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API setup

Last updated: 14-May-2024

Setting up Authentication with BasicAuth 

BasicAuth with Verifone requires a Username and Password. Both your Username (userID) and Password (API key), can be collected from Verifone Central  

Collecting your Verifone credentials (environment variables)  

  • Select an environment (Sandbox or Production) 

  • Make sure you set up the base of the URL (environment) to be configurable for when you are ready to proceed to production. 

  • Collect your Payment Provider Contract ID  

    • The Payment Provider Contract (PPC) represents the merchants contract with their acquiring partner, including key details such as the Merchant ID. 

  • Collect your 3D Secure Contract ID   

    • During the 3D Secure Authentication Process, this is used to contact the issuing and acquiring banks. 

  • Collect your secure card capture key and key alias  

    • Verifone uses PGP encryption for securely storing card details during transmission. Your public key uniquely encrypts the Card details for Verifone to decrypt later using a Private key (which only Verifone has). 

    • Your Key Alias is a reference to the public key. This is required in the payment step, as it identifies which public key was used at the time of encryption. 

Testing flow - Test cards for 3D Secure 

Verifone provides test cards for all 3D Secure test cases here

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