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Online payments

BearerAuth (JWT)

Last updated: 25-Sep-2024

Authenticate using OAuth 2.0

Alternatively, OAuth 2.0 can be used together with the Client ID, Client Secret, and Scope. This information is provided during onboarding.

Using the provided credentials, you will be able to generate a JWT access token that needs to be used in all API calls.

Prerequisites for using APIs

To authenticate with the Verifone APIs, you must obtain an access token. This access token is attached to API requests and inspected for a valid signature and expiration time when performing API calls.

How to obtain the authentication credentials

You will be provided with the following details during onboarding:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret (associated to the Client ID)
  • Scope

Use the following links for each environment:

US Production
EMEA Production
NZ Production
AU Production
Global Sandbox

With this information combination, you can authenticate/authorize and receive the access token.

How to obtain the access token (JWT)

The access token is formatted as a JWT (Json Web Token).

The OAuth2.0 Client Credential grant flow is used to get the access token. Your application will need to have the Client ID and Client Secret stored securely.

Perform the following call to get your access token:

curl -k --request POST \
--data "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \
--data "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET}" \
--data "scope=${SCOPE}" \

Request parameters

  • client_credentials - indicating that Client Credentials grant is in use
  • scope - must be at least one custom scope received from Verifone; in case of multiple scope values, they need to be sent as space-separated values within a single string

Response parameters

  • access_token: Contains the access token in JWT format RFC 7519.
  • expires_in: Contains the expiration time in seconds for the access token. Once the access token expires, you should send a new request to the authorization endpoint in order to re-authenticate your application.
  • scope - Contains the list of all the scopes associated with the "access_token".

As per RFC 6749, a refresh token is not provided. If the request failed client authentication or is invalid, the authorization server will return a HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code.

Example access token

If the credentials are valid, the application will receive back an access token in JSON Web Token (JWT).

Example access token:


To inspect the token, you can use or you can use the jwt command line tool.

$ cat Token.txt | xargs  jwt decode
Token header
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "wU3ifI23aqasB/FG6eM1P1QM="
Token claims
  "aud": "VerifoneOauth",
  "auditTrackingId": "7cec23db-555-6666-7777-999999999-47436",
  "authGrantId": "K8QuHaqbzUJAQWSM8waZFazn8",
  "auth_time": 1596970875,
  "entity_id": "81049fd1-6126-4d41-8416-aa356c498cca",
  "exp": 1596971055,
  "expires_in": 180,
  "grant_type": "client_credentials",
  "iat": 1596970875,
  "iss": "",
  "jti": "vkQgMdem7nmUa2-OQYxtJ3WP0-A",
  "nbf": 1596970875,
  "realm": "/VerifoneServices",
  "roles": "[VERIFONE_TEST]",
  "scope": [
  "sub": "59beb037-d64a-4228-8364-0ed540205fd5",
  "tokenName": "access_token",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

Access Token Format

Obtained Access Token is in JWT format [RFC 7519].


# Claim Content Claim Name Claim type
1 "alg" RS256 Hashing algorithm (RS256 - RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256) Registered
2 "typ" JWT The type of the token Registered
3 "kid" Key Identifier ("1ee4d9e7dcfef215d133c7ed7ac87c95f8d8e712") Key ID (which key was used to secure the JWS) Registered[RFC7515]


# Claim Content user ID Claim type
# Claim Content Claim Name Claim type
1 "sub" "5f8a9877-965c-4d25-bc86-45d1cfc1c324" Subject (User UUID) Registered
2 "entity_id" "a4994358-a475-4ee2-aefe-acefd622991c" User associated Entity_id. The Entity ID can be found in Verifone Central under Administration → Organisations. The 'Organisation ID' listed is the Entity ID. Private
3 "iss" " /root/realms/MerchantApp" Issuer Registered
4 "aud" "Verifone View" Audience - recipient for which the JWT is intended Registered
5 "iat" 1516239022 Issued At Time Registered
6 "exp" NumericDate value Expiration Time Registered
7 "nbf" 1568783970 (Not Before Time) - Time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing Registered
8 "roles" ["MERCHANT_REVIEWER", "MERCHANT_DEVELOPER"] User associated role(s) Private
9 "jti" TO6JCVdqS4hJB3_DzVurB3HOe9s (JWT ID) - Unique identifier; can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed Registered
10 "scope" Merchant Scope Scopes (limit the API category that can be accessed) Registered
11 "auditTrackingId" cbadf943-c28c-450b-bd53-ef11c2b7d80c-17881178 AM correlation to audit trail Private
12 "auth_level" 0 AM Authentication level Private
13 "tokenName" access_token Token description Private
14 "realm" "/MerchantApp" AM authentication realms Private


The result of the following computation:

JWT_Hash = SHA256(Header + Payload)
JWT_Signature = RS256(JWT_Hash, Private_key)


Using the JWT to authenticate in API calls

Once a access token has been obtained, this must be used in all API requests to any of the Verifone APIs.

This can be done by sending the access token as bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header.

   -H "Accept: application/json"
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"


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