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Retrieve price based on specific options

Retrieve price based on specific options

Last updated: 18-Feb-2025
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Use getPrice to extract cost information for a product/subscription plan, based on a specific list of options. 


Parameters Type/Description

Required (Object)

Details below.

  Code Required (string)
    Unique product identifier your control. Max length 256 characters.
  Quantity Required (String)
    Number of units.
  PriceOptions Optional (Array of objects)
    Array of price option groups.
                   Options Optional (Array of objects)
    Array of pricing options.
                                     Value Optional (String)
    Pricing option code.
Billing details Optional (Object)
  Details below. Can be null. 
  FirstName Optional (string)
    Shopper name.
  LastName Optional (string)
    Shopper surname.
  CountryCode Optional (string)
    Shopper country. ISO 3166 two-letter code. Include CountryCode in your request in combination with a null value for Currency, to receive the price in the default currency of the country you set. 
  State Optional (string) – Required for US, Brazil and Romania
    The state in the shopper's country. Mandatory when you set the Billing Country to US, Brazil and Romania. Use case insensitive utf8 strings for the full name, or just the two letter code.
  City Optional (string)
    Shopper city.
  Address1 Optional (string)
    Shopper address.
  Address2 Optional (string)
    Shopper address.
  Zip Optional (string)
    ZIP/ Postal code.
  Email Optional (string)
    Shopper email address.
  Phone Optional (string)
    Shopper phone number. Mandatory when you set Brazil as the Billing Country. Can be NULL.
  Company Optional (string)
    Company name. Can be null for end users. When present, you also need to provide the FiscalCode.
  FiscalCode Optional (string) – Required for Brazil

• For companies, it needs to be the VAT ID. 2Checkout will validate the value provided and throw an error if the VAT ID is invalid/incorrect when calling setPaymentDetails. When present, you also need to provide the Company name.

• Mandatory when you set Brazil as the Billing Country. For Brazilian customers it represents the Fiscal Code (CPF/CNPJ).

• Can be NULL for end users.

Currency Required (string)
  The currency ISO code for the payment - ISO 4217. Example: “usd.”
CouponCode Optional (string)
  Promotion coupon/voucher.
PayType Optional (string)

The payment method:

  • CC (credit/debit card - including local Brazilian cards).
  • ENCRYPTED_PAYMENT_DATA (client-side encryption)
  • TEST (for test orders).
  • EXISTING_PAYMENT_DATA  (use a card one of your customers already used to purchase from your account).
  • WIRE – the placeOrder response includes Wire payment details.
  • CHECK – the placeOrder response includes Check payment details.
  • PURCHASEORDER - use for orders with POs.
  • FREE – for 0 value orders for which you’re not requiring customers to provide payment details.


Parameters Type/Description


Details below.

UnitNetPrice Float
  The value per product unit, excluding sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.
UnitGrossPrice Float
  Total value per product unit, including sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency. UnitGrossPricedoes not reflect any discounts.
UnitVAT Integer
  Sales tax/VAT per product unit expressed in the payment currency.
UnitDiscount Integer
  Value of the discount per product unit expressed in the payment currency.
UnitNetDiscountedPrice Float
  The value per product unit, expressed in the payment currency, excluding sales tax/VAT, from which 2Checkout deducts the unit discount.
UnitGrossDiscountedPrice Float
  Total costs shoppers incur per product unit, expressed in the payment currency. This value includes sales tax/VAT, 2Checkout and affiliate commissions, but 2Checkout deducts the value of any discounts.
UnitAffiliateCommission Integer

Value of the affiliate commission per product unit calculated expressed in the payment currency.


2Checkout deducts discounts from the costs incurred by shoppers before calculating affiliate commissions.


2Checkout does not take into account shipping costs when calculating affiliate commissions.


NULL when 2Checkout does not apply an affiliate commission.

VATPercent Integer
  VAT percentage applied to purchase.
HandlingFeeNetPrice Integer
  Handling fee applied to your NET price configuration.
HandlingFeeGrossPrice Integer
  Handling fee applied to your GROSS price configuration.
AffiliateCommission Optional (double)
  Value of the affiliate commission for the order calculated from the NetDiscountedPrice expressed in the payment currency. Or NULL. 2Checkout does not take into account shipping costs when calculating affiliate commissions.
Currency Optional (string)
  The currency ISO code for the payment - ISO 4217. Example: “usd.” Use null as value when you include CountryCode in your request, to receive the price in the default currency of the country you set. 
Discount Optional (double)
  Value of the discounts for an order expressed in the payment currency.
GrossDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
  Total costs shoppers incurexpressed in the payment currencyThis value includes sales tax/VAT, 2Checkout and affiliate commissions, but 2Checkout deducts the value of any discounts.
GrossPrice Optional (double)
  Total order value, including sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency. GrossPrice does not reflect any discounts.
NetDiscountedPrice Optional (double)
  The NetPrice order value excluding sales tax/VAT, from which 2Checkout deducts discounts. NetDiscountedPriceis expressed in the payment currency.
NetPrice Optional (double)
  Order value excluding sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.
VAT Optional (double)
  Value of sales tax/VAT expressed in the payment currency.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$CartItem = new stdClass();

$CartItem->Code = 'my_subscription_1';
$CartItem->Quantity = 1;
$CartItem->PriceOptions = array();

/* $CartItem->Trial = new stdClass();
$CartItem->Trial->Period = 8;
$CartItem->Trial->Price = 0; */

$BillingDetails = NULL;
$Currency = 'USD';
$CouponCode = '123';
$PayType = 'CC';

try {
    $itemPrice = $client->getPrice($sessionID, $CartItem, $BillingDetails, $Currency, $CouponCode, $PayType);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "itemPrice: " . $e->getMessage();
var_dump("itemPrice", $itemPrice);


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