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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 18-Jul-2024

namespace verifone_sdk

struct HostPaymentContext

  • These properties will refer to the context by which a Payment was received associated with the transaction event.

Public Functions

inline HostPaymentContext(std::optional<bool> cardPresent_, std::optional<MerchantPresent> merchantPresent_, std::optional<CmvAuthenticationMethod> authenticationMethod_, std::optional<PresentationMethod> entryMode_, std::optional<AccountType> accountType_, std::optional<FallbackCode> fallbackCode_, std::optional<FallbackReason> fallbackReason_, std::optional<bool> pinBypassed_, std::optional<std::string> metadata_)

Public Members

std::optional<bool> cardPresent

  • Was a card physically present during transaction.

std::optional<MerchantPresent> merchantPresent

  • See MerchantPresent

std::optional<CmvAuthenticationMethod> authenticationMethod

  • The Cardholder authentication method employed for this transaction. CmvAuthenticationMethod()

std::optional<PresentationMethod> entryMode

  • The entry mode for the payment instrument where card is presented at a PED. CardInformation.PresentationMethod,

std::optional<AccountType> accountType

  • See AccountType

std::optional<FallbackCode> fallbackCode

  • See FallbackCode

std::optional<FallbackReason> fallbackReason

  • See FallbackReason

std::optional<bool> pinBypassed

  • Was PIN entry bypassed during contactless payment.

std::optional<std::string> metadata

  • Application Specific Data This object may contain additional parameters specific to the client. These values must be expected by the underlying PIM otherwise they will be discarded.

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