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Verifone Central

How to export a report

Last updated: 02-Jul-2024

You can generated and export order / transaction reports in the Reporting section of Verifone Central.

  1. Select the needed view between orders and transactions, by clicking on the toggle button Orders / Transactions.
  2. After applying filters to display the results you want to export, as per the Reporting Filters documentation, click on Export CSV to generate either an order or a transaction report for download.

    Export CSV

  3. Select the report type.

    • Basic report will contain the same columns as the transaction table in Verifone Central.
    • Full report will export all transaction details which are available for export. 
    • Customized report you or another user in your organization has created. You can customize your own report template by clicking on Manage templates. For more information on how to customize your reports, see Customize a report template
       The sequence of the columns in the CSV report may experience changes in the long term, so that any possible automations on the merchant side should rely on the column names only and not on the order/sequence of the columns.
  4. Depending on the number of transactions displayed in the search results, different screens will be displayed.
    • If there are less than 10.000 transactions, click the Export button to generate the report.
      less than 10.000 transactions
    • If there are more than 10.000 transactions, click the Generate report button to generate a report ID.
      more than 10.000 transactions
    • If the report contains 500,000 records or more, then the report will not be generated. A transaction line in a transaction report will contain the initial and the follow-up transaction as well. This is why the transaction counter may differ from the actual number of transaction included in the CSV report. If the transaction counter exceeds 500,000 then a message will be displayed in the Export CSV pop-up menu, informing you that the report cannot be exported. If the counter does not exceed 500,000 and actual number of transactions recorded in the exported CSV report does exceed that limit,  an e-mail will be sent automatically to inform you that the report was not generated due to the limit breach.
  5. Whenever a new report is generated, you will receive an email containing a link to download your report.

    email link

    Alternatively, you can navigate to Commerce > Reporting and select Generated reports. In the Generated reports list, insert the report ID in the Search field and click on Download.

    downloading reports 2

For definitions on all transaction detail fields displayed in the report, see Reporting details.

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