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Retrieve price matrix for product

Retrieve price matrix for product

Last updated: 12-Nov-2020
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Use the GetPriceMatrix API call to retrieve details that are used to add or update a special price promotion.

Request parameters

Expand table

Paremeters Type Required Description
sessionID String Required The unique identifier of the session.
PriceMatrixRequest Array of Objects Required Contains details that are used to add or update a special price promotion.


Object Required  


String Required Product code for the price matrix.


String Required Pricing configuration code for the price matrix, must be related to the product.


Expand table

Parameters Type Description
PriceMatrix Array of Objects Only for this type of promotion. It is generated by getPriceMatrix and used to set promotion special prices.
ProductCode String Product code for the price matrix.
PricingConfigurationCode String Pricing configuration code for the price matrix, must be related to the product.
OptionHash String Unique identifier of one combination of price configuration options.
Options Array of objects Describes price configuration options identified by OptionHash.




Prices Array of Objects Promotion prices by currency, price for default currency is required.


Int Decimal.


String ISO currency code.

Request sample 



$priceMatrixRequestObject1 = new stdClass;
$priceMatrixRequestObject1->productCode = "474FF7C0FD"
$priceMatrixRequestObject1->pricingConfigurationCode = "514EE48419"

$requestBody = [

$promotionObject->PriceMatrix = [$priceMatrixDefinition1];

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
'id' => $i++,
'method' => 'getPriceMatrix',
'params' => array($sessionID, $requestBody),

$result = callRPC((object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host);
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