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Verifone Central

Settlements Reports

Last updated: 31-May-2024


A settlement is the transfer of funds from shopper to merchant via all the check-up phases such as verification by bank and acquirers, after the transaction itself has been finalized. Settlements are initiated by the system internally. 

In Verifone Central, under the Reporting menu, you can access Settlements  Reports, where you can search and filter your organizations' settlement batches. The Settlements Reports include all the transaction settlement batches sent to your bank or payments processor. You can select the date range and the organizations for which you would like to create and view the reports.  

You can view the settlements using two modes: 


Only users with Merchant Reviewer, Merchant Supervisor, and Merchant User roles can access settlement reports. 

Both POI Settlements and Processor Settlements features are available on demand. To enable this feature, please contact a Verifone representative


Generate a settlement report

To generate a settlement report from Verifone Central, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Verifone Central account.
  2. Navigate to Commerce -> Reporting, and click on Settlements in the drop-down menu.
  3. In the next window, if both options are available, you can choose the way in which your settlements are displayed 
    • POI Settlements: Settlement batches  are displayed as per Point of Interaction (POI). This is the default view of the settlement reports page. 
    • Processor Settlements: Settlement batches are displayed according to processor-related configurations and characteristics such as card brand, account type, etc.Choose POI or Processor
  4. You can choose to filter the information displayed in the report based on: 
    • Batch created date 
    • Organizations 
    • Processor  
    • Status of the settlement 
    • Payout type - only available for Processor SettlementsPayout type only Processor Settlements

If you want your report to list settlement batches based on a particular processor (for example, InterCard), click on the Processor filter, select the desired processor (in this case InterCard), and click the Apply button. 

Generate report

The following transaction types, which adjust the final settled amount, can impact the Settlement Report: SALE, CAPTURE, REFUND, VOID, CANCEL, PREAUTH COMPLETION, SALE REPLACEMENT, DELAYED CHARGE, and CASH ADVANCE.


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