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Online payments


Last updated: 13-Mar-2024


A cancellation or void authorization puts a hold on a payment. If no amount is specified, then the full amount will be canceled. Cancellations can only be completed on transactions with the status SETTLEMENT_REQUESTED. Multiple cancellations cannot be completed on a single payment. Only a cancellation for the full transaction amount is allowed.

You can perform a cancellation through the API or the portal

Canceling a capture via the API

Send POST/transactions/{id}/void.

Request example:

"amount": "20.50",
"id": 1234,
"initiatorTraceId": "000001",
"referenceId": "200211654321",
"createdDateTime": "2019-02-24T05:19:12Z"

Note the parameters:

  • id (required) - Original transaction ID to void the authorization.
  • amount - The value, which can be anything from:
    • An integer. For currencies that are not typically fractional, such as JPY.
    • A three-place decimal fraction. For currencies that are subdivided into thousandths, such as TND.
    • An eight-place decimal fraction. For currencies such as Bitcoin. 
    • For the required number of decimal places for a currency code, see ISO 4217.

Response example:

"id": "76944d4b-89e6-48d2-ac04-675383c3eedf",
"status": "AUTHORIZED",
"createdAt": "2020-07-21T19:35:29Z",
"reversalStatus": "NONE",
"response": "SUCCESS",
"responseCode": "0000",
"responseMessage": "string",
"acquirerResponseCode": "stri",
"merchantId": "765231"

Canceling a capture via Verifone Central

  1. Log in to Verifone Central and go to the Transaction page.
  2. Select the Transaction ID from the drop-down menu and type the Transaction ID in the search bar.
  3. Click on the transaction and navigate to the Actions tab.
  4. Enter the amount you want to cancel and click Cancel.

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