Go to Integrations → Webhooks & API → Secret Word → Buy-Link secret word and copy and paste the buy-link secret word into the OpenCart admin. 


  10. Under Test Mode select No for live sales or Yes for test sales.
  11. Select Complete under Order Status.
  12. Select Enabled under Status.
  13. Save your changes.

2Checkout Settings

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section.
  3. Make sure to enable the IPN webhook notification in your Merchant Control Panel.
    • Log in to the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & API
      Webhooks & API
    • Scroll down to the Notifications section and enable the IPN webhook.
    • For the Payment notification type field, select IPN or Email Text & IPN, and then click on the Configure IPN button.
    • On the IPN settings page, click on the Add IPN URL button, input the IPN URL available on the configuration page in OpenCart and select the SHA 2 / SHA 3 hash.
      Add IPN URL
    • Enable all triggers and response tags.

2Checkout PayPal Direct Setup

OpenCart Settings

  1. Sign in to your OpenCart admin.
  2. Click Extensions tab and Payments subtab.
  3. Under 2Checkout PayPal Direct click Install and then click Edit.
  4. Enter your 2Checkout Merchant Code.
  5. Select Complete under Order Status.
  6. Select Enabled under Status.
  7. Enter your Secret Word (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)
  8. Save your changes.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:

About OpenCart

OpenCart si a free open-source eCommerce platform for web developers looking for a user-friendly interface and for shop owners just launching their online business. More than 30,000 companies, mostly small and medium businesses from the US, are using OpenCart in the retail industry. OpenCart offers support for both physical and digital products, as well as services.

Payment confirmation

Use the variables in the list below to customize the Payment confirmation shopper email according to your needs. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.

Variable name Description Test value Mandatory
ADDRESS1 First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
ADDRESS1_D First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
ADDRESS2 Second section of the delivery address 0 No
ADDRESS2_D Second section of the delivery address 0 No
ALLOW_MYACCOUNT_PROMO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 0 No
AVANGATE_COMPANY_NAME Avangate company name Avangate No
AVANGATE_LOGO Avangate logo URL Yes
AVANGATE_ON_BANK_STATEMENT_GENERIC This is mandatory content you need to keep in your emails, given Avangate acts as Reseller / Merchant of Record for online purchases on your website. The charge on your bank statement will appear as Avangate. Yes
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_EMAIL Avangate support email address No
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE Avangate support phone 0 No
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE_US Avangate US hotline number 0 No
AVANGATE_WEBSITE Avangate website No
BANK_STATEMENT_DESCRIPTOR Account statement descriptor 0 No
BASE_URL Merchant's full host No
BOLETO_SLIP_URL URL pointing to Boleto slip 0 No
BUSINESS_COMPANY Avangate company name Avangate No
BUSINESS_HOTLINE Avangate support phone 0 No
BUSINESS_HOTLINEUS Avangate US hotline number 0 No
BUSINESS_SUPEMAIL Avangate support email address No
BUSINESS_WEBSITE Avangate website 0 No
CARD_LAST_DIGITS Last 4 digits of the card used to perform the payment 0 No
CBANKACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
CBANKNAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
CITY Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
CITY_D Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown No
COMMERCIALNAME Merchant's commercial name [Software Company Name] No
COMPANY Shopper's company name used on the billing information [Customer company] No
COMPANY_D Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. no company name is displayed. [Customer company] No
COUNTRY Shopper's country used on the billing information [U.S.A] No
COUNTRY_D Shopper's country used on the delivery information [U.S.A] No
CURRENCY Order billing currency USD Yes
CURRENCY_ORIGINAL Original order currency (applicable to refunds) 0 No
CUSTOMEREMAIL Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
DELIVERABILITY Order delivery status partial No
DELIVRABILITY The delivery status of the loaded order 0 No
DISPLAY_MY_ACCOUNT_INFO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 1 No
ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_CODE Encrypted merchant code 0 No
FIRSTNAME Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FIRSTNAME_D Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FIRST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's first name used on the billing information [John Yes
FIRST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FISCALCODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No
FISCAL_CODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No

