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Verifone Central

Reporting Details

Last updated: 02-Jul-2024

The reporting page provides merchants with comprehensive details regarding each order / transaction that takes place in the account. The orders / transactions data from the reporting page can be viewed and analyzed using specific keywords or filters or reports can be exported in CSV file.

Below are definitions for all of the orders / transaction detail fields available in Verifone Central. Each field is listed also with their availability as filters and search criteria.

Field Name Definition (region specific) List (= basic CSV) Search Filters CSV full report Custom Report Template Details
Account Type Type of the account used for the payment (credit/debit) No No Yes account_type Account_type Yes
Acquirer Type indicator to identify the acquirer of the payment No No No N/A N/A Yes
Acquirer Account Type A field that indicates how the transaction was processed by the acquirer (it can be either debit or credit).   No No No Acquirer_account_type Acquirer_account_type Yes
Acquirer Authorization Result Authorization as received from the acquirer No No No acquirer_authorisation_result Acquirer_authorisation_result No
Acquirer Authorizing Network ID The Network ID returned in the original authorization response.  No  No  No  N/A  N/A No
Acquirer Authorizing Network Descriptor The name or descriptor that corresponds with the Acquirer Authorizing Network ID returned in the original authorization response  No  No  No  N/A N/A No
Acquirer Merchant ID Identifier assigned to the Merchant and known by the Acquirer (it is not supported by all the acquirers) No Yes No acquirer_merchant_id Acquirer_merchant_ID(MID) Yes
Acquirer Response Code Acquired Response Code No No No acquirer_response_code Acquirer_response Yes
Acquirer Settlement ID  An identifier given to a settlement by the acquirer.  No No No N/A Acquirer_settlement_ID  Yes
Actions The available actions per transaction  No No No header.source.acquirer N/A Yes
ARN Acquirer Reference Number is the "transaction ID " set by the Acquirer. It is usually used when communicating to banks and schemes.  No No No arn ARN Yes
Authorization Date Time  The date returned in the authorization response message  No  No  No  N/A Auth_date_time  Yes
Authentication mode Authentication method No No No N/A N/A Yes
Authentication value Unique value assigned by the Issuer to distinguish the 3ds transaction. Is it similar to the Authorization code, but for 3DS No No No N/A N/A Yes
Authorization Code Value assigned by the Acquirer  for specific authorized transactions No No No authorisation_code Authorisation_code Yes
AVS Outcome Text that informs of the outcome of a requested shopper address validation. No No No N/A N/A Yes
AVS Result Code Address verification services result code, which provides information about the outcome of the AVS check. No No No AVS_result_code AVS_result_code No
Batch Created Date of the Batch creation No No No N/A N/A Yes
Batch File Number Internal identifier assigned to the settlement file sent for batch settlement to the acquirer.  No Yes No N/A N/A Yes
Batch Number Batch or settlement date as assigned by the Payment Acceptor (in most cases Verifone) for the POI or merchant. This is not the same as the batch that can be assigned by the acquirer. No  Yes No batch_id Batch_ID Yes
Bin Number* The Bank Identification Number contains the first 6-8 digits of the Primary Account Number (PAN). The BIN (or a BIN range) is assigned to a card issuer. No Yes No card.bin Card_bin No
Business Identifier Value (BIV) A unique identifier, assigned to companies by a national or regional registration office, that is used in legal and business transaction contexts.   No No Yes N/A N/A No
Capture Status Identifier that indicates whether the transaction resulted in the capture of the authorization.  No No No N/A Capture_status  Yes
Cashback Amount A part of the purchase price returned to the customer as a reward or incentive in a payment transaction No     No     No     cashback_amount     Cashback_amount  Yes
Cashier Name Name of the Cashier who created the transaction (not used for all the providers) No     No     No     cashier_name     Cashier_name Yes
Cashier ID ID of the Cashier who created the transaction (not used for all the providers) No     Yes  No     cashier_ID     Cashier_ID Yes
Cardholder choice Brand choice No No No N/A N/A Yes
Card Issuer Country     The country where the card was issued No No No card.issuer_country  Fee_configuration_card_issuer_country No
Card Expiry Month A 2 digit value displayed on the card indicating the month when the card will expire.  No  No  No Card_expiry_month Card_expiry_month  Yes
Card Expiry Year A 4 digit value displayed on the card indicating the month when the card will expire.  No  No  No Card_expiry_year Card_expiry_year Yes
Card Last Four   Last four digits of the PAN(Payment card number) No No No card.last_four     Card_last_four_digits No
Card Number Primary Account Number or Card Number. Displayed in a masked format No Yes No masked_card_number Masked_card_number Yes
Card Token Identifier associated with the payment card that allow to search data related to that payment card in a safe way No Yes No  N/A N/A Yes
CAVV Result The Cardholder Authentication Verification Value No No No cavv_result     CAVV_result No
