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Order object

Last updated: 11-Jun-2024
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Use this object to create new orders and collect payments from shoppers. 

The attributes below in this page include all possible properties from both the request and the response

To implement placing orders, please reference the API Request page (Place orders with catalog products or Place orders with dynamic product information).

Supported payment methods

  1. Credit/Debit cards: Visa, Visa electron, MasterCard, Maestro, Amex, Discover, Dankort, Carte Bleue, JCB. 2Checkout supports local Brazilian cards.
  2. PayPal and PayPal Express
  3. Purchase Order
  4. Wire
  5. Check
  6. WeChat Pay
  7. iDEAL
  8. Previous order references - In addition to the payment methods enumerated above, 2Checkout also supports 1-click purchase flows in which you use valid previous order references belonging to returning customers to pay for new orders with their previously used cards and PayPal accounts. 


Parameters   Type/Description
RefNo Optional (string)

Unique, system-generated, order reference number.


Do not include it when placing new orders or send it as NULL.

Currency Optional (string)
  The currency ISO code for the payment - ISO 4217. Example: “usd.”
Country Optional (string)
  Shopper country. ISO 3166 two-letter code. Example: “us.”
Language Optional (string)
  ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Language used for the purchase process. Example: “en.”
ExternalReference Optional (string)
  Set external reference identifiers for orders. Enables you to replicate the functionality of the REF parameter included into Buy Links. Maximum 100 characters. If there is a need for longer references, you can apply an md5 hash for any string value, resulting in a 32 characters string. You can verify the hash after the order notification, on the client side.
Source Optional (string)

The link source for the sales. Enables you to replicate the functionality of the SRC (separate link identifier) parameter when included into Buy Links. Use the SRC parameter to track sale sources.


Maximum length 255 characters.

Affiliate Object/Optional
  AffiliateCode String/Required
    The affiliate unique code (as returned by the affiliates API methods).
  AffiliateSource String/Optional
    The affiliate source.
CustomerReference Optional (Int)
  System-generated 2Checkout customer reference. Aggregate subscriptions under the same Customer account by adding the AV_CUSTOMERID (case sensitive) parameter to buy links. The 2Checkout system generates default customer numerical (integer) IDs (AV_CUSTOMERID) automatically for all orders containing products that feature subscriptions.
MachineId Optional (string)
  Unique, system generated code for each unique customer, identifying returning customers.
Items Required (array of objects)
  Details below. 
  OrderItem Object
    Details below. 
    Code Required (string)
      Unique product identifier your control. Max length 256 characters.
    Quantity Required (integer)
      Number of units
    PriceOptions Optional (array of strings)
      Array of price option codes.
    SKU Optional (string)
      SKU identifier.
    Price Object - Can be NULL
        OrderPrice Object - Can be NULL
        Currency Optional (string)
          The currency ISO code for the payment - ISO 4217. Example: usd.
        NetPrice Optional (double)
          Order value excluding sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.
        GrossPrice Optional (double)
          Total order value, including sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency. GrossPrice does not reflect any discounts.
        NetDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
          The NetPrice order value excluding sales tax/VAT, from which 2Checkout deducts discounts. NetDiscountedPrice is expressed in the payment currency.
        GrossDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
          Total costs shoppers incurexpressed in the payment currencyThis value includes sales tax/VAT, 2Checkout and affiliate commissions, but 2Checkout deducts the value of any discounts. For example, the GrossDiscountedPrice can be derived from the GrossPrice minus a Discount.
        Discount Optional (double)
          Value of the discounts for an order expressed in the payment currency.
        VAT Optional (double)
          Value of sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.
        AffiliateCommission Optional (double)
          Value of the affiliate commission for the order calculated from the NetDiscountedPriceexpressed in the payment currency. Or NULL. 2Checkout does not take into account shipping costs when calculating affiliate commissions.
        UnitNetPrice Optional (double)
          The value per product unit, excluding sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.
        UnitGrossPrice Optional (double)
          Total value per product unit, including sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency. UnitGrossPrice does not reflect any discounts.
        UnitVAT Optional (double)
          Sales tax/VAT per product unit expressed in the payment currency.
        UnitDiscount Optional (double)
          Value of the discount per product unit expressed in the payment currency.
        UnitNetDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
          The value per product unit, expressed in the payment currency, excluding sales tax/VAT, from which 2Checkout deducts the unit discount.
        UnitGrossDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
          Total costs shoppers incur per product unitexpressed in the payment currencyThis value includes sales tax/VAT, 2Checkout and affiliate commissions, but 2Checkout deducts the value of any discounts.
        UnitAffiliateCommission Optional (double)

Value of the affiliate commission per product unit calculated expressed in the payment currency.


