Retrieve usage
Last updated: 15-Mar-2021
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Use the getSubscriptionUsages method SOAP API 6.0 to filter and retrieve usages for a subscription.
Request Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
merchantCode | String | Required | String. The system-generated merchant ID. |
hash | String | Required | String. The MD5 hmac key for the request. |
sessionID | String | Required | String. The system-generated code of the session. |
SubscriptionReference | String | Required | String. The system-generated reference code of the subscription. |
Page | Number | Required | Number. Page to be retrieved. |
Limit | Number | Required | Number. The number of results per page. |
IntervalStart | Datetime | Required | Date. Filters all usages with UsageEnd >= IntervalStart. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". The timezone used is the one on the server. |
IntervalEnd | Datetime | Required | Date. Filters all usages with UsageEnd <= IntervalEnd. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". The timezone used is the one on the server. |
RenewalOrderReference | Number | Optional | Number. The reference code generated by the system when the subscription is renewed. |
OptionCode | String | Optional | Unique 2Checkout option code. The pay-per-usage price options group for which the usage is uploaded. Example: metered pricing. |
Request Sample
require ('PATH_TO_AUTH'); // authentication call
$subscriptionReference = 'EF4B51535B';
$usageReference = 120010492176;
try {
$subscriptionUsageRequest = new stdClass();
$subscriptionUsageRequest->SubscriptionReference = $subscriptionReference;
$subscriptionUsageRequest->Page = 1;
$subscriptionUsageRequest->Limit = 10;
$subscriptionUsageRequest->IntervalStart = '2020-04-09 16:40:00';
$subscriptionUsageRequest->IntervalEnd = '2020-04-12 15:40:00';
$response = $client->getSubscriptionUsages($sessionID, $subscriptionUsageRequest);
} catch (SoapFault $ex) {
$faultname = (isset($ex->faultname)) ? " $faultname" : '';
echo "[$ex->faultcode]$faultname: $ex->faultstring" . PHP_EOL;
The getUsages method via SOAP APIv6 returns the Usage object when successful.
class stdClass#3 (2) {
public $Items =>
array(1) {
[0] =>
array(8) {
'UsageReference' =>
string(12) "120011114371"
'SubscriptionReference' =>
string(10) "67F3AD6A32"
'OptionCode' =>
string(6) "USG_MN"
'UsageStart' =>
string(19) "2020-07-06 12:00:00"
'UsageEnd' =>
string(19) "2020-07-07 12:00:00"
'Units' =>
'Description' =>
string(15) "Response sample"
'RenewalOrderReference' =>
public $Pagination =>
class stdClass#4 (3) {
public $Page =>
public $Limit =>
public $Count =>
Error Handling
The below errors are returned when the getUsages method via SOAP APIv6 is unsuccessful.
Error message description | Error code | Error message |
The provided parameters lack the required type or format. |
SEARCH_PAGE_INVALID | The Page parameter must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1. |
SEARCH_LIMIT_INVALID | The Limit parameter must be a positive integer lower than 100. | |
MANDATORY_FIELDS_MISSING | Both 'IntervalStart' and 'IntervalEnd' parameters must be provided. | |
FILTER_INVALID | If provided, 'RenewalOrderReference' must be a positive integer. | |
FILTER_INVALID | 'IntervalStart' must be provided in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | |
FILTER_INVALID | 'IntervalStart' must be provided in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | |
FILTER_INVALID | 'IntervalEnd' must be provided in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | |
FILTER_INVALID | 'IntervalEnd' must be provided in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | |
SEARCH_PAGE_INVALID | 'The Page parameter must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1. | |
SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND | Subscription not found. | |
Unexpected error happens | INTERNAL_ERROR | <unexpected_error> |
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