Challenge indicator Indicator that determines if the issuer request challenge the cardholder. No     No     No     N/A N/A Yes
Channel     Sales channel of the transaction (ecomm, mail, POS)     No     No     No     N/A N/A Yes
Charitable Donation A voluntary contribution made by a person or organization to a charitable cause or nonprofit organization in a payment transaction. No   No   No   Charitable_Donation Charity_donation_amount No
Cheque Account Number The masked cheque holder's account number No No No cheque_account_number Cheque_account_number Yes
Cheque Number The cheque sequence number. No No No cheque_number Cheque_number Yes
Customer Billing City Shopper's billing city. No No No   Customer_billing_city Yes
Customer Billing Country Code Shopper's country code No No No customer.billing.country_code Customer_billing_country Yes
Customer Billing First Name     Shopper's first name as displayed in the address.  No No No customer.billing.first_name   Customer_first_name Yes
Confirm Date Time Identifier that indicates the transaction capture date and time  No No No N/A Confirm_date_time  Yes
Contract ID An identifier used to identify a contract from a Merchant perspective. As this may not be unique across Gateways or Acquirers, the UUID is used as the surrogate key. No No No PPC_ID PPC_ID Yes
Created Date of transaction Yes No Yes N/A N/A Yes
Creation date Date when the transaction has made No No No created_at_date Creation_date No
Creation date time Date and time when the transaction has made No No No created_datetime Created_datetime   
Creation time Time when the transaction has made No No No Creation_time Creation_time No
Created at Timezone The timezone of the creation date No No No created_at_timezone Timezone No
Created at UTC Date of creation according to the UTC timezone No No No created_at_utc Created_in_UTC No
Credit Term Terms under which the transaction is performed. No No No credit_term Credit_term Yes
Cross border fee Cross border fee., a fee taken for processing cross boarder (when a payment card of a cardholder and a merchant are located in different countries) transactions No No No N/A N/A Yes
Currency  Currency of the transaction No No Yes Curr.amount currency code Curr.amount currency code Yes
Current Amount/ Transaction amount Current amount of the transaction (after some actions). Also mapped as Transaction amount, which can be found under the Fee Details in the Details section. Yes No Yes (appears as Amount) Curr.amount Curr.amount currency code Yes
Customer App Phone Number The phone number to be used for the Contact. If you include this property there should be at least one phone number. No No No customer.app_phone_number Customer_ID Yes
Customer ID/Payer ID Identifier as a string for the Customer. This is for the Verifone defined customer ID e.g from the customer service. The field is termed as Customer ID in the Customer Information section and as Payer ID in the Details tab of the transaction side-menu. No No No customer._id Customer_app_phone Yes
CVV Result The result of a Card Verification Value check. The CVV or CVV2 are not stored, only an indicator to the result is captured after the verification. No No No N/A N/A Yes
Deferred Months Number of months this payment is due for the cardholder No No No deferred_months Deferred_month No
Device ID     Identifier used by an Estate Management System. No No No estate_management_id   N/A Yes
(Device) Serial Number A value to indicate the device serial number.  No Yes No device_serial_number Device_serial_number Yes
Due date Date when the issuer will retrieve funds from the cardholder account. No No No due_date Due_date No
Electronic Commerce Indicator     Number that indicates the level of security used to retrieve the customer's payment credentials. No No No electronic_commerce_indicator     3D_secure_eci No
Enrolled Card enrolled for 3DS No No No N/A N/A Yes
Email Shopper email No No No customer.email_address Customer_email Yes
Entry Mode Entry mode of transaction that affects the fee amount. Only a subset of all possible key entry modes are relevant for the fee amount. No No No entry_mode Fee_entry_mode No
External Customer ID External identifier of the shopper.  No Yes No N/A N/A No
External Merchant ID Merchant ID in the client's system (used by Woodforrest) No Yes No N/A N/A Yes
Fallback Transaction A card entry mode used as an alternative after the initial card reading has failed No No No fallback_transaction Fallback_transaction No
Fee Currency Name of the currency used for paying the fee No No No fee_currency Processing_fee_currency No
Fee Configuration Card Type The card type(credit, debit or commercial) that influences the fee calculation No No No payment_mode  Fee_configuration_card_type No
Fraud score The fraud score returned by the Fraud Protection Service No No No fraud_score Fraud_score Yes
Fraud Reason Code A code that indicates if a response code captured by the gateway is different that the one received by the acquirer or the issuer. No No No Fraud_reason_code Fraud_reason_code No
Fraud Reason Insights The list of reasons for the fraud score No No No fraud_reason_insights Fraud_reason_insight Yes
Gratuity amount A optional additional payment made by a customer to a service provider as a token in a payment transaction No No No gratuity_amount  Gratuity_amount No
ID Check Result ID check identifier used in regions where the customer's ID is used for verification. No Yes No id_check_result Customer_ID_check No
Instalment payment index

