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In-Person Payments

Last updated: 06-Jun-2024

namespace payment_sdk

class CheckData

  • This represents the check data that is shared between the terminal and application Setting the fields is only relevant when sending the data to the terminal and conversely, getting the fields is only relevant when receiving this object from the terminal. By default CheckType will be Personal if nothing is specified by the POS

Public Functions

inline CheckData(String bankId, String accountNumber, String checkNumber, String checkCardNumber, CheckType checkType, String checkCountry)

inline String getBankId()

  • Identification of the Bank.

inline String getAccountNumber()

  • Identification of the customer account.

inline String getCheckNumber()

  • Identification of the bank check number.

inline String getCheckCardNumber()

  • Check guarantee card number.

inline CheckType getCheckType()

  • Type of the check.

inline String getCheckCountry()

  • Country code of the bank check.ISOCountry3A

inline String toString()

Package Attributes

final String mBankId

final String mAccountNumber

final String mCheckNumber

final String mCheckCardNumber

final CheckType mCheckType

final String mCheckCountry

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