namespace payment_sdk
class StoredValueCardInformation
- Represents the card information for use with gift cards or other stored value card types. This can also be used when performing actions for Stored Value. Creating this object and setting the appropriate values will then transmit those values to the payment terminal, potentially simplifying the process on the terminal.
Public Functions
String getBarcode()
- Refer to setBarcode(String).
CardType getCardType()
- Returns the type of card.
EbtType getEbtType()
- Deprecated. Please use getAccountType() instead.
String getPinCode()
- Refer to setPinCode(String).
String getProvider()
- Returns the name of the stored value provider, if available.
void setBarcode(String barcode)
- When performing an action for stored value, use this field to set the barcode when it is collected by the POS.
void setCardType(CardType cardType)
- Set the type of card.
void setEbtType(EbtType ebtType)
- Deprecated. Please use setAccountType(AccountType) instead.
void setPinCode(String pinCode)
- When performing an action for stored value, use this field to set the pin code when the information is collected in the POS.
void setProvider(String provider)
- Set the name of the stored value provider.
String getAccountReference()
- Reference of the PAN, which identifies the PAN or the card uniquely, named also PAR (Payment Account Reference). This reference may be defined by the card issuer or by a token service provider under the control of the card issuer, and cannot be used for a payment transaction.
AccountType getAccountType()
- The account type used to complete this payment.
Decimal getAvailableBalance()
- The balance remaining on the card if payment card or loyalty card with “Monetary” or “Points” loyalty unit.
Integer getAvailablePoints()
- The balance remaining on the card if loyalty card used with “Point” loyalty units. Returns null if “Monetary” units were used.
Decimal getPreviousBalance()
- The previous balance remaining on the card.
String getBankUserData()
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use getTokens() and Token#getScheme() instead.
String getBin()
- The first six digits of the card holder PAN. This might not be provided.
String getCardCountry()
- Present only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag5F28.
String getCardCurrency()
- Present only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag9F42.
String getCardExpiry()
- The card expiry when specifically requested.
String getCardHolderName()
- This is included only when specifically requested.
String getCardPan()
- Returns the masked PAN when the card status is PCI_CARD or the clear PAN if the card status is NON_PCI_CARD.
String getCardPreferredLanguages()
- Present only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag5F2D.
String getCardStatus()
- The status of the card when the card data is requested specifically.
String getCardToken()
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use getTokens() and Token#getValue() instead.
TokenizationMethod getCardTokenizationMethod()
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use getTokens() and Token#getType() instead.
String getCardTrack1()
- Card track1. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
String getCardTrack2()
- Card track2. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
String getCardTrack3()
- Card track3. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
String getCvv2()
- Refer to setCvv2(String).
Cvv2Result getCvv2Code()
- Result of CVV check.
HashMap<String, String> getEmvTags()
- Present only with EMV cards, this is the relevant EMV Tags necessary for record keeping. The key is the tag, e.g. “9F26”, and the value is a string encoding of the EMV value.
String getEncryptedPan()
- This is included only when specifically requested.
String getEncryptedPanKsn()
- This is included only when specifically requested.
String getEncryptedTracks()
- This is included only when specifically requested.
String getEncryptedTracksKsn()
- This is included only when specifically requested.
String getIssuerId()
- Returns an ID for this issuer or card class, as assigned by the host or payment application. Generally null, since it’s normally enough to refer to the payment brand.
String getPanFirst2()
- The first two digits of the card holder PAN. This might not be provided.
String getPanHandle()
- A reference returned by the Payment Application to refer to the PAN in question. A Commerce Application may choose to use PAN_Handle to request an encrypted PAN via API CP_APP_REQUESTS_ENCRYPTED_CARD.
String getPanLast4()
- The last four digits of the card holder PAN. This might not be provided.
String getPaymentBrand()
- The brand for the card. Returns a constant value, see VISA as an example, or the literal string received from the terminal if the constant is unrecognized.
PresentationMethod getPresentationMethod()
- The method used to obtain the card data
String getVasData()
- Returns base64-encoded VAS string
String getFullVasResponse()
- Returns Full VAS Response string
String getProcessorCardNetwork()
- Get Processor card network code from the host payment if the processor has sent the data to the host. Examples of a card network include Star, Pulse, etc.
HashMap<String, String> getVclCryptoInformation()
- Present only when VCL Encryption is enabled. The keys are EPARMS,Track1 and Track2 and the values are strings
ArrayList<Token> getTokens()
- Get the list of tokens.
