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Online payments


Last updated: 02-May-2024


Checkout can be used to accept Klarna payments.

Integration options supported: Hosted payment page (HPP) or IFRAME.

This guide requires familiarity with Accepting payments.

Integrate Klarna via Checkout

Parameters Type Required Description
currency_code String Yes Supported currencies: EUR, DKK, NOK, SEK, USD
amount Integer Yes Transaction amount
configurations.klarna Object Yes Object carrying the parameters required for making a Klarna payment
customer String Yes ID of a Customer created via the Customer API. A customer object can be created and attached to a Checkout. Supported Countries ('US', 'NO', 'SE', 'FI', 'DK')
capture_now Boolean No Used for separate authorization and capture
line_items Array of objects Yes Each line item represents a product in the checkout

Authorization and capture

Klarna transactions through the Checkout can be used to do a sale (capture_now = true)  or to authorize without capturing immediately (capture_now = false). An authorized payment reserves the money and allows you to capture the funds at a later stage.

Handling responses

Whenever a card payment is processed via the Checkout, the responses events would contain additional fields specific to card payments in the details object.

Sending a checkout request using Klarna payment method:

    "amount": 12054,
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "entity_id": "030288dd-97fd-449e-9753-1a8195d92c56",
    "customer": "53fc359e-7cb0-4bd5-94d6-8f7f2ef48511",
    "configurations": {
        "klarna" : {
            "capture_now": false
    "line_items": [
            "name": "Demo product",
            "quantity": 1,
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "total_tax_amount": 0,
            "total_amount": 12054,
            "unit_price": 12054
    "merchant_reference": "ORDER-9671",
    "return_url": "",
    "interaction_type": "HPP"

Example of successful checkout via the Checkout:

        "type": "TRANSACTION_INITIATED",
        "id": "a4eb96fd-f448-420c-b2f8-e8dd758513c4",
        "timestamp": "2021-09-23T12:08:38.970Z",
        "details": {
            "id": "551deb6b-1bd1-46e6-bf36-a18555212b1a",
            "instore_reference": "9123285100004542",
            "client_token": "eyJh******ZaoA",
            "payment_method_categories": [
                    "identifier": "pay_over_time",
                    "name": "Slice it.",
                    "asset_urls": {
                        "standard": "",
                        "descriptive": ""
                    "identifier": "pay_later",
                    "name": "Pay later.",
                    "asset_urls": {
                        "standard": "",
                        "descriptive": ""
                    "identifier": "pay_now",
                    "name": "Pay now.",
                    "asset_urls": {
                        "standard": "",
                        "descriptive": ""
            "amount": 11703,
            "blocked": false,
            "customer": "53fc359e-7cb0-4bd5-94d6-8f7f2ef48511",
            "details": {
                "auto_capture": false
            "merchant_reference": "ORDER-5632",
            "processor": "KLARNA",
            "payment_product": "KLARNA",
            "payment_product_type": "Klarna",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "created_by": "cfc403f7-95a3-4c84-b9fd-2e18c37e488d",
            "shopper_interaction": "ECOMMERCE",
            "geo_location": [
            "city": "Jaipur",
            "country_code": "FI"
        "type": "TRANSACTION_SUCCESS",
        "id": "7ce36c1e-bc31-4958-bb30-fd3f52a6291f",
        "timestamp": "2021-09-23T12:13:00.514Z",
        "details": {
            "id": "551deb6b-1bd1-46e6-bf36-a18555212b1a",
            "instoreReference": "9123285100004542",
            "authorizedPaymentMethod": {
                "paymentType": "INVOICE"
            "amount": 11703,
            "createdAt": "2021-09-23T12:08:38+01:00",
            "details": {
                "autoCapture": false,
                "mid": "K043993"
            "merchantReference": "ORDER-5632",
            "processor": "KLARNA",
            "paymentProduct": "KLARNA",
            "paymentProductType": "Klarna",
            "shippingInformation": {},
            "status": "AUTHORIZED",
            "shopperInteraction": "ECOMMERCE",
            "countryCode": "FI"

Example of failed Klarna payment via the Checkout:

        "type": "TRANSACTION_FAILED",
        "id": "63fb2e62-4d16-4f85-9886-7f66f7f09ab1",
        "timestamp": "2021-09-23T12:46:48.404Z",
        "details": {
            "code": 404,
            "details": {
                "error": "404 : [{\n  \"error_code\" : \"NOT_FOUND\",\n  \"error_messages\" : [ \"Invalid authorization token\" ],\n  \"correlation_id\" : \"bb668631-360c-4af7-baaf-fcc419ce1ac1\"\n}]",
                "serviceCode": "KLARNA"
            "timestamp": 1632401208387,
            "message": "The requested resource, or one of its sub-resources, can't be found. If the submitted query is valid, this error is likely to be caused by a problem with a nested resource that has been deleted or modified. Check the details property for additional insights."
  • Note: To ensure that the redirection request was not tampered with, always check that the transaction_id received as query parameter in the redirection matches the transaction_id property of the retrieved Checkout. If those are not matching, this is indication of either an incorrect integration, that the redirection to your return_url did not originate from Verifone, or transaction_id was tampered with.
  • You can now store the transaction_id value together with the order 1234 in your system to link the two together. 


The table below describes the different outcomes of a Checkout. A full list of error codes are available.

Description Result Merchan action
Failed transaction* Redirect: checkout_id={checkout_id} & transaction_id={transaction_id} & errorCode=123 Unsuccessful payment (technical reason), do not display order confirmation
Successful transaction Redirect: checkout_id={checkout_id} & transaction_id={transaction_id} Display order confirmation
Customer visits the URL of an already completed Checkout Redirect: checkout_id={checkout_id} & errorCode=168

Display corresponding message to the customer. Checkout is completed whenever there was a single successful payment processed through it.

Customer visits the URL of an expired Checkout Redirect: checkout_id={checkout_id} & errorCode=169

Display corresponding message to the customer. Checkout is expired whenever the expiry_time is reached

Customer visits the URL of a Checkout which has reached the maximum of failed payment attempts Redirect: checkout_id={checkout_id} & errorCode=165 Display corresponding message to the customer. Payments through a single Checkout can be attempted up to three times unsuccessfully.
Form validation errors / Other service failures on the Checkout page Displays error alert to Customer on the page Customer is prompted to correct their form input and retry the payment or try using alternate card or the payment method

* Failed transaction - Depending on which step in the payment process failed, the transaction_id might not always be present as the query parameter

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