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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 12-Jul-2024

namespace verifone_sdk

struct AcquirerBase

  • Represents a PaymentAcquirerData.
  • Subclassed by verifone_sdk::Acquirer

Public Functions

inline AcquirerBase(std::optional<std::string> acquirerId_, std::optional<std::string> acquirerName_, std::optional<std::string> merchantId_, std::optional<std::string> acquirerPoiid_)
virtual ~AcquirerBase() = default

Public Members

std::optional<std::string> acquirerId

  • Key in the Acquirer Table

std::optional<std::string> acquirerName

  • The name of the acquirer, used for display to the cashier.

std::optional<std::string> merchantId

  • The CAID, aka Merchant ID, aka MID

std::optional<std::string> acquirerPoiid

  • The CATID, aka TID or terminal Identifier of the terminal

Protected Functions

AcquirerBase(const AcquirerBase&) = default
AcquirerBase(AcquirerBase&&) = default
AcquirerBase &operator=(const AcquirerBase&) = default
AcquirerBase &operator=(AcquirerBase&&) = default

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