Decimal getAvailableFoodSnapBalance()
- The Ebt Food snap balance remaining on the card.
Decimal getAvailableCashBenefitsBalance()
- The Ebt Cash benefits balance remaining on the card.
void setAccountReference(String accountReference)
- Reference of the PAN, which identifies the PAN or the card uniquely, named also PAR (Payment Account Reference). This reference may be defined by the card issuer or by a token service provider under the control of the card issuer, and cannot be used for a payment transaction.
void setAccountType(AccountType accountType)
- The account type used to complete this payment.
void setAvailableBalance(Decimal availableBalance)
- The balance remaining on the card if payment card or loyalty card with “Monetary” or “Points” loyalty unit.
void setAvailablePoints(Integer availableBalance)
- The balance remaining on the card if loyalty card used with “Point” loyalty units.
void setPreviousBalance(Decimal previousBalance)
- The previous balance remaining on the card.
void setBankUserData(String bankUserData)
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use setTokens() instead.
void setBin(String bin)
- Set the first six digits of the PAN.
void setCardCountry(String cardCountry)
- Set the card country. Set only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag5F28.
void setCardCurrency(String cardCurrency)
- Set the card currency. Set only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag9F42.
void setCardExpiry(String cardExpiry)
- The card expiry when specifically requested.
void setCardHolderName(String cardHolderName)
- This is included only when specifically requested.
void setCardPan(String cardPan)
- Sets the masked PAN when the card status is PCI_CARD or the clear PAN if the card status is NON_PCI_CARD.
void setCardPreferredLanguages(String languages)
- Set the card preferred languages. Set only with EMV cards and is representation of EMV Tag5F2D.
void setCardStatus(String cardStatus)
- The status of the card when the card data is requested specifically.
void setCardToken(String cardToken)
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use setTokens() instead.
void setCardTokenizationMethod(TokenizationMethod tokenizationMethod)
- Deprecated on 2022-03-01. Please use setTokens() instead.
void setCardTrack1(String cardTrack1)
- Card track1. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
void setCardTrack2(String cardTrack2)
- Card track2. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
void setCardTrack3(String cardTrack3)
- Card track3. This value is only populated when the payment terminal is explicitly configured to pass back this information.
void setCvv2(String cvv2)
- When performing an action for stored value, use this field to set the CVV when it is collected by the POS.
void setEmvTags(HashMap<String, String> emvTags)
- Set the Emv Tags for the current card.
void setEncryptedPan(String encryptedPan)
- This is included only when specifically requested.
void setEncryptedPanKsn(String encryptedPanKsn)
- This is included only when specifically requested.
void setEncryptedTracks(String encryptedTracks)
- This is included only when specifically requested.
void setEncryptedTracksKsn(String encryptedTracksKsn)
- This is included only when specifically requested.
void setIssuerId(String issuerId)
- The issuer id of the card
void setPanFirst2(String panFirst2)
- Set the first two digits of the PAN.
void setPanHandle(String panHandle)
- A reference set by the Payment Application to refer to a specific PAN, only used while processing CP Triggers. A Commerce Application may choose to use PAN_Handle to request an encrypted PAN via API CP_APP_REQUESTS_ENCRYPTED_CARD.
void setPanLast4(String panLast4)
- Set the last four digits of the PAN
void setPaymentBrand(String paymentBrand)
- The brand for the card. A constant value, see VISA as an example, or the literal string received from the terminal if the constant is unrecognized.
void setPresentationMethod(PresentationMethod presentationMethod)
- Set the presentation method. The method used to set the card data
void setVasData(String vasData)
- Set base64-encoded VAS string
void setFullVasResponse(String fullVasResponse)
- Set Full VAS Response string
void setProcessorCardNetwork(String processorCardNetwork)
- Set the processor card network. Refer to getProcessorCardNetwork.
void setVclCryptoInformation(HashMap<String, String> cryptoInformation)
- Set the VCL crypto information for the current card.
void setTokens(ArrayList<Token> tokens)
- Set tokens of the payment with a list.
Public Static Functions
static inline StoredValueCardInformation create()
- factory method to create a StoredValueCardInformation instance
static inline StoredValueCardInformation createWith(CardInformation cardInformation)
- factory method to instantiate StoredValueCardInformation using CardInformation