Subscription search
2Checkout has upgraded the Subscription search (formerly Customers (License Management)) area of the Control Panel introducing major changes to support more granularity and control over the data returned, increasing efficiency, and providing you with better insight into the evolution of subscriptions associated with the products you're selling.
Subscription search returns results in real-time, enabling you to closely monitor order evolution.
Basic filters
- Product filter. Select specific products, or get information on all your offerings.
- Subscription status:
- Active: all subscriptions in use neither expired nor canceled; The date when the subscription status is calculated/requested precedes the expiration date.
- Pending activation: The subscription start date begins at a future date.
- Expired: subscriptions past their renewal date and that were not prolonged by customers, but that are not canceled; The date when the subscription status is calculated/requested comes after the expiration and the grace period deadlines. Customers can no longer make any changes to the subscription. The expiration date of a recurring subscription is calculated based on a 'last day of the month' principle. Let's say for instance that a monthly recurring subscription is starting on January 31st. In February, this subscription will expire on February 28th (or 29th for leap years). In March, the subscription will expire on 31st again.
- Past due: subscriptions that were not renewed ahead of the expiration deadline for which a grace period was configured. Past due subscriptions still can be renewed at any time by customers while still in the grace period.
- Canceled: the subscription has been deactivated through the Merchant Control Panel, API, or an operation such as refund or upgrade, thus canceling any future renewals, manual or automatic, and the possibility of upgrading. Customers can no longer make any changes to the subscription.
- Paused: all automatic charges are suspended for a predefined time period. When subscribers request to pause a subscription, this remains active until the end of the current billing cycle, at which point the subscription will move into a paused status.
- Expiration date. You can search for subscriptions that either expired, are going to expire in the day you run the search or in the future.
- Anytime: select to have the report display all subscriptions including lifetime/evergreen items.
- Never: select to have the report display only lifetime subscriptions.
- Subscription type. This filter allows you to select all subscriptions, the trials offered to customers, subscriptions that resulted from the successful conversion of trials, or all of the above.
- Subscription channel. The subscription channel is designed to let you filter only eStore subscriptions or those sold through your partners or affiliates (if any).
- Subscription renewal.
- Auto-recurring: subscriptions for which the auto-renewal process is enabled. Note: subscriptions with the manual renewal option enabled that were switched to auto-renewal will be displayed when the Auto- recurring filter is checked.
- Manual payment: subscriptions which customers can renew manually. Note: subscriptions for which the auto-renewal process was switched off and transformed to manual renewal will be displayed when the Manual payment filter is checked.
- Non-recurring: evergreen subscription which lacks an expiration date, as well as non-evergreen items for which customers made a one-time payment.
Advanced filters
You can further narrow down the results returned using filters such as:
- Geographic regions
- Countries. Select the location of the customer that purchased the subscription. When all countries are selected the search results returned will not include subscriptions sold to partners for which customer registration is lacking.
- Partner
- Customer registration
- Purchase date. Enables you to filter results according to the date when the subscription was generated by the 2Checkout system.
- Renewal date. Returns all subscriptions that were renewed during the time interval selected for the filter.
- Upgrade date. Return all subscriptions that were upgraded during the time interval selected for the filter.
- Customer/partner notification date. Filters subscriptions for which notifications were sent during the time interval selected.
Maximum number of results
The subscription search displays a maximum of 1,000 results.
When exporting, a maximum of 100,000 items can be included in a single CSV (comma separated values) file. If you'd like more results beyond the first 100,000 to be exported, simply modify date settings to export results in batches of 100,000.
Time zone support
Customer search supports time zone selection, enabling you to choose either the default 2Checkout time zone (GMT + 02:00) or a custom time zone that you control via Account settings/Edit system settings.
The timezone selected in the Subscription search area controls the timestamps in which data on specific subscription details pages is reported.
The 2Checkout system calculates the status of subscriptions dynamically based on their expiration date, grace period deadline, and the date when the subscription information is requested (when info is displayed in the Control Panel or when a relevant API method is invoked). Only Canceled subscriptions are marked as disabled in the 2Checkout system