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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 16-Jul-2024

namespace verifone_sdk

struct CommandStatus

  • Status to indicate errors during command verification and processing on Terminal side.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int32_t ABORTED

  • Command aborted

static constexpr int32_t AUTHENTICATION_ERROR

  • Failed to authenticate for command

static constexpr int32_t BAD_FORMAT

  • Message Format rejected by terminal

static constexpr int32_t COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED_BY_TERMINAL

  • Command is not supported by connected terminal

static constexpr int32_t COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED

  • Command is not allowed by terminal at this time

static constexpr int32_t COMMAND_TIMEOUT

  • Timed out waiting on response from terminal

static constexpr int32_t CONFIG_ERROR

  • Terminal configuration does not allow command

static constexpr int32_t DEVICE_BUSY

  • Terminal is unable to process command at this time

static constexpr int32_t TERMINAL_INTERNAL_ERROR

  • Terminal internal error

static constexpr int32_t TERMINAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTS

  • Terminal reporting invalid arguments for the requested command

static constexpr int32_t USER_CANCELLED

  • Operation cancelled by user interaction on Terminal

static constexpr int32_t USER_INPUT_TIMEOUT

  • Timed out waiting on interaction from user on Terminal

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