See the full list of Possible Values
GATEWAY_ERROR_MESSAGE Reason why the transaction failed. (e.g. Invalid card, insufficient funds) Error processing the card transaction. The card account has not been debited. Card data is invalid or incomplete. No
GENERALTOTAL Total order price 135.2 No
GLOBALDISCOUNT Order total discount 8.33 No
HAS_BACKUPCD Order has CD delivery 1 No
HAS_RENEWAL_PRODUCTS Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS Array of attributes for Avangate hotline numbers 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineName Countries where Avangate support information is available. 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineValue Avangate phone number(s) for shopper support 0 No
IS_RENEWAL Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
LANGUAGE Order language (abbreviated) selected by shopper 0 No
LASTNAME Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
LASTNAME_D Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
LAST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's last name used on the billing information Doe] Yes
LAST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
MERCHANT_COMMERCIAL_NAME Merchant's commercial name [Software Company Name] No
MERCHANT_COMPANY_NAME Merchant's company name 0 No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_EMAIL Merchant support email address No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_PHONE Merchant support phone number 555-555-554 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_TOKEN Token assigned to the shopper in order to access myAccount 0 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_URL Avangate myAccount login/sign-up URL Yes
NAMES_OF_PRODUCTS Names of all products in the order, comma separated 0 No
ORDERDATE Order placement date [2011-01-01] No
ORDER_AMOUNT Total order price 135.2 Yes
ORDER_AMOUNT_ORIGINAL Original order value (applicable to refunds) 0 No
ORDER_DATE Order placement date [2011-01-01] Yes
ORDER_DATE_STANDARD_FORMAT Standard format used for the order placement date 0 No
ORDER_FLOW Purchase flow used to place the order 0 No
ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER Order reference number [9xxxxxx] Yes
ORDER_STATUS Order status 0 No
ORDER_WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order Yes
PAYABLE_TO Payee name (applicable to wire transfer) 0 No
PAYMENT_METHOD English name for the payment method used [Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard] Yes
PAYMENT_TYPE_INFO English payment method name. Includes last four card digits (if applicable). 0 No
PAYTYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PAYTYPESTR English name for the payment method used [Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard] No
PAY_TYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PHONE Shopper's phone number used on the billing information 0 No
PHONE_D Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information [555-555-555] No
PRODUCTS Products data. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].DISCOUNT Product discount value per product line 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].ID Product ID number 1001 No
PRODUCTS[index1].INFO Additional product information defined by merchant when generating buy links Product info 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].IS_TRIAL Indicates whether this is a trial product 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].LICENSE_TYPE Type of purchased subscription TRIAL No
PRODUCTS[index1].NAME Product name Test product name 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PCODE Product code. [P_CODE_1] No
PRODUCTS[index1].PID Product ID number 1001 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PNAME Product name [Test product name 1] No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRICE Product unit price 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS Product pricing options configured in the Avangate Control Panel 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS[index2].OptionText Ignore internal var. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PROMONAME Name of the promotion applied to the product 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].QUANTITY Purchased product quantity 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL Total gross price per product line (before applying discounts) 120 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL_PRICE Total net price per product line (before applying discounts) 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TRIAL_PERIOD Product trial period. 7 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TRIAL_PRODUCT Indicates whether this is a trial product 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].UNIT_PRICE Product unit price 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].VAT VAT/Sales tax value per product line 20 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].IdProduct Product ID number 0 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].PRODUCT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS_NO Number of products in cart 0 No
REFNO Order reference number [9xxxxxx] No
REGISTRATIONNUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
RETRYLINK Payment retry link 0 No
RETRY_LINK Payment retry link 0 No
SELLERCOMPANY Merchant's company name 0 No
SHIPPING Shipping fee amount 0 No
SHIPPING_FEE Shipping fee amount 0 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_BILLING First section of the billing address [123, Main Street] No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_DELIVERY First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_BILLING Second section of the billing address 0 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_DELIVERY Second section of the delivery address 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_ACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_NAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_CITY_BILLING Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
SHOPPER_CITY_DELIVERY Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_BILLING Shopper's company name used on the billing information [Customer company] No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_DELIVERY Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. no company name is displayed. [Customer company] No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_BILLING Shopper's country used on the billing information [U.S.A] No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_DELIVERY Shopper's country used on the delivery information [U.S.A] No
SHOPPER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BILLING Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
SHOPPER_PHONE_DELIVERY Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information [555-555-555] No
SHOPPER_STATE_BILLING Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate] No
SHOPPER_STATE_DELIVERY Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate] No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_BILLING Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information [12345 No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_DELIVERY Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information [12345 No
STATE Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate] No
STATE_D Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate] No
SUBTOTAL The order amount without vat and shipping 112.67 No
SUPPORTEMAIL Merchant support email address 0 No
SUPPORTPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TECHPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TOTALEQUIV The order amount converted to all the merchant's currencies 0 No
TOTAL_DISCOUNT Total order discount 8.33 No
TOTAL_VAT Total order VAT 22.53 No
UPLOADLINK File upload link 0 No
UPLOAD_LINK File upload link 0 No
USER_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount 0 No
USER_TOKEN Shopper token for Avangate myAccount access 0 No
WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order No
ZIPCODE Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information [12345 No
ZIPCODE_D Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information [12345 No

Pricing options


Use this object to add/create and edit/update price options for your account.


Parameters Type/Description






Price option group name. Use this parameter when adding a new price options group. To edit the name of a price option group use the Name parameter under the Translations object.




Pricing option group description.


Array of objects


Details below.






Product pricing options group name, localized under Options.






Product pricing options group description, localized under Options.






ISO language code. (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).




Unique code that The 2Checkout system generates or set for each pricing options group.




