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Usage management

Last updated: 03-Aug-2020
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The usage-based/on-demand/pay-as-you-go pricing model allows merchants to charge their customers on the consumption or overage of a billable service or resource, usually on top of a recurring flat rate. 

Use the Usage object to manage (add, update, delete, retrieve, and import) usage via the 2Checkout API (JSON-RPC APIv6).


Parameters for the Usage object via JSON-RPC APIv6
Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
UsageReference Integer Optional The unique usage identifier. Example: 123459876.
SubscriptionReference String Required Unique code that represents a subscription. Example: 83FE4FEF2.
OptionCode String Required Unique 2Checkout option code. The pay-per-usage price options group for which the usage is uploaded. Example: metered pricing.
UsageStart Datetime Required The datetime when the usage started; can be the same as UsageEnd.  Example: 2018-09-03 17:28:32.
UsageEnd Datetime Required The datetime when the usage ended and was recorded. Example: 2018-09-03 17:28:32.
Units Integer Required Number of units recorded. Example: 10.
Description String Optional It can be used to store a short merchant comment of the usage being uploaded. This can be anything, from the source of usage (mobile, web, etc.), to why changes occurred, etc. Example: Subscription usage for September.



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