2Checkout deducts discounts from the costs incurred by shoppers before calculating affiliate commissions.


2Checkout does not take into account shipping costs when calculating affiliate commissions.


NULL when 2Checkout does not apply an affiliate commission.

    CrossSell Object – Can be NULL
      Details below. 
      ParentCode Optional (string)
        The product code of the master product you set to trigger the campaign.
      CampaignCode Optional (string)
        Unique, system-generated identifier for cross-sell campaigns.
    Trial Optional (Object) – Can be NULL
      Details below. 
      Period Optional (integer)
        The length of the trial subscription lifetime in days.
      Price Optional (double)
        Total trial price in the payment currency before 2Checkout deducts any taxes, discounts, etc.
    AdditionalFields Optional (array of objects) – Can be NULL
      AdditionalFieldSet Optional (Object) – Can be NULL
        Code Optional (string)
          The alpha-numeric characters, underscores and dashes that are set as the field identifier.
        Value Optional (string)
            Selected field value.
    SubscriptionStartDat Optional (string)

Specify the date time stamp when the subscription becomes active. Format 2016-07-02 22:22:22 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss). Available for JSON-RPC and REST.

Send empty or NULL to activate subscriptions on the same date when customers purchase them.

You can exclude HH:mm:ss when sending the date and include only YYYY-MM-DD. In this case, 2Checkout uses 00:00:01. Default time zone GMT+02:00.

    Promotion Optional (Object)
      Details below. 
      Name Optional (string)
        Promotion name.
      Description Optional (string)
        Promotion description.
      StartDate Optional (string)
        The date when you set the promotion to start. NULL for promotions that start immediately after you create them.
      EndDate Optional (string)
        The date when you set the promotion to end. NULL for promotions you want active indefinitely.
      MaximumOrdersNumber Optional (integer)

2Checkout only applies the promotion to a maximum number of orders you define.


Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number of orders.

      MaximumQuantity Optional (integer)
        Discount only applies to a maximum number of units purchased through a single order, smaller than the quantity you defined. Shoppers purchase any extra units at full price. Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number of units.
      InstantDiscount Optional (boolean)
        The instant discount option auto-applies the discount for ALL selected products, without the need for shoppers to enter a discount coupon.
      Coupon Optional (string)
        Promotion coupon/voucher.
      DiscountLabel Optional (string)
        Discounts can be set as a percentage of the product price or as a fixed amount in the chosen currency.
      Enabled Optional (string)
        true or false, depending on whether a promotion is active or disabled. 
      Type Optional (string)
  • REGULAR – product/cart line-level discounts.
  • ORDER – quantity discounts.
  • GLOBAL – order-level discounts.
BillingDetails Required (Object)
  Details below. 
  Person Object
      Details below. 
    FirstName Required (string)
      Shopper name.
    LastName Required (string)
      Shopper surname.
    CountryCode Required (string)
      Shopper country. ISO 3166 two-letter code.

Optional (string) – Required for US, Brazil, India and Romania

The state in the shopper's country. Mandatory when you set the Billing Country to US, Brazil, India and Romania. Use case insensitive utf8 strings for the full name, or just the two letter code.

    City Optional (string)
      Shopper city.
    Address1 Optional (string)
      Shopper address.
    Address2 Optional (string)
      Shopper address.
    Zip Optional (string)
      ZIP/ Postal code.
    Email Optional (string)
      Shopper email address.
    Phone Optional (string)
      Shopper phone number. Mandatory when you set Brazil as the Billing Country. Can be NULL.
    Company Optional (string)
      Company name. Can be null for end users. When present, you also need to provide the FiscalCode.
    TaxExemptionId  Optional (string)
      Tax Exempt Certification id used to deduct taxes for US orders
Example: 1b80eecc349v
  FiscalCode Optional (string) – Required for Brazil

• For companies, it needs to be the VAT ID. 2Checkout will validate the value provided and throw an error if the VAT ID is invalid/incorrect when calling setPaymentDetails. When present, you also need to provide the Company name.

