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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 22-Jul-2024

namespace verifone_sdk


enum class PresentationMethod : int


enumerator MAG_STRIPE

  • Magnetic Stripe / Swipe

enumerator CHIP

  • EMV chip.

enumerator CTLS_CARD

  • Contactless card tap.

enumerator CTLS_PHONE

  • Contactless card by phone

enumerator CTLS_MAG_STRIPE

  • Reading the magnetic stripe but without swiping.

enumerator KEYED

  • The card information was keyed in using the terminal.

enumerator MANUAL

  • The card was accepted offline, such as through a carbon paper copy.

enumerator RFID

  • RFID card tap.

enumerator SCANNED

  • The card was scanned in digitally

enumerator FILE

  • The card was from a stored card on file.


  • EMV chip, synchronously confirmed.

enumerator VAS

  • base64-encoded VAS data


constexpr std::string_view toString(const PresentationMethod &arg)

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