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Payment confirmation

Payment confirmation

Last updated: 07-Jul-2023
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Use the variables in the list below to customize the Payment confirmation shopper email according to your needs. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.

Variable name Description Test value Mandatory
ADDRESS1 First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
ADDRESS1_D First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
ADDRESS2 Second section of the delivery address 0 No
ADDRESS2_D Second section of the delivery address 0 No
ALLOW_MYACCOUNT_PROMO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 0 No
AVANGATE_COMPANY_NAME Avangate company name Avangate No
AVANGATE_LOGO Avangate logo URL Yes
AVANGATE_ON_BANK_STATEMENT_GENERIC This is mandatory content you need to keep in your emails, given Avangate acts as Reseller / Merchant of Record for online purchases on your website. The charge on your bank statement will appear as Avangate. Yes
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_EMAIL Avangate support email address No
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE Avangate support phone 0 No
AVANGATE_SUPPORT_PHONE_US Avangate US hotline number 0 No
AVANGATE_WEBSITE Avangate website No
BANK_STATEMENT_DESCRIPTOR Account statement descriptor 0 No
BASE_URL Merchant's full host No
BOLETO_SLIP_URL URL pointing to Boleto slip 0 No
BUSINESS_COMPANY Avangate company name Avangate No
BUSINESS_HOTLINE Avangate support phone 0 No
BUSINESS_HOTLINEUS Avangate US hotline number 0 No
BUSINESS_SUPEMAIL Avangate support email address No
BUSINESS_WEBSITE Avangate website 0 No
CARD_LAST_DIGITS Last 4 digits of the card used to perform the payment 0 No
CBANKACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
CBANKNAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
CITY Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
CITY_D Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown No
COMMERCIALNAME Merchant's commercial name [Software Company Name] No
COMPANY Shopper's company name used on the billing information [Customer company] No
COMPANY_D Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. no company name is displayed. [Customer company] No
COUNTRY Shopper's country used on the billing information [U.S.A] No
COUNTRY_D Shopper's country used on the delivery information [U.S.A] No
CURRENCY Order billing currency USD Yes
CURRENCY_ORIGINAL Original order currency (applicable to refunds) 0 No
CUSTOMEREMAIL Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
DELIVERABILITY Order delivery status partial No
DELIVRABILITY The delivery status of the loaded order 0 No
DISPLAY_MY_ACCOUNT_INFO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 1 No
ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_CODE Encrypted merchant code 0 No
FIRSTNAME Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FIRSTNAME_D Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FIRST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's first name used on the billing information [John Yes
FIRST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's first name used on the delivery information [John No
FISCALCODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No
FISCAL_CODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No