• Mandatory when you set Brazil as the Billing Country. For Brazilian customers, it represents the Fiscal Code (CPF/CNPJ).

• Mandatory when you set India as Billing Country, and purchase is made by a Company.

• Can be NULL for end users.

DeliveryDetails Required (Object)
    Details below. 
  Person Object
    Details below. 
    FirstName Required (string)
      Shopper name from the delivery details.
    LastName Required (string)
      Shopper surname from the delivery details.
    CountryCode Optional (string)
      Shopper country. ISO 3166 two-letter code from the delivery details.
    State Optional (string) – Required for US, Brazil and Romania
      The state in the shopper's country from the delivery details. Mandatory when you set the Billing Country to the US, Brazil, and Romania. Use case insensitive utf8 strings for the full name, or just the two-letter code.
    City Optional (string)
      Shopper city from the delivery details.
    Address1 Optional (string)
      Shopper address from the delivery details.
    Address2 Optional (string)
      Shopper address from the delivery details.
    Zip Optional (string)
      ZIP/ Postal code from the delivery details.
    Email Optional (string)
      Shopper email address from the delivery details.
    Phone Optional (string)
      Shopper phone number from the delivery details. Mandatory when you set Brazil as the Billing Country. Can be NULL.
    Company Optional (string)
      Company name from the delivery details. Can be null for end users. When present, you also need to provide the FiscalCode.
PaymentDetails Required (Object)
  Adapt this object to the desired payment method.
  Type Required (string)

The payment method:

  • CC (credit/debit card - including local Brazilian cards).
  • ENCRYPTED_PAYMENT_DATA (client-side encryption)
  • CCNOPCI(credit/debit card for non-PCI certified merchants).
  • TEST (for test orders).
  • PREVIOUS_ORDER(place new orders using the reference of a previous order).
  • EXISTING_PAYMENT_DATA  (use a card one of your customers already used to purchase from your account).
  • WIRE – the placeOrder response includes Wire payment details.
  • CHECK – the placeOrder response includes Check payment details.
  • WE_CHAT_PAY (for WeChat payments).
  • IDEAL (for iDEAL payments).
  • PURCHASEORDER - use for orders with POs.
  • FREE – for 0 value orders for which you’re not requiring customers to provide payment details.


  Currency Optional (string)
    The currency ISO code for the payment - ISO 4217. Example: “usd.”
  PaymentMethod Optional (object)

Object structure and parameters differ according to payment method selected and API method (placing orders (POST) vs. retrieving order data (GET)).


NULL for 0 value orders for which you’re not requiring customers to enter payment details.

  AutoRenewal Optional (boolean)

true – shopper checks the auto renewal checkbox and 2Checkout charges subscription renewals using a recurring billing process.

false – shopper doesn’t check the auto renewal checkbox.

      CardPayment Optional (object)
        Details below. 
        CardNumber Optional (string)
          The credit/debit card number.
        CardType Optional (string)
          visa, visaelectron, mastercard, maestro, amex, discover, dankort, cartebleue, jcb, hipercard, elo
        ExpirationYear Optional (string)
          The year in which the card expires.
        ExpirationMonth Optional (string)
          The month in which the card expires.
        HolderName Optional (string)
          Card holder name.
        CCID Optional (string)
          Credit Card Identification - an extra ID printed on the card, usually a 3-4 digit number, the CVC2/CVV2.
        HolderNameTime Optional (float)

The interval of time in seconds in which shoppers enter their name in the HolderName field. An abnormally short interval is usually a red flag for fraud attempts.

Can be NULL, but not a negative number.

        CardNumberTime Optional (float)

The interval of time in seconds in which shopper enter their card number in the CardNumber field. An abnormally short interval is usually a red flag for fraud attempts.

Can be NULL, but not a negative number.