The type of the pricing options group. Possible values:






Array of objects


Details below.






Pricing option child name.






Pricing option child description.



Array of objects



Details above.








Localized product pricing options group name under PriceOptionGroup.

Localized pricing option child name under Options.








Localized product pricing options group description under PriceOptionGroup.

Localized pricing option child description under Options.








ISO language code. (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).






The code you set or that the 2Checkout system generated for each pricing option child inside a pricing options group parent.






The minimum value of a scale interval set for each pricing option child inside a pricing options group parent of the type INTERVAL.






The maximum value of a scale interval set for each pricing option child inside a pricing options group parent of the type INTERVAL.






Details below.






The value in months the 2Checkout system adds or subtracts from the initial billing cycle of a subscription.






Possible values:









Details below.








Possible values:

  • BASE corresponding to impact on base price
  • GLOBAL for impact on calculated sum.








Impact on price per unit:

  • ADD








The value of the percentage out of the price per product unit, when you use PERCENT for Method.








Possible values:






Array of objects.




Details below.










Currency ISO code - ISO 4217.










The amount defined for each specific currency active for your account, when you use FIXED for Method.






TRUE for preselected options.

Missing for options that are not preselected.




True if you made the pricing option group mandatory.




RuPay is a local card payment network in India, accepted by most shops, ATMs, and eCommerce websites across the Indian subcontinent.

Issued by more than 1,100 banks, RuPay cards are supported by some of the biggest banks in India: State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India, Bank of India, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Citibank N. A., and HSBC.

RuPay issued 64 million global cards between 2014 and March 2019. Moreover, it has tied-up with international players like Discover, Japan Credit Bureau and China Union Pay to enhance its international acceptance and recently achieved a milestone of issuing 25 million RuPay – Discover global cards. RuPay has several agreements with other international payment networks as well, like Discover, Diners Club International, Pulse, JCB in Japan, NETS in Singapore, UnionPay in China, BC Card in South Korea, Elo in Brazil, DinaCard in Serbia.


Available to all 2Checkout accounts.


  1. When placing the order, shoppers in India can select RuPay as a payment method.
  2. The accepted processing currency needs to be INR.
  3. The payment then continues as a normal Card order.
  4. For most instances in India, 3D Secure authentication will be required.


  1. What are the supported currencies for domestic RuPay cards?
    • INR (Indian Rupee)
  2. Do domestic Indian cards support recurring charges?
    • Yes
  3. Why is this important?
    • Authorization rates are much higher on locally issued cards (given the fact that numerous Indian credit cards are closed for cross-border transactions) and access to processing is done through a local acquirer.
  4. What is the 2Checkout commission for domestic Indian cards?
    • 2Checkout applies the same commission to RuPay and Indian Local processing as for Visa and MasterCard processing.
  5. Does lead management work for unfinished payments via local Indian cards?
    • 2Checkout sends follow-up emails for failed one-off transactions with local Indian cards
  6. Are refunds supported for local Indian cards?
    • Yes.

Shipping method


The object below is returned directly or within a successful response from the following API requests:

Search shipping method

Shipping method object

Parameters   Type/Description
Items   Array of objects
      Contains shipping methods objects.

Shipping method object.

Details below.

          Name String
      Shipping method name that you define when creating the method.
          Code String
      System-generated identified for the shipping method.
          TrackingURL String
      URL assigned to the shipping method. Provided to your customers that purchase physical products.
          BasePrice String
      Base fee attached to the shipping method, that will be charged to customers when shipping method is available in cart, regardless of their country, product value or weight.
          Currency String
      Currency in which the base fee is expressed. Example: 'USD'.
           Active Boolean

Possible values:

  • TRUE - if shipping method is active.
  • FALSE - if shipping method is inactive.
    Availability Strings

Defined where the shipping method is active.

Possible values:

  • ALL - all delivery countries.
  • CUSTOM - selected delivery countries.
  • HOME - only your home country.
    Countries Array of objects
      Countries where the shipping method applies.
                  CountryCode String
                  Two-letters country code.
                  Surcharge String
      Surcharge defined for each country.
    Surcharge Array of objects
      Additional fee assigned to the shipping method.
                 Type String

Order property based on which the surcharge is added.

Possible values:

  • PRICE -  surcharge is based on total order amount.
  • WEIGHT -  surcharged is based on total order weight.
                 From Float
                  Lower interval limit.
                 To Int
      Higher interval limit.
                  Amount Int
      Surcharge defined based on order price/weight.
                 ApplyTo String

Possible values:

  • interval - surcharge is added for a given interval. Example: from 1 kg to 4kg.
  • unit - surcharge is added for each additional unit. Example: $5 for each unit over 4 kg.
  Pagination Object
      Pagination filters.
    Page Int
      Number of pages used for displaying the results.
    Limit Int
      Number for limiting the results.
    Count Int
      Total number of results.


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Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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