Manual renewal reminder
Last updated: 30-Jan-2025
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Use the variables in the list below to customize the Manual renewal reminder shopper email according to your needs. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.
Variable name | Description | Test value | Mandatory |
ADDITIONAL_PRODUCT_INFO | Additional product-level fulfillment information set in the Avangate Control Panel | 0 | No |
ALLOW_MYACCOUNT_PROMO | Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body | 0 | No |
AUTO_RENEWAL | Indicates whether or not the shopper has enabled automatic renewal on the subscription | 1 | No |
AUTO_RENEWAL_DAYS_LEFT | Indicates the number of days left until date of first attempt for automatic renewal | 0 | No |
AVANGATE_COMPANY_NAME | Avangate company name | Avangate | No |
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_EMAIL | Avangate support email address | | No |
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE | Avangate support phone | 0 | No |
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE_US | Avangate US hotline number | 0 | No |
AVANGATE_WEBSITE | Avangate website | | Yes |
BASE_URL | Merchant's full host | 0 | No |
BUSINESS_COMPANY | Avangate company name | Avangate | No |
BUSINESS_HOTLINE | Avangate support phone | 0 | No |
BUSINESS_HOTLINEUS | Avangate US hotline number | 0 | No |
BUSINESS_SUPEMAIL | Avangate support email address | | No |
BUY_NOW_LINK | Short version of renewal buy link (prefilled with shopper information) | | No |
BUY_NOW_LINK_RAW | Renewal link prefilled with shopper information (long version) | 0 | No |
CANCEL_RENEWAL_LINK | Shopper unsubscribe link | 0 | No |
CARD_EXPIRED | Indicates whether the payment card associated to the subscription will expire during the current billing cycle | 0 | No |
COMMERCIALNAME | Merchant's commercial name | Software Company Name | No |
COUNTRY | Shopper's country used on the billing information | USA | No |
COUPON_DISCOUNT | Indicates the value of the discount (either the percentage or the fixed amount) | 40 | No |
COUPON_DISCOUNT_CURRENCY | Indicates the 3-letter code for the currency in which the discount was set | 0 | No |
COUPON_DISCOUNT_TYPE | Indicates whether the discount is PERCENT or FIXED | PERCENT | No |
CURRENCY | Order billing currency | USD | No |
DISPLAY_MY_ACCOUNT_INFO | Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body | 1 | No |
Shopper email address used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. the billing information is used. | | No | |
ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_CODE | Encrypted merchant code | 0 | No |
EXPIRATIONDATE | Subscription expiration date | 42292 | No |
EXPIRED | Indicates whether the subscription is active or past due/expired. Possible values: TRUE (for active subscriptions). | 0 | No |
EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE | Unique customer identifier assigned to each customer by a vendor's system. This identifier allows the vendor support team to quickly retrieve customer details, transaction history, and account information. | Alphanumeric string | No |
FIRSTNAME | Shopper's first name used on the billing information | John | No |
FIRST_NAME_BILLING | Shopper's first name used on the billing information | John | No |
HOTLINE_NUMBERS | Array of attributes for Avangate hotline numbers | 0 | No |
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineName | Countries where Avangate support information is available. | 0 | No |
IS_IMPORTED_SUBSCRIPTION | Indicates whether the subscription has been imported into Avangate system. | 0 | No |
IS_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED | Indicates whether the subscription is active or not. | 0 | No |
IS_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED_OR_PASTDUE | Indicates whether the subscription is active or past due/expired. Possible values: TRUE (for active subscriptions), FALSE (for past due/expired subscriptions). | 0 | No |
LASTNAME | Shopper's last name used on the billing information | Doe | No |
LAST_NAME_BILLING | Shopper's last name used on the billing information | Doe | No |
LICENCECODE | Subscription reference number | 0 | No |
MERCHANT_COMMERCIAL_NAME | Merchant's commercial name | Some company | No |
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_EMAIL | Merchant support email address | | No |
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_PHONE | Merchant support phone number | 788112233 | No |
MOREINFO | Additional product-level fulfillment information set in the Avangate Control Panel | 0 | No |
MYACCOUNT_URL | URL for myAccount. To the BASE_URL we add /myaccount/ | | No |
MYACCOUNT_URL_UPDATE_CC | URL for updating credit card information in myAccount | 0 | No |
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_EMAIL | Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount | | No |
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_URL | Avangate myAccount login/sign-up URL | | Yes |
MY_ACCOUNT_URL | URL for myAccount. To the BASE_URL we add /myaccount/ | | No |
MY_ACCOUNT_URL_UPDATE_CC | URL for updating credit card information in myAccount | 0 | No |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION | Number of days left until subscription expiration | 5 | No |
OLD_PRODUCT_ADDITIONAL_INFO | Additional fulfillment information set in the Avangate Control Panel on a product level | 0 | No |
OLD_PRODUCT_NAME | Name of the old product (that will be renewed to a different version as per settings in your Control Panel). | Old product name | No |
OLD_PRODUCT_GROUP_CODE | The Product Group Code of the product currently on the subscription. | No | |
The Product Group Name of the product currently on the subscription.
