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Match Backup Media quantity to number of product units

Match Backup Media quantity to number of product units

Last updated: 05-Jul-2024
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   As of May 2024, 2Checkout no longer supports providing backup CD, DVD or USB drive delivery. Please ensure such products are disabled from your product catalogue.

Match Backup Media quantity to number of units added to the shopping cart, for those products for  which you configured a static disc.


Backup Media capabilities are required to take advantage of this feature. Contact 2Checkout directly to request that Backup Media be activated for your account and to set up CDs/DVDs for your products.


Multiple Backup Media units in the same shopping cart are supported only for products with CDs/DVDs created as a static disc, ISO image.

How to configure Backup Media and product quantity matching

  1. Navigate to Fulfillment under Setup and select the Backup Media tab.
  2. Click on the name of the Backup Media item to edit its settings.
  3. In the General area at the top of the page, check the Quantity matching option: Deliver individual CDs/DVDs for each corresponding product unit added to cart. By selecting this option, the quantity of backup media units purchased by shoppers will equal the number of corresponding products added to cart.
  4. Check the Quantity matching option: Deliver individual CDs/DVDs for each corresponding product unit added to cart for every Backup CD/DVD individually, as this setting does not apply globally.


2Checkout service fees and taxes apply to all Backup CDs/DVDs units sold to customers.

Scenarios covered


Scenario 1: You're selling Product A for which you configured a static ISO as the Backup Media and are allowing quantity matching.
Products Product Quantity Backup Media Backup Media units
Product A 2 Backup Product A 2


Scenario 2: You're selling Product A and Product B for which you configured standalone static ISO as Backup Media and are allowing quantity matching for both.
Products Product Quantity Backup Media Backup Media units
Product A 2 Backup Product A 2
Product B 3 Backup Product B 3


Scenario 3: You're selling Product A and Product B. You configured a standalone static ISO as Backup Media and are allowing quantity matching for Product A. Product B comes with dynamic Backup Media, or without quantity matching.
Products Product Quantity Backup Media Backup Media units
Product A 2 Backup Product A 2
Product B 3 Backup Product B 1


Scenario 3: You're selling Product A and Product B. You configured a standalone static ISO as Backup Media for both Product A and Product B and are allowing quantity matching.
Products Product Quantity Backup Media Backup Media units
Product A 2 Backup Product A and Product B 5
Product B 3


Can customers modify the number of Backup Media units added to cart?

No. The number of Backup Media units added to cart matches the quantity of the products customers are purchasing, provided that you configured static discs.

Can the multiple Backup CDs / DVDs purchased by a customer together with products as a part of the same order be customized individually?

No. 2Checkout recommends only basic customization of the Backup Media discs, excluding product names, activation keys/codes and client's name.

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