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Usage management

Last updated: 15-Mar-2021
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The usage-based/on-demand/pay-as-you-go pricing model allows merchants to charge their customers on the consumption or overage of a billable service or resource, usually on top of a recurring flat rate. 

Use the Usage object to manage (add, update, delete, retrieve, and import) usage via the 2Checkout API (SOAP API 6.0).


Parameters for the Usage object via SOAP API 6.0
Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
UsageReference Integer Optional The unique usage identifier. Example: 123459876.
SubscriptionReference String Required Unique code that represents a subscription. Example: 83FE4FEF2.
OptionCode String Required Unique 2Checkout option code. The pay-per-usage price options group for which the usage is uploaded. Example: metered pricing.
UsageStart Datetime Required The datetime when the usage started; can be the same as UsageEnd.  Example: 2018-09-03 17:28:32.
UsageEnd Datetime Required The datetime when the usage ended and was recorded. Example: 2018-09-03 17:28:32.
Units Integer Required Number of units recorded. Example: 10.
Description String Optional It can be used to store a short merchant comment of the usage being uploaded. This can be anything, from the source of usage (mobile, web, etc.), to why changes occurred, etc. Example: Subscription usage for September.



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