Copy payment info
Copy card-on-file data available in the Avangate system from a source subscription to an imported target subscription. Avangate uses the existing payment information to charge customers as a part of the recurring billing (renewal) process.
Use the copyPaymentInfo method.
The imported target subscription and the source subscription must belong to the same customer. The Avangate system checks to make sure that the Avangate Customer Reference (internal identifier) coincides for the customer accounts associated to the target and source subscriptions.
Please contact Avangate directly if you wish to take advantage of this feature.
How does this method work?
- Customer A purchases Subscription A using a VISA credit card and you import Subscription B for the same customer with no data or with an AMEX card.
- When Avangate renews Subscription A, it charges Customer A using the VISA, while using the AMEX (if the data was provided) for Subscription B charges.
- When you copy the payment data from Subscription A to Subscription B, the Avangate system uses the VISA credit card to renew both subscriptions according with their respective recurring billing cycles. Avangate charges customers during the recurring billing process for the imported target subscription using the payment method they used to purchase the source subscription.
Expand table
Parameters |
Type/Description |
sessionID |
Required (string) |
Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. Avangate throws an exception if the values are incorrect. The sessionID expires in 10 minutes. |
TargetSubscriptionReference |
Required (string) |
The Avangate Subscription Reference of the imported target subscription, to which Avangate copies the payment on file data associated with the source subscription. |
SubscriptionReference |
Required (string) |
The Avangate Subscription Reference of the source subscription whose attached payment on file data Avangate copies to the target subscription. |
Expand table
Boolean |
true or false depending on whether or not the operation succeeded. |
$host = "";
$client = new SoapClient($host . "/soap/4.0/?wsdl", array(
'location' => $host . "/soap/4.0/",
"stream_context" => stream_context_create(array(
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false
function hmac($key, $data)
$b = 64; // byte length for md5
if (strlen($key) > $b) {
$key = pack("H*", md5($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return md5($k_opad . pack("H*", md5($k_ipad . $data)));
$merchantCode = "YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE";// your account's merchant code available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:
$key = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";// your account's secret key available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:
$now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //date_default_timezone_set('UTC')
$string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen($now) . $now;
$hash = hmac($key, $string);
try {
$sessionID = $client->login($merchantCode, $now, $hash);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo "Authentication: " . $e->getMessage();
$TargetSubscription = '559338F092';
$SourceSubscription = '9F4154733C';
try {
$payInfo = $client->copyPaymentInfo($sessionID, $TargetSubscription, $SourceSubscription);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo "payInfo: " . $e->getMessage();
var_dump("payInfo", $payInfo);