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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 18-Jul-2024

namespace verifone_sdk

struct InitializationStatus

  • Status to indicate initialization and teardown result

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int32_t CONFIGURATION_INVALID

  • Configuration parameters are not valid

static constexpr int32_t CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED

  • Required configuration parameters cannot be determined

static constexpr int32_t CONFIGURATION_MISMATCH

  • A device is configured but could not recognize using the known parameters. POS needs to clear the cache and retry the connection.

static constexpr int32_t DEVICE_NOT_FOUND

  • Configured device cannot be found on the network

static constexpr int32_t DEVICE_CONNECTION_FAILED

Configured device cannot be connected to

static constexpr int32_t DEVICE_CONNECTED

  • Configured device successfully connected

static constexpr int32_t DEVICE_DISCONNECTED

  • Device connection successfully torn down

static constexpr int32_t REJECTED

  • Initialization internally rejected at this time

static constexpr int32_t TEARDOWN_REQUIRED

  • Already initialized

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