Accepting 3D Secure payments
Card payments via the Checkout can also be used with 3D Secure authentications. 3D Secure 1 and 2 are supported, with automatic fallback in case the card is not enrolled for 3D Secure 2.
Customer requirements
To process 3D Secure authentications, it is required to add a customer to the Checkout creation call. Customer records can be created and managed via the Customer APIs. The table below details the required fields and their formats for creating a customer record to be compatible with 3D Secure.
R = Required,
O = Optional,
C = Conditional
Field name | Description | Status | Observation | Specification |
billing.address_1 | Customer's billing address information. | R | String (50) | |
billing.address_2 | Customer's billing address information. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) |
billing.address_3 | Customer's billing address information. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) | | Customer's city on their billing address. | R | String (50) | |
billing.country_code | Customer's alpha 2-digit ISO 3166 country code. (e.g., United States = US) | R | Customer's alpha 2-digit ISO 3166 country code. | String (2) |
billing.first_name | Customer's billing first name. | R | String (50) | |
billing.last_name | Customer's billing last name. | R | String (50) | | | Customer's phone number for billing address. This should be unformatted without hyphens. (e.g., 4422345678) | C | Required if information is available. This should be un formatted without hyphens. | String (20) |
billing.postal_code | Customer's postal code of their billing address. | C | String (10) | |
billing.state | Customer's state or province of their billing address. Should be the country subdivision code defined in ISO 3166-2. If this field is not provided, the 3DS service will try to automatically populate it, based on the billing.countryCode and billing.postalCode values. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) |
company_name | Company name. | C | If billing.firstName or billing.lastName are not provided. | String (100) |
company_registration_number | Unique identifier of the company, recognized by the government. Known as CoC (Chamber of Commerce) number in some countries. | O | String | |
date_of_birth | The date of birth of a person, 10 characters, ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | O | String (10) | |
email_address | Customer's email address. | R | String (255) | |
entity_id | The entityId obtained from Verifone Central. The Entity ID can be found in Verifone Central under Administration → Organisations. The 'Organisation ID' listed is the Entity ID. | R | String | |
phone_number | Cardholder's mobile phone number. | C | Number (25) | |
shipping.address_1 | Customer's shipping address information. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) |
shipping.address_2 | Customer's shipping address information. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) |
shipping.address_3 | Customer's shipping address information. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) | | Customer's city of their shipping address. | C | Required if information is available. | String (50) |
shipping.first_name | Customer's shipping first name. | O | ||
shipping.last_name | Customer's shipping first name. | O | ||
shipping.country_code | Customer's alpha 2-digit ISO 3166 country code. (e.g., United States = US) | C | Required if information is available. | String (2) |
shipping.postal_code | Customer's postal code of their shipping address. | C | Required if information is available. | String (10) |
shipping.state | Customer's state or province of their shipping address. (e.g., Ohio = OH, Texas = TX) Should be the country subdivision code defined in ISO 3166-2. If this field is not provided, the 3DS service will try to automatically populate it, based on the shipping.countryCode and shipping.postalCode values. | C | Required if information is available. | String (3) |
title | mr or ms | O | String | |
work_phone | Customer's work phone number. | C | Required if information is available. | Number (25) |
Here is an example request with the required fields for creating a customer for 3D Secure:
"entity_id": "entity_id",
"currency_code": "currency",
"amount": 1000,
"configurations": {
"card": {
"payment_contract_id": "ppc",
"threed_secure": {
"threeds_contract_id": "3ds",
"enabled": true
"customer_details": {
"entity_id": "entity_id",
"company_name": "Test company name",
{ "address_1": "123 Main Street", "city": "City", "country_code": "US" }
"email_address": ""
The response for creating the customer will look like this:
"code": 126,
{ "missing_parameters": [ "customer.billing.firstName", "customer.billing.lastName" ] }
"errors": [],
"message": "Missing parameters from required schema",
"stack": "",
"service": "CO",
"timestamp": 1731876046828,
"traceId": "c69b0bf5-56f8-490c-a07a-1106c0ebc411"
Required 3D Secure fields
To configure Checkout for accepting 3D Secure card payments, the following fields are required in addition to the fields required for a standard Card payment:
- configurations.card.threed_secure.threeds_contract_id - This ID can be found in the portal or given to you by a Verifone employee. This object stores the credentials for connecting to the 3D Secure service.
- configurations.card.threed_secure.enabled - Has to be set to true.
- configurations.card.threed_secure.transaction_mode
The complete list of 3D Secure and other optional fields can be found in the Create Checkout API.
Example request:
"amount": 9998,
"currency_code": "EUR",
"entity_id": "{{entity_id}}",
"customer": "{{customer_id}}",
"configurations": {
"card": {
"payment_contract_id": "{{payment_contract_id}}",
"threed_secure": {
"enabled": true,
"threeds_contract_id": "{{3ds_contract_id}}",
"total_items": "01",
"transaction_mode": "S"
"merchant_reference": "ORDER-1234",
"return_url": "{{merchant_return_url}}"
Handling responses
Upon completion of a 3DS checkout, a redirection occurs including an additional query parameter authentication_id which can be used to retrieve the 3DS complete details from the 3DS service.
See Handling card responses for all possible Checkout outcomes.