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LCN Parameters

Last updated: 31-Jan-2025
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You can configure and set the LCN triggers and parameters right from your Merchant Control Panel so that you choose when to be notified about license changes and updates.

Configure LCN triggers and message

Navigate to LCN settings from your Merchant Control Panel, Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks and API. Select the events for which 2Checkout sends notifications from the list of options available in the General LCN Settings section, under Triggers.

LCN Parameters

Depending on your LCN settings, the notifications contain all or a subset of the available parameters. 2Checkout continuously adds new LCN parameters. To include additional information in the notifications, enable new parameters on the LCN settings page in the Merchant Control Panel.

Parameter Description Type/Length
FIRST_NAME Customer first name String/40
LAST_NAME Customer last name String/40
COMPANY Company name String/40
EMAIL Customer email address String/40
PHONE Phone number String/40
FAX Fax number String/40
COUNTRY Country String/50
STATE State/County String/30
CITY City String/30
ZIP Zip code String/20
ADDRESS Customer address String/100
LICENSE_CODE System-generated, unique identifier for the subscriptions String/50
EXPIRATION_DATE The date when the subscription expires. For lifetime subscriptions, the value is: 9999-12-31 23:59:59. String/20
DATE_UPDATED The date when the 2Checkout system logs an update for a subscription String/20
AVANGATE_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Default customer numerical (integer) IDs generated automatically by the 2Checkout system. String/10
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Unique customer alphanumeric (string) identifiers that you control String/250

Possible values:

  • 1 for test subscriptions
  • 0 for 'real' subscriptions

Reveals the author of subscription modifications. Possible values:


Possible values:


Subscription status.

  • 1 for Disabled
  • 0 for Enabled

The renewal license type

  • 1 for recurring billing
  • 0 for renewal that requires manual input from the customer
START_DATE Date when you schedule the subscription to start String/20
PURCHASE_DATE The initial date when a subscriber acquired the subscription String/20

This parameter indicates whether the subscription is evergreen (lifetime)

  • 1 - lifetime
  • 0 - for subscriptions with a recurring billing cycle

This parameter indicates the current, total number of billing cycles for a subscription since its creation/import, reflecting the number of renewals, but counting from the first payment made, equivalent with the initial billing cycle. For imported subscriptions, the first billing cycle starts immediately after import.

The default value is 1, for the initial billing. A subscription renewed once enters the second billing cycle, and the value of the parameter changes to 2. Similarly, the value increases to 3 for the third billing cycle, 4 for the fourth, and so on. It is the correspondent of the BILLING_CYCLES option in the LCN configuration page. Available only for subscriptions for which you configure a contract.

CONTRACT_CYCLES This parameter indicates the current subscription contract cycle. The default value is 1. For example, for a 12-month contract, the value of the CONTRACT_CYCLES is 1 for the first 12 months, 2 for the next 12 months after the contract is restarted, 3 for the following year, etc. String/2
BILLING_CYCLES_LEFT The number of billing cycles remaining until the contract restarts. 2Checkout counts down from the moment a subscription goes live. For example, the BILLING_CYCLES_LEFT value for a monthly subscription with a 12-month contract will be 11 the first month, 10 the second month, 9 the third, then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0, before the contract restarts. String/2
CURRENT_BILLING_CYCLE This parameter indicates the current, total number of billing cycles of a subscription out of the duration of the current contract. For example, the CURRENT_BILLING_CYCLE value for a monthly subscription with a 12-month contract is 1 for the first month, 2 for the second month, and so forth until the twelfth billing cycle when the value reaches 12. Following the restart of the contract, the CURRENT_BILLING_CYCLE value is also restarted, starting with 1 for the first month of the new contract, 2 for the second, etc. String/2
NEXT_RENEWAL_PRICE Renewal price for the next billing cycle Int
NEXT_RENEWAL_CURRENCY Renewal currency for the next billing cycle String / 3
NEXT_RENEWAL_PRICE_TYPE GROSS/NET values depending on whether the price includes taxes String / 5
NEXT_RENEWAL_DATE Date of the next subscription renewal  

Possible values:

  • Empty - eCommerce order
  • Partner code
PSKU Product SKU (stock keeping unit) String/250
ACTIVATION_CODE Sends out the last used activation code String/250

