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Renewals and expirations

Renewals and expirations

Last updated: 01-Mar-2024
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The Renewals and Expirations report shows info about the number of license renewals compared to the number of license expirations for the past 12 months, with a month-by-month view. 

You can access this report from your Merchant Control Panel by navigating to Dashboard -> Reports center -> Main reports -> Executive reports -> Renewals and expirations. 

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The Renewals and Expirations report is available for 2Subscribe and 2Monetize accounts. 

Renewals and Expirations Report Settings 

  • Aggregate report for all accounts: if enabled, it generates the report for all your accounts, otherwise the report will be generated for the current account only. 
  • Renewals reported according to their initial purchase date: if selected, it will generate the number of renewals and expirations of subscriptions grouped by their initial purchased date. 
  • Renewals reported according to their expiration date (Churn rate is calculated): if selected, the report will contain the renewals and expirations grouped by the expiration date. 
  • Products: by default, all products are selected. Use this filter if you wish to generate this report for one or more products. 

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Report results

Renewals reported according to their initial purchase date

This report is an overview of the renewals reported according to their initial purchase date and it displays the number of subscriptions expired and renewed in the same month.

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Column name



Initial purchase date

Expirations (E = AE + ME)

Number of expired subscriptions per month. Note: if a subscription expired, then it was extended, and expired again, this will be counted twice.

Auto expirations (AE)

Number of expired subscriptions that had auto-renewal enabled.

Manual expirations (ME)

Number of expired subscriptions that had auto-renewal disabled (which can be renewed manually).


Recurring (R = AR + MP)

Number of successful payments from auto-renewals and manual renewals.

Auto-recurring (AR)

Number of subscriptions that had auto-renewal enabled and were successfully renewed. This includes new acquisitions that came from sales marked as recurring.


Manual payments (MP)

Number of subscriptions that were renewed manually in the past year displayed on a monthly basis.

Refunded (RR)

Number of subscriptions that match either “Auto-recurring” or “Manual payments” that had a refund or a chargeback.

Recurring rate (% R/E)

Successful renewals compared to the total number of expirations (%Renewals/Expirations)

   A subscription can be counted in more than 1 column. For example, if a subscription expired, then it was renewed in the same day and 2 hours later it was refunded, will be counted in all 3 columns (“Auto Expirations”, “Auto Recurring”, “Refunded”).

Renewals reported according to their expiration date

This will generate an overview of the renewals reported according to their expiration date. Renewed subscriptions will be attributed to the same month when they were set to expire.

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Column name



Expiration date

Expirations (E = AE + ME)

Number of expired subscriptions per month. Note: if a subscription expired, then it was extended, and expired again, this will be counted twice.

Auto expirations (AE)

Number of expired subscriptions that had auto-renewal enabled.

Manual expirations (ME)

Number of expired subscriptions that had auto-renewal disabled (which can be renewed manually).

Recurring (R = AR + MP)

Number of successful payments from auto-renewals and manual renewals.

Auto recurring (AR)

Number of subscriptions that had auto-renewal enabled and were successfully renewed. This includes new acquisitions that came from sales marked as recurring.

Manual payments (MP)

Number of subscriptions that were renewed manually in the past year displayed on a monthly basis.

Refunded (RR)

Number of subscriptions that match either “Auto-recurring” or “Manual payments” that had a refund or a chargeback.

Cancellations (C = E - R + Refunded Renewals)

Number of subscriptions that were either cancelled or not renewed.

Recurring rate (% R/E)

Successful renewals compared to the total number of expirations (%Renewals/Expirations)

Churn rate % (1 - R/E)

Number of subscriptions that renewed compared to the number of subscriptions that expired in the same month. This will help determine the churn rate for subscriptions with a monthly billing cycle, as the report is displayed on a monthly baisis.

   A subscription can be counted in more than 1 column. For example, if a subscription expired, then it was renewed in the same day and 2 hours later it was refunded, will be counted in all 3 columns (“Auto Expirations”, “Auto Recurring”, “Refunded”).


Q: Does the report count subscriptions coming from Trial conversions? 
A: Yes.

Q: Does the report count twice subscriptions coming from upgrades where the upgrade generated a new subscription? 
A: Yes.

Q: Does the report count imported subscriptions? 
A: Yes.

Q: Does the report count test subscriptions? 
A: No.

Q: Does the report count lifetime subscriptions?

A: No.

Q: Does the report count dynamic product subscriptions if no product filter is applied? 
A: Yes.

Q: Does the report count both eCommerce and channel partner subscriptions? 
A: Yes.

Q: Are subscriptions included regardless of the payment method? 
A: Yes.

Q: If the subscription billing cycle has an expiration date in November 2019 and gets renewed in December 2019, is it counted against November or December? 
A: Both. It will be counted in the “Auto Expiration” or “Manual Expiration” column in November 2019, and it will be also counted in “Auto Recurring” or “Manual Payments” in December 2019.

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