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Volume Discounts for Backup Media

Volume Discounts for Backup Media

Last updated: 05-Jul-2024
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   As of May 2024, 2Checkout no longer supports providing backup CD, DVD or USB drive delivery. Please ensure such products are disabled from your product catalogue.

Offer volume discounts to shoppers purchasing large quantities of products and associated backup media. This feature works in tandem with the functionality enabling you to offer Multiple Backup Media units in the same shopping cart for products with CDs/DVDs/USB drives created as a static discs (ISO image). 


All 2Checkout vendors currently offering backup CDs/DVDs/USBs to their shoppers.


Backup media volume discounts work in conjunction with static (ISO images) CDs, DVDs and USB drives.

Use cases

Let's assume that you're offering Backup DVD A for Product A and Backup DVD B for Product B.

Product A is sold at $99.99 without volume discounts. However, you can still set up volume discounts for Backup DVD A.

Backup DVD A Quantity interval Discounted price per unit
1-20 $25
21-50 $20
51-100 $15
101-maximum $10

A customer buying 120 units of Product A will be charged $11,998.8, plus $1,200 for 120 Backup DVD A copies, instead of the full $3,000 at $25/unit.

Product B and Backup DVD B both have volume discounts defined.

Product B Quantity interval Discounted price per unit
1-30 $199.99
31-70 $159.99
71-100 $129.99
101-maximum $99.99


Backup DVD B Quantity interval Discounted price per unit
1-30 $25
31-70 $20
71-100 $15
101-maximum $10

In this case, a customer buying 101 copies of Product B will pay $10,098.99 plus $1010 for the 101 Backup DVD B units.

Set up backup media volume discounts

  1. Navigate to Fulfillment, under Setup.
  2. Select the Backup Media tab.
  3. Click the Product Name link to configure volume discounts each backup CD/DVD/USB drive.
  4. Start defining pricing intervals and the associated discounted prices in the Backup media volume discounts area. To add another interval,  make sure that the previously saved interval is not up to maximum (maximum number of units = 99999). The 2Checkout system automatically enters the last interval of the backup media volume discount configuration from the top quantity defined to maximum, while also copying the discounted price.
  5. Localize volume discounts. You can configure volume discounts for each currency active for your account. It's mandatory that you set the price for the default currency. Shoppers pay the costs configured for the default currency converted into currencies with no volume discount defined.
  6. Click Save to have the backup media volume discount come into effect. Click Restore to default to scrap any custom backup media volume discounts you introduced (any configured pricing options will be lost).

Aggregate backup media volume discounts

Offer discounted prices for bulk quantities of backup CDs/DVDs/USB drives with matching volume pricing configurations in scenarios in which shoppers add multiple products to the same cart. Essentially, provided that they share the same configuration, 2Checkout sums up the quantities of backup CDs/DVDs/USB drives shoppers add to cart, increasing the value of the incentive.

Enable/Disable aggregation of backup media volume discounts

To enable or disable aggregation of backup media volume discounts, make your way to Ordering options under Setup and check or uncheck the Aggregate backup media volume discounts option. Then scroll down and click the Save modifications button.


The volume discount pricing configurations of backup media items configured for different products must match for aggregation of the number of backup CDs/DVDs/USB drives to take place.

For this example, let's consider Backup DVD A for Product A and Backup DVD B for Product B as mentioned above, and Product C and Backup DVD C.

Product C Quantity interval Discounted price per unit
1-30 $60
31-70 $50
71-100 $40
101-maximum $30


Backup DVD C Quantity interval Discounted price per unit
1-30 $25
31-70 $20
71-100 $15
101-maximum $10

As you can see, the quantity intervals and the prices of Backup DVD B and Backup DVD C match.

Let's assume that a customer places the following order:

Product A quantity Backup DVD A quantity Product B quantity Backup DVD B quantity Product C quantity Backup DVD C quantity
101 101 55 55 60 60
Total costs
$10,098.99 $1,010 $8,799.45 See below $3,000 See below
Backup media volume discount pricing configurations forBackup DVD B and Backup DVD do not match that of Backup DVD A in terms of intervals defined, so the number of Backup DVD A copies is not aggregated with that of Backup DVD B and Backup DVD.

Since backup media volume discount pricing configurations for Backup DVD B and Backup DVD C match, the 2Checkout system will add their respective quantities, and calculate the price for the total number of units, namely $115 * 10 = $1,150.

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