The status of the subscription. Possible values:

  • PENDING_ACTIVATION (subscription with delayed start date)
  • ACTIVE (for licenses/subscriptions still in use)
  • CANCELED (for canceled licenses/subscriptions)
  • EXPIRED (for expired licenses/subscriptions)
  • PASTDUE (for licenses/subscriptions in the grace period)
  • PAUSED (for licenses/subscriptions that were paused) 
  • 1 - subscriptions/licenses expired. 
  • 0 - active subscriptions/licenses suffered modifications.
TIMEZONE_OFFSET The time zone you selected or the default GMT+2 time zone of the 2Checkout system String/9
LICENSE_GRACE_PERIOD The grace period impacting a subscription. Can have a numeric value (INT) representing the number of days sent as the grace period. Int/2

Designed to differentiate subscriptions leveraging usage pricing options groups from those without a metered cost component.

• PREPAID - subscription cost governed only by pricing options groups of the following type: Radio, Dropdown, Checkbox, and Scale (but without a metered cost component (usage scale pricing)).

• POSTPAID - subscription cost includes a metered cost component (usage scale pricing).


The date resulting from adding the Usage Billing Interval defined to the expiration deadline of the subscription.

For subscriptions with the automatic renewal system enabled and for which you uploaded usage data, the USAGE_BILLING_DATE represents the moment when 2Checkout attempts to automatically renew the subscription and charge the customer.


The status of usage data upload and processing.

  • PAID
LATEST_REPORTED_USAGE_DATE The most recent date when you uploaded usage data into the 2Checkout system for a subscription, preceding the renewal order before subscribers pay for the metered resources consumed. 2Checkout resets the counter after it renews the subscription. String/20

Indicates the action performed at the end of the subscription contract. Possible actions: subscription automatic renewal or expiration.

Possible values:

  • NONE

Calculated HMAC_MD5 signature based on the sent LCN fields and the secret key

(Note: This parameter won't be used anymore for LCN validation as of 15th of August, 2024.)

SIGNATURE_SHA2_256 Calculated HMAC_SHA2_256 signature based on the sent LCN fields and the secret key String/64
SIGNATURE_SHA3_256 Calculated HMAC_SHA3_256 signature based on the sent LCN fields and the secret key String/64
COUNTRY_CODE Customer country code from the billing details String/2
END_USER_LANGUAGE The language used by the customer for placing the order String/2

The reason why LCN was dispatched. Value depends on the change made on the license.

Possible values:

  • LICENCE_CHANGE - Licence change
  • LICENCE_EXPIRATION - Licence expiration
  •  LICENCE_PASTDUE - Licence past due 
  • LICENCE_CC_CHANGE - Licence payment method changes
  • LICENCE_IMPORTED - Licences changed via import
  • LICENCE_CPC_ACCEPTED-  Licences when a Churn Prevention Campaign was accepted
  • SCHEDULED_FOR_CANCELATION_ON_DEMAND - Scheduled cancellation event has been registered 
  •  REVERT_CANCELATION_ON_DEMAND - Scheduled cancellation event has been reverted
  • CANCELATION_ON_DEMAND - Scheduled cancellation actually has taken place
  • LICENCE_PENDING_ACTIVATION - Licence pending activation
  • LICENCE_GP_CHANGE - Licence grace period change
NEXT_RENEWAL_PAYMETHOD The payment method used in the upcoming renewal String/20
NEXT_RENEWAL_PAYMETHOD_CODE Code of the payment method String/15
NEXT_RENEWAL_CARD_LAST_DIGITS Last four digits of the debit/credit card used by the shopper String/4
NEXT_RENEWAL_CARD_TYPE Card type used by the customer String/12
NEXT_RENEWAL_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE The expiration date of the card used by the customer String/6
ORIGINAL_ORDER_REFERENCE Reference of the order that generated the subscription String/8
LAST_ORDER_REFERENCE Reference of the last order generated on the subscription, such as a renewal or an upgrade String/8
LICENSE_PRODUCT_CODE The product identifier you create or a system-generated code that you control String
LCN_LICENSE_ADDITIONAL_INFO_CUSTOM_TEXT Name of the subscription additional information field String
LCN_LICENSE_ADDITIONAL_INFO_CUSTOM_VALUE Value of the subscription additional information field String/100
EXPIRATION_DATE_TIME   The date and time when a license/subscription expires. For lifetime licenses/subscriptions, the value will always be 9999-12-31 23:59:59. Date
START_DATE_TIME   The license/subscription start date and time Date
PURCHASE_DATE_TIME   The initial date and time when the license/subscription was purchased Date
RENEWALS_NUMBER   The number of renewals Int
UPGRADES_NUMBER   The number of upgrades Int

