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Partner discounts

Last updated: 01-Mar-2024
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You can change a number of parameters impacting specific orders incentivizing your partners. 

Partners can request the revision of discount and margin values through comments. But you can also take it upon yourself to also change the data when placing orders on behalf of your partners. 

Opportunity registration

The edit order functionality offers Opportunity Registration capabilities, enabling partners to place orders that function as opportunity registration equivalents. Partners can indicate that they're in fact registering an opportunity while placing an order by leveraging the comments field to ensure you are aware of the support they require and financial consideration needed. You can easily view such partner requests, and update order details to accommodate demands. 

  1. To edit the discount details of a partner order you need to select Order search in the left hand side pane of the Control Panel, Click on Partner orders and filter existing items to show only those with the Pending approval status. You can always also just search for a partner order, if you have specific details on hand.
  2. Once you identified the order you'd like to refresh, click View and then Edit Order.
  3. Take advantage of this feature to modify details such as the DiscountExtra margin, and Total Price, offering your partners better deals than available by default. Altering any of the values mentioned above will automatically cause the others to adapt and reflect the change introduced.

Use cases

  1. In case the partner invoice was not issued, you can go ahead and alter the discount values as you see fit. When the partner is generated, it will contain only the final, updated details of the order. Partner invoices are issued on-demand either by you, when the Partner invoices settings are configured to generate partner invoices manually for one or more orders at once, or by your partners when the Allow this partner to generate partner invoices option is enabled, but only if you defined a Credit limit in both cases. You also have the option of automating the issuing of partner invoices, generating them automatically on a specific day of the month.
  2. In case the partner invoice was already issued but not paid, you will need to cancel the existing partner ahead of anything else, and subsequently to delete it if it has become irrelevant. Only then will you be able to make the necessary changes to the order. Once all modifications are in place, the partner can be reissued. Partner invoices are issued in tandem with orders for those partner accounts with Partner invoice settings configured to generate them automatically for each order. Partner accounts for which you set no Credit limit will create partner invoices automatically with each order, regardless of the Partner invoice settings for that specific partner. 


  • In the eventuality in which an issued partner was already paid, the Edit Order feature is no longer available. You should consider refunding your partner the amount that would have been provided through an increased discount. Partners will receive email notifications of the changes you operate to orders, with messages being issued for each edit. At the same time, the Partner Control Panel will reflect the update in the Order Comments area. 
  • Options such as quantity and the products in a specific order cannot be changed using the Edit Discounts feature.
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