Field is applicable for Israel only.

Possible values are:

  • index-linked
  • dollar-linked
No No No issuer_instalment_payment_index Issuer_installment_payment_index No
Invoice number Identifier of the invoice created for a transaction No Yes No invoice_number Invoice_number Yes
IP Address  IP Address where the event originated. No No No N/A N/A Yes
Issuer Authorization Result Identifier that determines how the transaction was authorized by the issuer  No No No issuer_authorisation_result Issuer_authorisation_result No
Issuer Instalment Down Payment Amount   The down payment amount required by the card issuer No No No issuer_instalment_down_payment_amount   Issuer_instalment_down_payment_amount No
Issuer Instalment Amount The regular instalment amount required by the card issuer No No No issuer_instalment_instalment_amount Issuer_instalment_amount No
Issuer Instalment Number of Instalments The number of instalments that the total amount should be paid in. No No No issuer_instalment_number_of_instalments   Issuer_instalments_count No
Merchant Country Country the merchant is based in No No No merchant_country  Merchant_country  No
Merchant ID Identifier assigned to the Merchant and known by the Merchant or Client, whether this is an external Client, Client System or Gateway, i.e., this field is for the MID used internally by VF Yes Yes Yes merchant_id Merchant_ID Yes
Merchant Present  Identifier which signals whether the merchant was present or not during the transaction.   No No No N/A Merchant_present  Yes
Merchant reference

Merchant reference* is a value (up to 50 characters) that is assigned by the merchant in each transaction for their own identification

(*In CSV report use the merchant_reference column, the "Merchant Reference" column is deprecated)

No Yes No merchant_reference Merchant_reference Yes
Message No A number assigned by a transaction initiator(originator) to assist in identifying a transaction uniquely.  No No No N/A Message_no  Yes
Name Shopper full name No No No N/A N/A Yes
Organisation Organisation name Yes No No Organization_name Yes
Organisation ID Organisation ID No No Yes Entity Internal_organization_ID Yes

Orig. Amount/

Total transaction amount

Initial amount of the transaction or total amount of the transaction. Also mapped as Total Transaction amount, which can be found under the Fee Details in the Details section. Yes No No Orig.amount Original_amount Yes
Orig.amount currency code Transaction payment currency No No No Original_currency Original_currency Yes
Parent Transaction ID Identifier ,populated only in case of follow-up transactions (Capture, Void or Refund), indicates the Transaction ID of the initial transaction (Sale, Authorization or PreAuth) that was used to created the follow-up transaction. No No No Parent_transaction_ID Parent_transaction_ID No
Payment Account Reference A unique non-sensitive reference to the cardholder PAN (Payment Account Number).  No No No N/A Payment_account_reference  Yes
Payment Document Provider The service that generated the transaction receipt No No No payment_document_provider Payment_document_provider No
Payment Document Type The type of receipt that is generated for the transaction. No No No payment_document_type    



Payment Document ID Unique identifier of the document in internal or external datastore No No No payment_document_id Payment_document_ID No
Payment Product Type A type indicator for the payment that is being processed (only used for Klarna). No No No payment_product_type Payment_product_type No
Processing Fee

An amount paid for the processing services provided by Verifone Acquiring to the merchant (currently only used for transactions with Klarna).