Possible values: 

  • 1 - for trial subscriptions
  • 0 - for regular subscriptions
PAUSE_START_DATE Date when the subscription pause is scheduled to start or has started Date
PAUSE_END_DATE Date when the subscription pause will end and the next billing cycle starts Date
PAUSE_REASON The reason why the pause was set up, as specified by the merchant or shopper Date
PRODUCT_QUANTITY The number of units on the subscription Number
VENDOR_CODE Unique merchant identifier generated by the 2Checkout system String
MESSAGE_ID The sequence ID number of the sent message Integer

Array with the names of all the price options used on the product generating the license

For usage scale pricing option groups, 2Checkout returns the name of the pricing options as well as the number of units of metered resources consumed by the customer. Format: 'PricingOptionsGroupName: NumberOfUnitsConsumed', for example 'GBs: 100'.

Array of strings/250

Array with unique codes set up for the active pricing option groups of the product generating the license.

In the case of usage scale pricing options groups, 2Checkout returns both the unique code of the group as well as the number of units of metered resources consumed by the customer. Format: 'UniqueCode: NumberOfUnitsConsumed', for example 'metered GBs: 100'.

Array of strings/250
LCN_LICENSE_OPTIONS_PRICE Array with all prices corresponding to each active option (prices are in the order currency of the product generating the license). In the case of usage scale pricing options groups, it will return the price of the metered resources consumed by the customer in the order currency. Array of float numbers

Array with all price operators corresponding to each active price option, of the product generating the license.

Possible values:



Array of strings/9

Designed to differentiate usage pricing options groups from non-usage pricing options groups.

Possible values:

• PREPAID - for orders involving products with pricing options groups of the following type: Radio, Dropdown, Checkbox, and Scale (but without a metered cost component (usage scale pricing)). 
• POSTPAID - for orders involving products with a metered cost component (usage scale pricing).

LCN_LICENSE_OPTIONS_OPTIONAL_VALUE Array with optional codes (unique for pricing option group). In the case of usage scale pricing options groups, 2Checkout returns both the unique code of the group as well as the number of units of metered resources consumed by the customer. Format: 'UniqueCode: NumberOfUnitsConsumed', for example 'metered GBs: 100'. Array of strings/250

Array with operators showing the impact of the active pricing option on the subscription.

Possible values:

  • ADD
  • NONE
Array of strings/9

Array with the values (number of months) which are the impact of the active pricing options.


Array of integer numbers
LCN_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID Group ID of the product generating the license String
LCN_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME Group Name of the product generating the license String
PRODUCT_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE The external reference used to match the product with identifiers in your own system String
PRODUCT_VERSION_MODEL The version or model of the product String
CLIENT_DEAL_AUTO_RENEWAL Client option to automatically renew a deal contract at its expiration date String
MERCHANT_DEAL_AUTO_RENEWAL Merchant option to automatically renew a deal contract at its expiration date String
LAST_CHURN_REASONS The reason(s) provided by the shopper for disabling a subscription or cancelling the auto-renewal  String/20
LAST_CHURN_SOURCE The flow through which the subscription was disabled or the auto-renewal was cancelled String/10
LAST_CHURN_DATE The date when the subscription was disabled or the auto-renewal was cancelled String/255
CANCEL_ON_DEMAND_DATE   Latest churn cancel on demand date. String
CHURN_PREVENTION_CAMPAIGN_TYPE The type of the churn prevention campaign whose discount has been accepted by the shopper. String
CHURN_PREVENTION_CAMPAIGN_NAME The type of the churn prevention campaign whose discount has been accepted by the shopper. String
CHURN_PREVENTION_CAMPAIGN_DISCOUNT The value of the discount accepted via the churn prevention campaign/auto-renewal enrolment based on which the next renewal price is calculated. String
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