Upselling is the practice that allows you to invite your customers to purchase a higher-end product, an upgrade, or an additional item in order to make a more profitable sale. The 2Checkout Public API supports upsell campaigns through which you can recommend catalog products to your shoppers.
UpSell Object
Use the UpSell object in order to recommend products to customers via SOAP API 6.0.
Parameter name | Type | Description |
Name |
String |
Name of the upsell campaign. |
StartDate |
String |
The date when the up-sell campaign starts, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (starts immediately after enabling). |
EndDate |
String |
The date when the up-sell campaign ends, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (ends immediately after disabling). |
DisplayForManualRenewals |
Boolean/Integer |
Flag to control if the campaign will be displayed for manual subscription renewal orders. Can be set as true/false/0/1. |
Discount |
Object |
Discount definition object, details below: |
Type |
String |
Type of discount. Can be FIXED or PERCENT. |
Value |
Integer |
Percentage discount value (PERCENT discount only). |
Values |
Array of objects |
List of currency discounts (FIXED discount only), details below. |
Currency |
String |
Code of the currency for the related amount. |
Amount |
Integer |
Discount amount value for the related currency. |
DefaultCurrency |
String |
Code of default currency (FIXED discount only). |
PrimaryProduct |
Object |
Main (primary) product object, details below: |
Code |
String |
The code of the product that the recommendation is made for |
Quantity |
Integer |
The quantity for the primary product. Can be 0 (standing for any quantity) |
PriceOptions |
Array of objects |
Price options list for the primary product, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option group code. |
Options |
Array of objects |
Price options list, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option code. |
Value |
Integer |
Price option value (for scale interval price option group only). |
RecommendedProduct |
Object |
Recommended product object, details below: |
Code |
String |
The code of the recommended product. |
Quantity |
Integer |
The quantity for the recommended product. Can be 0 (standing for “match quantity” setting). |
PriceOptions |
Array of objects |
Price options list for the recommended product, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option group code. |
Options |
Array of objects |
Price options list, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option code. |
Value |
Integer |
Price option value (for scale interval price option group only). |
Enabled |
Boolean/Integer |
Sets the campaign enabled or disabled. Can be set as true/false/0/1. |
Description |
Array of objects |
List of campaign language descriptions, details below: |
Language |
String |
The language code. |
Text |
String |
The text of the description in the associated language. |
UpsellingDisplayType | String | Set upsell settings display type. Can be overlay, interstitial. |