Account balance report
Last updated: 01-Mar-2024
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Account Balance shows estimates of the revenue earned during the current payout interval calculated from the last payment made by 2Checkout and up to the day when it's generated. The report is calculated only for complete orders from the last payment report date, and refunds, shipping costs (if they exist), as well as taxes, are also included. All data is displayed in accordance with the currencies the orders were paid for, no conversions are made.
Account Balance offers a quick overview of the total number of customers and orders, as well as active products and promotions starting from the moment you began using your account. It includes the following amounts.
- Orders total: total order amount, including tax/VAT, processing, and affiliate fees for the current billing interval.
- Processing fees: processing fees paid to 2Checkout.
- Affiliate fees: fees you pay to affiliates selling your products.
- Retained Disputes: total value of disputed charges retained in the Disputes Balance, for the current billing interval.
- Released Disputes: total value of disputed charges released from the Disputes Balance, in the current billing interval.
- VAT/TAX: taxes collected by 2Checkout.
- Total revenue: income left after processing fees, affiliate fees, tax/VAT, refunded orders and chargebacks have been deducted.
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