        InstallmentsNumber  Optional (Int)
          Number of installments. Available only when customers un Brazil pay with Visa or MasterCard using Brazilian Real as the order currency. Use 1 or exclude the parameter for full payments. 
      PayPalExpress Optional (object)
        Details below. 
        Email Optional (string)
          Email address customers use for their PayPal account.
        ReturnURL Optional (string)
          The PayPal Express Checkout redirect URL returned by calling the getPayPalExpressCheckoutRedirectURL method. The return URL is the page on your website to which PayPal redirects your buyer's browser after the buyer logs into PayPal and approves the payment. Typically, this is a secure page (https://...) on your site.
        CancelURL Optional (string)
          The cancel URL is the page on your website to which PayPal redirects your buyer's browser if the buyer does not approve the payment. Typically, this is the secure page (https://...) on your site from which you redirected the buyer to PayPal.
      PreviousOrder Optional (Object)
        Details below. 
        RefNo Optional (string)

Order reference a previous purchase which reached the Approved/Complete status. You can use order for which customers paid with credit/debit cards or with PayPal. The status of order should be AUTHRECEIVED or COMPLETE.


Check the validity of references with the isValidOrderReference method.


The 2Checkout system blocks you from using references for fraudulent or potentially fraudulent orders.

      PurchaseOrderPaymentDetails Optional (Object)
        Details below. 
        InternalPONumber Optional (string)
          Identifier that business customers use internally in their organization to track and manage Purchase Orders (PO). Can be NULL.
        AutoApprove Optional (boolean)

TRUE - requires activation of the PO AutoApprove package (If the package is inactive 2Checkout returns an error). Please contact 2Checkout. When AutoApprove is TRUE, 2Checkout no longer requires that business customers upload a PO document. As such, PO orders are automatically approved for your account, without a PO doc. 2Checkout sets the PURCHASE_PENDING status for auto-approved PO orders.

FALSE - Default. Send this if the PO AUtoApprove package is not available for your account. 2Checkout uses the same flow as cart purchases with Purchase Orders for business customers placing orders with POs via API. This means that customers receive the same emails as if they made the purchase using the cart and need to update the PO document, which is reviewed by 2Checkout and that you need to approve. 2Checkout sets the AVAITING_UPLOAD status for POs andUnfinished for their orders.


Can be NULL.

      WE_CHAT_PAY Optional (string)
        Details below
        ReturnUR Optional (string)
          The return URL is the page to which your customers are redirected after their successful payment.
        CancelURL Optional (string)
          The cancel URL is the page to which your customers are redirected after their failed payment attempt.
      IDEAL Optional (string)
        Details below
        ReturnURL Optional (string)
          The return URL is the page to which your customers are redirected after their successful payment.
        CancelURL Optional (string)
          The cancel URL is the page to which your customers are redirected after their failed payment attempt.
        BankCode Required (string)
          String contains the SWIFT code of the bank, the plus sign "+", and the first 3 characters from the bank name. E.q.: in the case of Rabobank, code parameter is "RABONL2U+RAB".
      EXISTING_PAYMENT_DATA Optional (Object)
        By using EXISTING_PAYMENT_DATA you no longer require shoppers to enter any payment details.
        TransientToken Optional (string)
          Returned as a part of the process of retrieving customer information by SSOToken.
  CustomerIP Required (string)
    Shopper IP.
Promotions Optional (Array of strings)
  Array of promotion codes.
  Details below. 
  Code Optional (string)
    The alpha-numeric characters, underscores and dashes that are set as the field identifier.
  Text Optional (string)
    Field text visible to shoppers in the cart.
  Value Optional (string)
    Selected field value.
LocalTime Optional (string)

Local shopper time in the following format: Y-m-d H:i:s.

This parameter can impact the fraud score of an order when it's missing, NULL or incorrectly formatted.

GiftDetails Optional (object)
  Contains contact details for the recipient of a gift purchase.
  FirstName Optional (string)
    First name of gift recipient.
  LastName Optional (string)
    Last name of gift recipient.
  Email Optional (string)
    Email of gift recipient. 2Checkout uses this email for the delivery/fulfillment process.
  GiftNote Optional (string)
    Custom text shoppers provide as a message to the gift recipient.



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