No | |
ORDER_DATE | Order placement date | 40544 | No |
ORDER_DATE_STANDARD_FORMAT | Standard format used for the order placement date | 42292 | No |
ORDER_NUMBER | Indicates the reference number of the initial order that generated the subscription. | [9xxxxx] | No |
ORDER_STATUS | Order status | 0 | No |
ORIGINAL_ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER | Indicates the reference number of the initial order that generated the licence | [9xxxxx] | No |
PRODUCTID | Product ID number | 0 | No |
PRODUCT_EXTRA | 0 | 0 | No |
PRODUCT_NAME | The name of the renewal product | Software Product Name | No |
PRODUCT_NAME_OLD | Name of the old product (that will be renewed to a different version as per settings in your Control Panel). | Software Product Name Old | No |
RENEWAL_BUY_NOW_LINK | Short version of renewal buy link (prefilled with shopper information). | | Yes |
RENEWAL_COUPON | Shows the coupon code of the discount (if the product has a renewal promotion assigned). | 1 | No |
RENEWAL_INTERVAL | Indicates the length of a billing cycle in number of days/months (as defined for the renewed product). | 6 | No |
RENEWAL_INTERVAL_METRIC | Indicates whether the renewal interval is defined in months or days. | 0 | No |
RENEWAL_PRICE | The next renewal price of the renewal product. | 29.95 | No |
RENEWAL_PRODUCT_NAME | The name of the renewal product. | Product name | Yes |
RENEWAL_PRODUCT_RENEWAL_PRICE | The next renewal price of the renewal product. | 19.95 | Yes |
RENEWAL_PRODUCT_RENEWAL_PRICE_OLD | The catalog next renewal price (before discount). | 30.99 | No |
RENEWAL_PRODUCT_GROUP_CODE | The Product Group Code of the product that the subscription will be renewing. | No | |
RENEWAL_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME | The Product Group Name of the product that the subscription will be renewing. | No | |
RENEWAL_PROMOTION_DATA | Information related to the renewal promotion assigned to the product | 0 | No |
RENEWAL_PROMOTION_DATA.Currency | Currency of the renewal promotion | USD | No |
RENEWAL_PROMOTION_DATA.Discount | Discount value applied to renewals | 30 | No |
RENEWAL_PROMOTION_DATA.DiscountType | Type of renewal discount (percentage or fixed) | PERCENT | No |
RETRYLINK | Payment retry link | 0 | No |
RETRY_LINK | Payment retry link | 0 | No |
SHOPPER_COMPANY_BILLING | Shopper's company name used on the billing information. | User company | No |
SHOPPER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BILLING | Shopper's email address used on the billing information. | | No |
STARTDATE | Indicates the date when the subscription was purchased. | 40544 | No |
SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_RENEWAL | Indicates whether or not the shopper has enabled automatic renewal on the subscription | 1 | No |
SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRATION_DATE | Indicates the date when the subscription expires | 42292 | No |
SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DATE | Indicates the date when the subscription was purchased | 40544 | No |
SUBSCRIPTION_REFERENCE_NUMBER | Subscription reference number | 0 | No |
TECHEMAIL | Merchant support email address | | No |
TECHPHONE | Merchant support phone number | 888-xxx-xxxx | No |
UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK | Shopper unsubscribe link | 0 | No |
UPLOADLINK | File upload link | 0 | No |
UPLOAD_LINK | File upload link | 0 | No |
USER_EMAIL | Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount | 0 | No |
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