No No No platform_fee N/A No
POI Name An identifier used to represent the POI as generated by the estate manager. This is not the same as the TID, which will be derived from the relationship with an Acquirer Agreement No No No POI_name POI_name No
Processor Type indicator to identify the processor of the payment No No No sourcePIM Source_PIM Yes
Processor Card Brand A type indicator for the card scheme No No No processor_card_brand Processor_card_brand No
Processor Acquirer Name The name of the acquirer. Possibly derived from the acquiring Institution ID. No No No processor_acquirer_name Processor_acquirer_name No
Processor Issuer Name The name of the card issuer. Possibly derived from the Issuer Code No No No processor_issuer_name Processor_issuer_name No
Processor RRN A corresponding RRN or reference number returned by the Acquirer/Processor No No No processor_rrn Processor_RRN No
Processor STAN A number that is assigned by a counter in the gateway (or the terminal) to identify the uniqueness against processor. The length of STAN will depend upon acquirer. No Yes No N/A N/A No
Product Payment method used to place the order Yes No Yes Product Product Yes
Provider reference Type indicator for the contract that is being processed No No No N/A N/A Yes
Provider transaction ID Transaction ID generated by the provider No Yes No processor_transaction_id Processor_transaction_ID Yes
Purchase Order Number  The number of the purchase as assigned by the merchant  No No No purchase_order_number  PO_number No
Reason code The reason code for the transaction status No No No N/A N/A Yes
Reference Unique ID of the transaction, generated by the acquirer's system Yes Yes No Reference Reference Yes
Refusal Code A numeric value related to the Refusal reason in the Transaction request. No No No N/A N/A Yes
Refusal reason The reason a transaction has been refused within the payment ecosystem by the client/Verifone/acquirer. This reason is set by the component that is refusing this transaction request. No No No N/A N/A Yes
Response Response received from the acquire No No No N/A N/A Yes
Response Code Description of the response received from the acquirer  No No No response_code Transaction_response_code Yes
Response description Message generated by the Gateway corresponding to the Response code. No No No N/A N/A No
Reuse Token ID A reusable token issued by Verifone or a third-party that is used to represent previously stored cardholder data. No Yes No N/A N/A Yes
Reuse Token Context Any setup that uses a token to make a transaction secure. This will filter transactions according to the following token contexts: Stored Credentials (token used in the Stored Credential context), Tokenization (token requested in the non-Stored Credential context) or Instrument (token used as an instrument). No No Yes N/A N/A Yes
RRN Retrieval Reference Number, may be used as reference against Acquirers No Yes No processor_rrn RRN Yes
Sales Chanel A type indicator that shows the sales channel used to capture the transaction. The indicator is used to enable the customer to specify the instrument (card) details. This may also indicate whether the customer is returning or not (if the account has any stored credentials), which can be identified by other elements of the authentication method and entry mode. No No No Sales_channel Sales_channel No
Sales Description Description of the purchase, added by the merchant.  No Yes No N/A N/A No
Sales Identifier An external identifier from the POS or third-party for the transaction. Also known as 'Customer Transaction Reference' or 'third party reference' No No No third_party_transaction_reference Third_party_reference Yes
Scheme Identifier Identifier sent by the acquirer in the authorisation response message,  and sent in a subsequent authorisation request messages associated with the same transaction.  No No No N/A Scheme_identifier  Yes
Scheme Reference ID Data typically used in stored credential transactions. No Yes No N/A N/A Yes
Scheme Transaction ID Transaction ID assigned by the schemes for 3DS1.0.2 transactions No No No N/A N/A Yes
Settlement amount Calculated amount to be settled, cross border fee is deducted if applicable. Only a few processor supports this field No No No N/A N/A Yes
Settlement Batch ID Identifier assigned to a settlement batch No Yes No settlement_id Settlement_ID Yes
Settlement date Settlement date No No No settlement_date Settlement_date Yes
Shipping address Shopper shipping address No No No shipping_information.address Customer_shipping_address Yes
Shipping Information City Shopper shipping city  No No No Customer_shipping_city Yes
Shipping Information Country Shopper shipping country No No No    Customer_shipping_country Yes
Shipping Information Email Shopper email No No No     Customer_shipping_email No
Shipping Information First Name Shopper first name No No No shipping_information.first_name Customer_shipping_name No
Shopper Interaction Type of software/hardware interface from which payment has been made No No No shopper_interaction Channel Yes
Shipping Information Phone   Shopper phone number No No No  Customer_shipping_phone No
Shipping Information Postal Code    Shipping address post code No No No shipping_information.postal_code   Customer_shipping_postal code Yes
Shipping Information State     Shopper shipping state No NoNo No shipping_information.state  Customer_shipping_state Yes
Site Reference An identifier for the Site that is unique to the Merchant Organization. It is used to locate the instance of a Site. No No No site_reference_id External_site_reference_ID Yes
State Displays details on the current transaction state No No No state Transaction_state Yes
Status Status of the transaction  Yes No Yes Status N/A Yes
Status (3DS) Status of the 3DS check (e.g., successful, failed, etc.) No No No N/A N/A Yes
STAN Verification method for API calls. Verification is done through a number that is assigned by a counter in the gateway (or the terminal) to identify the uniqueness against Acquirers. The length of STAN will depend upon acquirer. No Yes No STAN STAN Yes
Stored Credential Reference Reference to the signup request. No No No Stored_credential_reference Stored_credential_type No
Stored Credential Type

