namespace verifone_sdk
struct MerchantBase
- Represents a merchant.
- Subclassed by verifone_sdk::Merchant
Public Functions
inline MerchantBase(std::optional<std::string> recordId_, std::optional<std::string> merchantName_, std::optional<std::string> merchantAddress_, std::optional<std::string> countryCode_, std::optional<std::string> merchantCategoryCode_, std::optional<bool> isPrimaryFlag_, std::optional<bool> isBalanceEnquiry_, std::optional<Decimal> cashoutCeiling_, std::optional<bool> isCashoutOnlyEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isForceOfflineEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isManualPreAuthEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isManualPurchaseEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isManualRefundEnabled_, std::optional<Decimal> maxPurchaseAmount_, std::optional<bool> isMotoPaymentEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isMotoRefundEnabled_, std::optional<std::string> phoneNumber_, std::optional<bool> isPreAuthEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isPurchaseAndCashoutEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isPurchaseEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isRefundEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isTipPromptEnabled_, std::optional<bool> isVoidEnabled_, std::vector<Acquirer> acquirers_, std::vector<std::string> currencies_, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> config_, std::vector<AlternativePaymentMethod> alternativePaymentMethods_)
virtual ~MerchantBase() = default
Public Members
std::optional<std::string> recordId
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and REGISTERED_IDENTIFIER_KEY instead. record id of the merchant
std::optional<std::string> merchantName
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and COMMON_NAME_KEY instead. The name of the merchant as set by the merchant.
std::optional<std::string> merchantAddress
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and ADDRESS_KEY instead. The address of the merchant
std::optional<std::string> countryCode
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and COUNTRY_CODE_KEY instead. The ISO 3166-1 country code where the merchant is operating
std::optional<std::string> merchantCategoryCode
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MERCHANT_CATEGORY_CODE_KEY instead. The ISO18245 category code for the merchant
std::optional<bool> isPrimaryFlag
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and PRIMARY_FLAG_KEY instead. If this merchant is the primary merchant on the POI
std::optional<bool> isBalanceEnquiry
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and BALANCE_ENQUIRY_FLAG_KEY instead. Balance Enquiry Enabled
std::optional<Decimal> cashoutCeiling
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and CASHOUT_CEILING_KEY instead. Cashout Ceiling
std::optional<bool> isCashoutOnlyEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and CASHOUT_ONLY_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is cash out only enabled
std::optional<bool> isForceOfflineEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and FORCE_OFFLINE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Force offline Enabled
std::optional<bool> isManualPreAuthEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MANUAL_PREAUTH_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Manual Pre auth enabled
std::optional<bool> isManualPurchaseEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MANUAL_PURCHASE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Manual Purchase Enabled
std::optional<bool> isManualRefundEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MANUAL_REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Manual Refund Enabled
std::optional<Decimal> maxPurchaseAmount
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MAX_PURCHASE_AMOUNT_KEY instead. maximum purchase Amount
std::optional<bool> isMotoPaymentEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MOTO_PAYMENT_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. isMotoPaymentEnabled
std::optional<bool> isMotoRefundEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and MOTO_REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. isMotoRefundEnabled
std::optional<std::string> phoneNumber
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and PHONE_NUMBER_KEY instead. phone number
std::optional<bool> isPreAuthEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and PREAUTH_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Pre Auth Enabled
std::optional<bool> isPurchaseAndCashoutEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and PURCHASE_AND_CASHOUT_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Purchase And Cash out Enabled
std::optional<bool> isPurchaseEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and PURCHASE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Purchase Enabled
std::optional<bool> isRefundEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Refund Enabled
std::optional<bool> isTipPromptEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and TIP_PROMPT_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Tip PRompt Enabled
std::optional<bool> isVoidEnabled
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. Please use config() and VOID_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY instead. is Void Enabled
std::vector<Acquirer> acquirers
- An array of PaymentAcquirerData objects without payment information
std::vector<std::string> currencies
- A list of currencies supported by the merchant
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> config
- Map of merchant configuration data
std::vector<AlternativePaymentMethod> alternativePaymentMethods
- List of Alternative Payment Methods
Public Static Attributes
static std::string const MERCHANT_NAME_COLUMN
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. name of the merchant
static std::string const MERCHANT_ADDRESS_COLUMN
- Deprecated on 2021-07-31. address of the merchant
static std::string const REGISTERED_IDENTIFIER_KEY
- Registered identifier
static std::string const COMMON_NAME_KEY
- Name of the merchant
static std::string const ADDRESS_KEY
- The address of the merchant
static std::string const COUNTRY_CODE_KEY
- The ISO 3166-1 country code where the merchant is operating
static std::string const MERCHANT_CATEGORY_CODE_KEY
- The ISO18245 category code for the merchant
static std::string const PRIMARY_FLAG_KEY
- If this merchant is the primary merchant on the POI
static std::string const BALANCE_ENQUIRY_FLAG_KEY
- Balance Enquiry Enabled
static std::string const CASHOUT_CEILING_KEY
- Cashout Ceiling
static std::string const CASHOUT_ONLY_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Cash out only enabled
static std::string const FORCE_OFFLINE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Force offline Enabled
static std::string const MANUAL_PREAUTH_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Manual Pre auth enabled
static std::string const MANUAL_PURCHASE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Manual Purchase Enabled
static std::string const MANUAL_REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Manual Refund Enabled
static std::string const MAX_PURCHASE_AMOUNT_KEY
- Maximum purchase Amount
static std::string const MOTO_PAYMENT_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Moto Payment Enabled
static std::string const MOTO_REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Moto Refund Enabled
static std::string const PHONE_NUMBER_KEY
- Phone number
static std::string const PREAUTH_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Pre Auth Enabled
- Purchase And Cash out Enabled
static std::string const PURCHASE_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Purchase Enabled
static std::string const REFUND_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Refund Enabled
static std::string const TIP_PROMPT_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Tip Prompt Enabled
static std::string const VOID_ENABLED_FLAG_KEY
- Void Enabled
static std::string const MERCHANT_TYPE_KEY
- Merchant Type Use config() and this key to get it
Protected Functions
MerchantBase(const MerchantBase&) = default
MerchantBase(MerchantBase&&) = default
MerchantBase &operator=(const MerchantBase&) = default
MerchantBase &operator=(MerchantBase&&) = default