See the full list of Possible Values
GATEWAY_ERROR_MESSAGE Reason why the transaction failed. (e.g. Invalid card, insufficient funds) Error processing the card transaction. The card account has not been debited. Card data is invalid or incomplete. No
GENERALTOTAL Total order price 135.2 No
GLOBALDISCOUNT Order total discount 8.33 No
HAS_BACKUPCD Order has CD delivery 1 No
HAS_RENEWAL_PRODUCTS Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS Array of attributes for Avangate hotline numbers 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineName Countries where Avangate support information is available. 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineValue Avangate phone number(s) for shopper support 0 No
IS_RENEWAL Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
LANGUAGE Order language (abbreviated) selected by shopper 0 No
LASTNAME Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
LASTNAME_D Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
LAST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's last name used on the billing information Doe] Yes
LAST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe] No
MERCHANT_COMMERCIAL_NAME Merchant's commercial name [Software Company Name] No
MERCHANT_COMPANY_NAME Merchant's company name 0 No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_EMAIL Merchant support email address No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_PHONE Merchant support phone number 555-555-554 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_TOKEN Token assigned to the shopper in order to access myAccount 0 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_URL Avangate myAccount login/sign-up URL Yes
NAMES_OF_PRODUCTS Names of all products in the order, comma separated 0 No
ORDERDATE Order placement date [2011-01-01] No
ORDER_AMOUNT Total order price 135.2 Yes
ORDER_AMOUNT_ORIGINAL Original order value (applicable to refunds) 0 No
ORDER_DATE Order placement date [2011-01-01] Yes
ORDER_DATE_STANDARD_FORMAT Standard format used for the order placement date 0 No
ORDER_FLOW Purchase flow used to place the order 0 No
ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER Order reference number [9xxxxxx] Yes
ORDER_STATUS Order status 0 No
ORDER_WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order Yes
PAYABLE_TO Payee name (applicable to wire transfer) 0 No
PAYMENT_METHOD English name for the payment method used [Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard] Yes
PAYMENT_TYPE_INFO English payment method name. Includes last four card digits (if applicable). 0 No
PAYTYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PAYTYPESTR English name for the payment method used [Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard] No
PAY_TYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PHONE Shopper's phone number used on the billing information 0 No
PHONE_D Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information [555-555-555] No
PRODUCTS Products data. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].DISCOUNT Product discount value per product line 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].ID Product ID number 1001 No
PRODUCTS[index1].INFO Additional product information defined by merchant when generating buy links Product info 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].IS_TRIAL Indicates whether this is a trial product 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].LICENSE_TYPE Type of purchased subscription TRIAL No
PRODUCTS[index1].NAME Product name Test product name 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PCODE Product code. [P_CODE_1] No
PRODUCTS[index1].PID Product ID number 1001 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PNAME Product name [Test product name 1] No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRICE Product unit price 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS Product pricing options configured in the Avangate Control Panel 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS[index2].OptionText Ignore internal var. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PROMONAME Name of the promotion applied to the product 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].QUANTITY Purchased product quantity 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL Total gross price per product line (before applying discounts) 120 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL_PRICE Total net price per product line (before applying discounts) 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TRIAL_PERIOD Product trial period. 7 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TRIAL_PRODUCT Indicates whether this is a trial product 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].UNIT_PRICE Product unit price 100 No
PRODUCTS[index1].VAT VAT/Sales tax value per product line 20 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].IdProduct Product ID number 0 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].PRODUCT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS_NO Number of products in cart 0 No
REFNO Order reference number [9xxxxxx] No
REGISTRATIONNUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
RETRYLINK Payment retry link 0 No
RETRY_LINK Payment retry link 0 No
SELLERCOMPANY Merchant's company name 0 No
SHIPPING Shipping fee amount 0 No
SHIPPING_FEE Shipping fee amount 0 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_BILLING First section of the billing address [123, Main Street] No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_DELIVERY First section of the delivery address [123, Main Street] No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_BILLING Second section of the billing address 0 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_DELIVERY Second section of the delivery address 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_ACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_NAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_CITY_BILLING Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
SHOPPER_CITY_DELIVERY Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_BILLING Shopper's company name used on the billing information [Customer company] No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_DELIVERY Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. no company name is displayed. [Customer company] No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_BILLING Shopper's country used on the billing information [U.S.A] No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_DELIVERY Shopper's country used on the delivery information [U.S.A] No
SHOPPER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BILLING Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
SHOPPER_PHONE_DELIVERY Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information [555-555-555] No
SHOPPER_STATE_BILLING Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate] No
SHOPPER_STATE_DELIVERY Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate] No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_BILLING Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information [12345 No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_DELIVERY Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information [12345 No
STATE Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate] No
STATE_D Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate] No
SUBTOTAL The order amount without vat and shipping 112.67 No
SUPPORTEMAIL Merchant support email address 0 No
SUPPORTPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TECHPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TOTALEQUIV The order amount converted to all the merchant's currencies 0 No
TOTAL_DISCOUNT Total order discount 8.33 No
TOTAL_VAT Total order VAT 22.53 No
UPLOADLINK File upload link 0 No
UPLOAD_LINK File upload link 0 No
USER_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount 0 No
USER_TOKEN Shopper token for Avangate myAccount access 0 No
WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order No
ZIPCODE Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information [12345 No
ZIPCODE_D Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information [12345 No
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