The object includes information related to the upsell campaigns, including product information and discount settings.
UpSell Object
The object below is returned as a successful response for the following SOAP API 6.0 methods:
Expand table
Parameters | Type | Description |
Name |
String |
Name of campaign, max 500 characters. |
Code |
String |
Unique system-generated campaign code. |
StartDate |
String |
The date when the up-sell campaign starts, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL. |
EndDate |
String |
The date when the up-sell campaign ends, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL. |
DisplayForManualRenewals |
Boolean |
Flag to control if the campaign will be displayed for manual subscription renewal orders. Can be set as true/false. |
Discount |
Object |
Discount definition object, details below. |
Type |
String |
Type of discount. Can be FIXED or PERCENT. |
Value |
Integer |
Percentage discount value (PERCENT discount only). |
Values |
Array of objects |
List of currency discounts (FIXED discount only), details below: |
Currency |
String |
Code of currency for the related amount. |
Amount |
Integer |
Discount amount value for the related currency. |
DefaultCurrency |
String |
Code of default currency (FIXED discount only). |
PrimaryProduct |
Object |
Main (primary) product object, details below: |
Code |
String |
The code of the product that the recommendation is made for. |
Quantity |
Integer |
The quantity for the primary product. Can be 0 (standing for any quantity). |
PriceOptions |
Array of objects |
Price options list for the primary product, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option group code. |
Options |
Array of objects |
Price options list, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option code. |
Value |
Integer |
Price option value (for scale interval price option group only). |
RecommendedProduct |
Object |
Recommended product object, details below: |
Code |
String |
The code of the recommended product. |
Quantity |
Integer |
The quantity for the recommended product. Can be 0 (standing for “match quantity” setting). |
PriceOptions |
Array of objects |
Price options list for the recommended product, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option group code. |
Options |
Array of objects |
Price options list, details below: |
Code |
String |
Price option code. |
Value |
Integer |
Price option value (for scale interval price option group only). |
Enabled |
Boolean |
Sets the campaign enabled or disabled. Can be set as true/false. |
Description |
Array of objects |
List of campaign language descriptions, details below: |
Language |
String |
Code of the language. |
Text |
String |
The text of the description in the associated language. |