A signup or enrolment request for the stored credentials

A subsequent charge request for the stored credentials, related to a previous signup

No No Yes stored_credentials_type N/A Yes
Stored Identifier An identifier generated from the POS or a third-party for this transaction.  No  No  No Store_identifier Store_identifier No
Subscription ID Identifier of the subscription or agreement in the payment provider's system No Yes No N/A N/A Yes
Surcharge fee Processing fees or additional costs applied to customers, included in the original purchase price. No No No surcharge_amount N/A Yes
Tax Amount  The amount of tax to be paid on the purchase  No No No tax_amount Tax_amount Yes
Tax Indicator  An indicator denoting whether sales tax must be paid on the purchase or not. No No No tax_indicator Tax_indicator No
Technology Entry mode (breakdown of cards like mag stripe, chip insert or contactless)  No No No technology Payment_technology Yes
Terminal ID Identifier assigned to POI and known by the Merchant or Client, whether this is an external Client, Client System or Gateway No Yes No terminal_id Terminal_ID Yes
Token Type Identifier that indicates the type of instrument used in the transaction. No Yes Yes token_type Token_type No
Transaction Description An arbitrary string  attached to a transaction or payment object for descriptive purposes. This would correspond to the  Alipay 'memo' property. No No No transaction_description Transaction_description No
Transaction fee Fees applicable for the transaction No No No payment_processing_fee_amount Processing_fee Yes
Transaction ID ID of the transaction No Yes No _id Transaction_ID Yes
Transaction Online Flag  Identifier that specifies if the transaction was submitted online or was captured offline and subsequently submitted to the processor or acquirer.  No No No N/A Transaction_online_flag  Yes
Transaction timezone Timezone of the transaction No No No Transaction_timezone Transaction_timezone No
Transaction type Type of the transaction. See more in Transaction Types and Statuses. Yes No Yes Transaction_type Transaction_type Yes
3D Secure Version Version of 3DS No No No N/A N/A Yes
User agent The full user agent string of the device the customer used to submit the transaction. No No No user_agent Browser_version Yes
Verifone Terminal ID An identifier assigned to a Point of Interaction (POI) and known by the Merchant or Client, This field is for the TID used internally by VF. No No No Verifone Terminal ID Internal_terminal_ID No
Wallet Wallet that was used to initiate the transaction (eg. Google Pay, Apple Pay, Vipps, MobilePay etc)



No Yes N/A N/A Yes
XID Transaction ID assigned for 3DS1.0.2 transactions No



No N/A N/A Yes

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