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Perform action

Last updated: 08-Jul-2020
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Use the performAction method via JSON-RPC APIv6 to execute an action on the proposal.

Request parameters

Expand table

Request parameters for the performAction method via JSON-RPC APIv6
Action Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
  sessionId String Required Unique 2Checkout session ID code.










proposalId String Required The unique merchant proposal ID generated by the 2Checkout system.
exirationDate Date Required The date at which the proposal expires; date-time ISO 8601 format
userId String Optional The unique user ID generated by the 2Checkout system.
action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.
sentBy String Required Represents the account manager of the merchant.


String Required The first name of the email sender.


String Required The last name of the email sender.


String Required The email address of the email sender.



action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.




action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.
userId String Optional The unique user ID generated by the 2Checkout system.




action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.
userId String Optional The unique user ID generated by the 2Checkout system.




action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.
userId String Optional The unique user ID generated by the 2Checkout system.



action String Required The action to be executed on the proposal.
statusComment String Optional Free text comments that can accompany a status.

Request sample


require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$proposalId = "0573e71d-38bb-4d61-88ca-b3c557517c68";

$actionPayload = new stdClass();
$actionPayload->ExpirationDate = "2021-01-05T17:21:42+00:00";
$actionPayload->UserId = "";
$actionPayload->action = "decline";
$actionPayload->StatusComment = "The price is too high for the first product";
$actionPayload->SentBy = new stdClass();
$actionPayload->SentBy->FirstName = "John";
$actionPayload->SentBy->LastName = "Doe";
$actionPayload->SentBy->Email = "";

$jsonRpcRequest = new stdClass();
$jsonRpcRequest->jsonrpc = '2.0';
$jsonRpcRequest->method = 'performAction';
$jsonRpcRequest->params = array($sessionID, $actionPayload);
$jsonRpcRequest->id = $i++;

try {
    $result = callRPC($jsonRpcRequest, $host);
    echo "Proposal: </br>", 
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "Could not fetch proposal: " . $e->getMessage();


The performAction call via JSON-RPC APIv6 returns the Proposal object.

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